war drums

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"you've gotten wayyy better at this " azumi commented,

I grinned and aimed my arrow at the target "I have a good teacher "

"an excellent one I must say " he said grinning cheekily. Apart from the mandatory training, azumi had taken it upon himself to train with me at his free time.

"not bad Kiki, for a girl I mean " his friend zulon commented, "call me kiki one more time and this arrow will go through your mouth" I said, aiming my arrow at the poor target board that didn't deserve it half as much as the idiot my brother chooses to call friend.

My brother roared with laughter, I looked up in time to see the scowl aimed at me by his retreating friend,

"you need to stop hanging out with that meathead azumi" I said to him while packing up my gear.

" he's harmless kiki " he said and proceeded to laugh again, I shook my head and walked away, but not before making him fall on his face.

"kiara!" he yelled as I bounced away smiling.

"she's aiming too low " Tera said as we watched two girls from our training group spar.

"it's almost predictable "she continued, "no it's her eyes, she looks at where she intends to strike before she does, her opponent figured that out already, that's how she's able to block her before she can get a hit in"

I replied with my eyes trained on the girl who had now been disarmed with her back on the floor. Tera made a sound of agreement.

" kiara you're up " master ana called, I stood up and bowed.

" kiara " Lia greeted,

"lia" I answered, we both got into sparring positions,

"now remember girls, the most important lesson "

master ana started

"the sword is an extension of the arm" Lia and I said in unison,

"excellent, now.. "

"dung" the sound cut through the air, silencing everyone ,

"dung" I was frozen, recognition settled on everyone's face,

No, no,

"war drums " someone whispered,


My feet moved on their own and I ran,

distantly I heard Tera calling out to me but my head was in one place




azumi, the war drums signified that warriors had to be sent out to the war front once more, things had been so quiet lately that I almost forgot the possibility, azumi was old enough now, he would have to go.

"No no no" the fact settled in my chest like ice as I ran into our house and saw the shocked but sure expression on my brothers face,

he gave me a weak smile, almost like he was saying everything was going to be fine, but things were far from fine. Azumi was to leave for war.

"I'm coming with you " I said while azumi packed, the ship that would take them was to leave tomorrow and I couldn't get the feeling of dread out of my chest,

he smiled at me

"you're not old enough too kiara, and besides I wouldn't want you there, you're safer in zethna"

"I don't care azumi, I'll talk to the elders, I'll.. "

"no kiara, listen to me " he sighed and sat down, he looked so much older now, I knew he was stressed out by this just as much as I was and was trying not to show it for my sake.

"I need to know you're safe kia, it'll be easier for me to come back in one piece that way " he joked, atleast he tried too, I frowned at him.

"azumi.. We lost our parents this way, I don't want to loose you too " I said trying to hold back tears, the day we lost our parents, I had cried so hard till I physically couldn't anymore, azumi had to be the strong one, he has always had to be the strong one, ever since then, I promised myself I wouldn't cry, atleast not in his presence.

He brought me into an embrace

"what did I tell you all those years ago" he asked

"that you'll protect me "I said

"with my life " he replied. "I'll make it back kia, I'm azumi remember?warrior extraordinaire " he said with that shit eating grin on his face which also made me smile

"just trust me kia, I'll always make it back ".

"today once again we send out our own " the booming voice of master marak could be heard round the town square, I stood with Tera in the crowd, watching my brother and the other warriors who were to leave for war, the air was somber, it wasn't the first time the city would send warriors out to war, after all everyone present here is familiar with the feeling of loss, and the thought that not everyone would make it back, added to the chill in the air..

"these brave men and women will go out of the city once again, some for the first time, may they return safely " he concluded, my eyes were trained on my brother and I could barely hear anything past my heartbeat in my ears.

The warriors made their way to the bay and I felt the air leave my lungs, this is it, my brother was going to war, azumi might not make it back, before I could bury myself under all those thoughts, I looked up and found my brothers eyes on me, he was smiling

please make it back

I silently pleaded and begged through the bile in my throat, my brother kept smiling, as they boarded the ship, as the door closed and as the ship retreated from the harbor

I will.

Hey guys,so I'm really not the best at describing fight scenes but I promise they will get better lol, and the story hasn't even started yet, we have such a long way to go, we haven't even met our male protagonist yet 😁
and I can't exactly guarantee how frequent updates will be for now.. But I'm honestly so determined to finish this book and I hope I get to express all the thoughts in my head for it with words. And hopefully y'all giving this book a chance like it too.

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