epilogue : US

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Walking down the city path to the hospital, a path I’ve walked well before,

I do what I’ve done since the day I got my degree and landed a resident position in the hospital lany commissioned, i notice everything in contrast to the past 12 years.

When the world was still so dark and even peria, as the city at the forefront of it all didn’t truly shine till all the bloodshed ended.

I notice how the buildings didn’t use be so tall, how the hospital wasn’t always there, how the orphanage was practically nonexistent.

How the perian school for the arts wasn’t a constant tall and looming building Kiara managed and loved with all her heart.

Even with everything being a queen entailed, she always found time to teach there.

Basically, she and lany had quite literally changed the world.

As the entire nation had guessed from the nature of their relationship before their marriage, Kiara wasn’t about to be any quiet submissive queen like her predecessors.

She was more than involved in everything that had to do with her people, never shied away from speaking up for them and pushing for things to be done, perians and non perians alike.

Lany was all too happy to let her, proud even, to him she was an equal, everyone in the four regions combined knew that.

Mainly because their influence didn’t end with peria

Years had gone by since the war ended, 12 to be exact. I got my degree 2 years ago and joined the hospital.

songsong had finally settled down with rey who was like a sister to me now.

They truly did love each other and watching my very tough brother cry at his wedding had brought an ache to my chest.

Of course I had to watch both my brothers cry at their weddings.

Lany and Kiara have been married for seven years now and have two beautiful children I absolutely loved to spoil.

Yet every time I saw them, they still acted like teenagers who had just fallen in love.

I had realised a long time ago, that what they have, its eternal.

love in its purest form considering everything they went through to be together, how after all these years, even in a room full of all our coupled family and friends,

There’s something about the way those two sync and gravitate towards each other, it was something I hoped to find someday.

Of course being in the spotlight hadn’t been without its rough days, but they always made it out stronger.

This nation and the next still loved and respected them.

“Well they had quite literally rewritten history” I mutter to myself smile on my face, before walking through the large gates that held the hospital.

“Do you think giving the south autonomy over trading rights during the summit would be fair?” orlan says, eyes holding mine and his sword nearly overpowering me and forcing me back.

But of course like the many times we’ve done this I push back with all my strength before jumping back, spinning and going straight at him again.

He blocks me, silly smirk on his face but that fire that’s always in his eyes whenever we have time to do this burns bright.

“Well the north did hold the quota for 3 years in a row” I reply before he moves back,

This time and as always I’m on his heels, swords clashing in a dance we both know very well by now.

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