make it make sense

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I squinted, trying to adjust to the darkness, I was confused and my head hurt, I tried to move but was drawn back by something, I blinked 

"what the?" I said struggling and belatedly realized my hands were tied behind my back. 

"hey are you okay? " I heard someone say and slowly turned around, a delegate, I remember talking to him before passing out,

"what happened? " I asked, confusion still in my voice,  the delegates eyes were tortured and blood shot, I looked past him at the other delegate who just hung his head, I could tell he was awake.

"he came back and knocked you out " he answered, I stared at him in confusion

"he? "I asked, there was a dull ache at the back of my head and it stung, " the man who kidnapped us " he said in a small tired voice and my eyes widened

" how long have I been out? " I asked already working at the ropes that bound my hands, they were incredibly tight

"an hour I guess, can't really tell time from in here " he said dryly. I struggled with the bindings, hoping that I could get them loose before anyone would get back, I looked over at the other man who wasn't moving before my eyes moved towards the exit


"you're going to break through the ground if you keep that up " song said referring to my constant foot tapping

we had been waiting for feedback from kiara and the other elite and I was getting increasingly agitated, I was still so confused and nothing made sense.

I was about to respond when someone barged into the room pacing and out of breath, I recognized him as the elite that came with us, the one who was supposed to be with kiara, I shot up from my sit and song was up in an instant.

"clen, what happened? " song asked calmly, despite the state of the elite

He looked towards me and bowed

" your highness, general. kiara and I decided to stake out the store where the headband was found, I was the distraction and kiara was to see what she could find and make it out, we were supposed to meet up after, I stalled for as long as I could and I thought she would have made it out, I waited for her but she didn't show up. So I went back to the store and it was locked " he said grimly, fear lacing his sentences.

I gritted my jaw hard, my mind was everywhere trying to understand what in the world was going on, ity settled on kiara and the realization that she could be in possible danger

song looked towards me and I knew he could read my mind

" no orlan " but I was already moving towards the door ignoring him, 

"you can't just barge into an old ladys store" he said moving quick and holding on to me

"whatever is going on, whoever is behind this has been holding my delegates captive for 3 solid weeks, now they have an elite, one of my warriors, whoever is daring me is going to pay, I'm not going to sit and wait anymore " I said to him, voice calmer than I felt inside, he stared at me eyes pleading

" I need you to calm down orlan, think about what you're doing, you're an emperor and we're in the southern cities, you can't just go in there cuz we don't know what to expect and all this can blow up in your face" he said and I struggled to keep calm, the elite stood by the corner silently watching us

I stared at my best friend waiting for him to continue and he smiled "I have a better idea "

The cave was silent and I struggled against my bonds, they had come loose but not enough, the delegates had gone silent again, probably loosing all hope of being saved, my mind registered that they had been missing for 3 weeks and my heart broke alittle for them

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