worlds apart

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I twirl the sword stick in my hand before holding it in place and smirking at him,

He rolls his eyes but there's a smile on his face

"Show off " I hear him say and I grin before rushing towards him and our swords meet once again.

I'm basically on the offensive while he constantly blocks all my moves, his sword aims for my head and I bend backwards before cartwheeling and putting distance between us.

"Shady move" I call out and he laughs before rushing towards me again.

We really fight this time, trying to one up each other. Our swords clash and he meets my eyes, smirk on his face.

"Yield "

I scoff

"I don't know the meaning of the word your highness " I say before pushing forward and aiming for him again,

He dodges it and aims one for my neck which I also block.

We both then go on the defensive and the fight drags on until I accidentally slip up and he takes the opening to tackle me to the ground,

and right before I fall I take him along with me.

His hands come up on time and he holds himself above me, he's laughing and I am too.

"I demand a rematch " I say laughing and he grins at me, looking down at me with that smile that lights up his entire face, I can't look away.

"Accept defeat love " he teases, still leaning over me and I stare back up at him defiantly.

"Never " I whisper and he raises an eyebrow but his eyes don't leave mine.

"Then I'm going to have to make you " he says eyes gleaming and my grin widens,

His face is much closer now and I don't realize I had leaned up also.

"Oh yeah, how? " I ask and there's barely an inch between us, his lips are almost on mine when someone speaks.

"huh.. Your highness, sorry to hum..interrupt " the voice stammers hesistantly.

We both immediately look up at the voice and it turns out to be a guard who looks like he'd rather be any where else,

He doesn't look at us when he talks even though his eyes are constantly darting to and fro.

Orlan laughs and gets up before extending an arm and pulling me up, his arm automatically finding my waist and pulling me to his side.

Inside I silently melt. He's been more affectionate in public ever since his birthday party and I was basking in it.

The little touches like now, where he didn't seem to care that other people were around.

Being the emperor's girlfriend meant I got alot of looks, got visits from alot of people, noble women apparently who I could have lived without meeting.

It basically meant more attention and scrutiny, but it was nothing I couldn't handle, not when being in his arms made me feel like this.

"What is it? " he asks calmly, like we weren't caught about to make out on the training grounds. The guard bows and resolutely keeps his gaze on the floor.

"The convoy from the south just arrived your highness " he reports and orlan sighs,

It wasn't audible, but I heard it because we were standing so close.

In the week I'd been here, I finally noticed how much strength being a ruler takes from him, how much there's alot of other things he'd rather be doing. But I've also seen him perform his duties with care and passion everytime, he was a great leader.

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