The delegates

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"so?" I gestured for zeo hae to keep speaking, I had to be back in the palace soon, we had been in the southern cities for 2 days and still nothing, I was becoming increasingly agitated

we both knew the implications of what was going on, I have faith in zeo hae, that's why I believed him and the puzzle fit that way,

but the nation? the council wasn't going to take that, we would have to invade this city, and I've been trying so hard to protect them, the stake out with kiara hadn't brought up anything, zeo hae had his men looking into the city for days and still nothing

"my Lord please, we need more time, I know what's bound to happen if you go back and I can't prove that I'm not holding the delegates "

I wanted to speak but he continued

" now your highness I trust you but I know your council doesn't trust me, and I would do anything to protect my people, I would never put us all at risk by doing something like this "

I sighed rubbing my temples "I know that zeo hae, that's why we need to find something before I leave tomorrow " I said firmly and his eyes took on a panicked look.

"you know as well as I that my absence from council for too long will raise suspicions". He looked crestfallen and part of me wanted to comfort him, he was a good man, possibly the best you would meet in a time of war like this

"zeo hae I swore to you and I stand by it, I will protect you and your people " I said locking gazes with him, he seemed to visibly relax,

"against your own people? " he asked in a small voice, I looked at him trying not to show surprise, I could see the fear in his eyes

"you seem to forget zeo hae " I said sitting back, "I'm not a king, I'm an emperor."


"What are we supposed to be looking out for exactly? " mal asked, we were all walking on the streets of the southern cities, with no particular destination.

" according to the general, suspicious activity '" clen said and mah snickered

the general had kept the details of our reason for being here highly confidential and it made me wonder why the emperor told me the way he did, he had said it so easily.

We were in the darker part of the city, the stalls weren't as much and neither were the kids. It was beautiful in its own way.

I felt something hit my leg and land with an ooph, I looked down and saw a little girl on the floor, she couldn't have been more than five, she gazed up at me eyes wide, I bent to her level,

"are you alright little one?" I asked smiling, she stared at my hand and back up at my face before accepting it and standing up

she rubbed her back and made a cute face before grinning up at me and bowing,

"thank you ma'am " I smiled back at the girl, she was pretty and her eyes still held so much wonder, my gaze fell on the headband she had around her head.

I crouched down still smiling, trying not to upset the girl even though I was becoming increasingly aware of our surroundings,

"where did you get this darling?" I said bringing the others attention to it, I heard someone gasp and I silently hoped the others wouldn't over react and scare her away.

The girl had a confused look on her face as she tried to look up at the headband, the effort was cute even though it wasn't possible, she seemed to figure that out before untieing it and holding it tight in her hands, the head band was a deep crimson color, with a dragon curled around it spitting fire, it was the perian insignia.

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