broken scars

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Bran swings for my neck and I flip backwards before rushing at him again and our swords clash,

Master joria stands to the side, observant and I feel familiar irritation prick at my skin.

The masters still insist on intense training, even with the end of the war.

He breathes in heavily

"you would think that with the war ending, the masters would let up on the training " he complains as we move and our swords clash

I shrug

Bran is my brothers friend and is one of the warriors that recently returned to the city

He left years ago and has been under cover in the south till some months ago. He and azumi hit it off immediately he got back,

He's at the house alot nowadays.

I don't remember liking him before he left, but he's been bearable since he got back, and he seems nice enough.

I kick at his feet but he moves back on time and smirks at me before launching for me again.

I raise an eyebrow but say nothing and continue deflecting his moves

"so kia "

"only my brother calls me that "

"so do I need to ask for zuzus permission? "

"zuzu?  Ugh"

He grins and I roll my eyes

I was used to this by now, I tolerated him cuz of azumi, but I was bound to snap at him sooner or later.

It has been months since I got back to zethna.

The nightmares have been consistent, worse each time and I end up shaking like a leaf.

Azumi had been there in the beginning, my screams waking him up, he always ran into my room without fail and stayed till sleep pulled me back under.

At a point I started controlling how I react after a nightmare, I don't make as much noise to wake azumi again, but my entire body still trembles,

I don't want to bother him cuz its not fair, I know he gets worried sometimes since I had refused to talk to both of them or anybody about what happened to me,

but my chest still aches so much, thinking about him hurts too much but I still do, everyday, and my heart breaks everyday. 

Azumi doesn't worry that much about my nightmares anymore because I had stopped screaming, so he thinks they have stopped

I didn't bother to correct him,they haven't.

Bran keeps trying to speak but I ignore him, aiming for his neck with more force than necessary and he eventually gets the hint

I end up knocking him off his feet, I look down at him and he leans up on his elbows, not looking at all like someone who just got their butt kicked

"you're one fierce woman " he says eyes gleaming and I ignore him before walking off

"there's something about this place " tera says and I humm, sinking back into the water, mind blank for the first time in months.

I hadn't been back here since I got back, I'd forgotten how much I love it

"you look relaxed " she notes and I open an eye to look at her


"you've been on edge since you got back kiara, it's just nice to see you so relaxed " she says in a careful voice and everything rushes back to me.

Since when did Tera have to be cautious with me?

Sure on most days it was hard to breathe without hurting, without overwhelming pain,

it hadn't dulled over the months, but what exactly am I supposed to say?

Huh hey guys, so you remember the perian emperor? Yeah the one I was sent to kill, well he's kinda the love of my life and I'm hurting because I hurt him?


My heart still aches so much, and I'm still as Inlove with him as the first day,

I don't think I'll ever stop loving him.

I get up, with every intention of moving closer to my best friend when I hear her gasp.

I look over in confusion and her eyes are wide, I'm immediately on alert but her eyes are trained on me.

"Tera what's wrong? " I ask frantically and she just points at me,

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion

"your.. Your stomach kiara " she says voice trembling and I'm still so confused, until I follow her line of sight down to my side and


"what.. What exactly happened to you in peria?? " she asks completely flustered and worried,

looking straight at the healed scar on my side from when I got stabbed.

I should be trying to comfort her, tell her it's okay and not to panic.

But I'm immediately assaulted with memories of a freezing night, big beautiful golden eyes that looked down at me with nothing but love

I love you, with every fiber of my being

I want to protect you

You're my star kiara

I'm shaking so much and my arms are wrapped tightly around myself, eyes shut even tighter, already broken heart breaking to pieces in my chest, aching till it threatens to pull me under.

I try to control my breathing and stop shaking

Tera is there, holding on to to me and I barely register what I'm doing or when she got so close.

Her eyes are blown wide with worry and she's saying something but I can't hear her

"I need to go.. I.. I need to " I say walking away as fast as I can, anywhere my feet will carry me, back of my eyes burning.

I distantly hear my best friend call out to me, she doesn't follow me and I'm grateful for that

I walk till I can't anymore and collapse on the ground, clutching the bracelet I don't deserve to wear anymore to my heart

What would I do without you?

I love you with everything that I am kiara

I trust you

Memories I've been trying to suppress for the past months hit me full on and it feels like my heart's being ripped out of my chest

I don't realize I'm crying until my vision gets blurry, everywhere is quiet

it's just me and the sobs wrecking through my body

Guess who updated twice in one day? Yes, me 😄 welll thank you all for reading, see you In the next chapter, I'll still update on Monday's and Wednesday's like I said, but I can also update on other days randomly if a chapter is ready, like today.  Stay safe people 💜

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