you're my tear

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Hey guys! So the name of this chapter was gotten from a bts song. It's part of the lyrics from the raplines "TEAR"(tear slaps hard anytime, anyday lol) it just felt really fitting for this 😂 hope you guys enjoyy.
This chapter starts with orlans pov 😊

"the trade deals with the south will be renewed this month, the south have sent their terms your highness, but they ensured that their representatives will converse with you about it during the summit"

"The building erected by the south for their people in the north is undergoing renovations and requests have been made to include the west and east "

"the society your highness helped found and put into operation for feeding and taking in homeless children as a result of the war have also sent in their budget for the half of the year "

"and the ambassadors have started arriving from various nations for the bi annual summit which officially starts in two days, I've created a list of matters to be discussed together and individually with the ambassadors "

I tap my hands on the throne, looking down at minister yin, and at the council, the meeting goes on for a while as we go through the motions and agenda.

"Everything seems to be in place for the summit, have the agenda prepared and sent to me before the end of the day " I say curtly,

Moving to end the meeting and he bows.

"my liege " minister gaou speaks up and I fix my gaze on him,

He's fidgeting and the other ministers won't meet my eye, I raise an eyebrow, already suspecting where this is going.

"The council thinks with the palace flooding with ambassadors from different nations, it would be a perfect opportunity to forge better alliances" He says, eyes shifty and I look at him.

"and how do you suggest we forge this alliance minister? " I ask and he's sweating now, clearly intimidated, but I already knows where this is going.

"through marriage your highness, the throne needs an heir and an international alliance would do the country good"

He doesn't meet my eyes and I sigh

"you've all brought this up a number of times already yes? "I ask and he bows

"did my answer ever change? " I ask again and he winces before looking up

"but your highness, it would be good for the na-"

"I'd do anything for my nation, but my stance on this matter remains the same, and I suggest ministers, that you do not bring it up again " I say fixing them with a hard gaze and they bow

The meeting ends and I head to uncles chambers. The ministers have good intentions, but if they bring it up one more time I'll loose it.

The council has been in effect since the end of the war four years ago, after I dissolved the former one and replaced them with men with similar vision,

Leaving only minister yeong who had proven himself by aiding in ending the war.

The nation has thrived since then and I made sure peria did all it could to help other nations rebuild and heal from the war,

The nations are at a good place with each other and the bi-annual summit is to make sure things stay that way.

I get greetings and bows all the way to uncles chambers

that's one thing I don't like about the summit, the palace always gets so packed with people

"uncle " I say stepping into his quarters,

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