the chanoyu

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I'm back guysss, ughh I missed y'all and this story so much, thank you for waiting for me and for still sticking with this, it's really appreciated! Full speed ahead now hopefully, let's get it! 😀


I blink at the man standing opposite the door, shy nervous smile on his face, and it takes a minute for my sleep deprived brain to process what's going on.

"Ambassador Wane?" I say but it comes out like a question.

The shy smile stays on his face and I will myself to relax.

"Kiara" he says and I raise an eyebrow, forcing a smile

"what are you doing here?" I ask, a little surprised.

"well, see" he stutters and I raise an eyebrow

"just wanted to drop by"

he says the last part awkwardly like he isn't sure what I'll do and I blink at him.

"huhh thanks?" I reply still confused and all the tension seems to drain out of his body,

He grins wide

"aren't you gonna let me in?" he asks rocking on his feet and again,

I blink.

I couldn't exactly call us friends, we've talked two or more times and greet each other at meetings, and besides

I squint at him

"how did you know where I stay?"

he almost looks sheepish

" checked the register" he finally says and I nod, still alittle bit confused, but stepping aside to let him in.

It's when he stops in the middle of the room eyes on my brother and tera that I realise they had been silent,

Azumis eyebrows had disappeared into his hair line and tera just looked confused, but the ever pleasant smile was on her face.

" hello, you must be kiaras friend?" tera asks,

Wane doesn't look the least beat uncomfortable, just nods, and I look him over, teras gaze flicks to mine and I just shrug.

"I'm tera" she says introducing herself and, azumi though still has a look on his face and he speaks after tera

"I'm azumi, her brother, trained warrior, master of everything that has to do with inflicting pain with a sword" he says with a grin and I'm not even surprised,

I give tera a look that clearly says 'control your man' and wane just has an amused look on his face

"maybe you could show me that particular skill set sometime" wane says unfazed and azumi raises an eyebrow before he smirks.

I roll my eyes.

Wane stays for a while and I'd given up on trying to understand the situation. Azumi engages him in a lot of conversation and at the end of the day my brother isn't subtly threatening him at least.

It's when he's about to leave that he speaks, gaze turning sheepish

" I actually came cuz I was worried about you, you haven't been at the meetings" he says so quietly that I almost don't catch it and I'm immediately at a loss for words,

because it makes a little more sense now,

" that was really nice of you" I settle on saying and he grins, almost childlike.

I sigh deeply when he leaves, plopping down on a gahma, head already aching with thoughts of the emperor immediately filling my mind.

Its quiet for a while before azumi speaks

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