explosives and hurricanes

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I want to say it got easier to breathe after that day,

That the pain went away and pushing her away didn’t make me miserable,

It did.

But I barely let myself think about it, burying myself under meetings and work.

I wasn’t getting any sleep either but what else is new?

It had been over a month since she came back into my life, and over two weeks since I last spoke to her, even though I saw her every day at meetings.

She kept her distance and I didn’t know how I felt about that. Its what I wanted, its what I asked her to do, but it still felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest everytime I saw her.

it wasn’t getting any easier, but the meetings will end in a month and she'll be gone, everything will go back to the way it was.

The thought should have comforted me, it didn’t.

A high pitched squeal brings me out of my musings and I look up from the parchment I was studying

“lany!” a familiar voice squeels and I’m smiling already before sunan crashes into me with a hug

“I missed you sooo much” she exclaims and I laugh, hugging her back

“how is it you never send a letter ahead before dropping by?”

She pulls away from me alittle and grins sheepishly

“then I wouldn’t get to see the look of surprise on your face when you see your favourite person in the world, also known as me” she says with a grin and I ruffle her hair, smile on my face.

“hows medical school?” I ask and she shudders

“ lets just say, I’m happy for the break”

“lany, I swear on the heavens if you’re hunched over parchments for the 10th day in a row I will mame-" song says loudly, walking in.

He stops short, eyes landing on sunan

she smiles sheepishly and waves, song blinks at her, takes a step back and groans before his eyes narrow at his sister

“why am I even surprised?” he says and she gets up, walking towards him.

“songsong!” she says with a smile and he glares at her

“ don’t songsong me su, you get back and you don’t even come see your own brother” song says sharply but I can tell he's joking,

I roll my eyes.

sunan sighs loudly

“ first of all, lany is also my brother and lastly, you don’t work here anymore, how was I supposed to know you’d be here right now?” she defends and song pauses from glaring at her

“true” he finally says, small smile on his face

“you’re still a brat though” sunan just grins and jumps on him,

“I missed you too songsong”

song only pretends to be put off for a minute before he hugs her back

They both end up staying for a while, making it impossible for me to get any work done, but it feels nice.

“by the way, you look like shit” sunan suddenly says and my eyes widen,

song snickers and she fixes her gaze on him, eyes intense

“why does he look worse than usual?” she asks and I gasp mock offended, she shots me an apologetic look

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