hanging by a thread

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"KIARA!! " I yell, getting up and rushing up to the edge of the cliff.

"no, no, this can't be happening " I say entire body shaking, eyes stinging.

The sea of water looks endless and I scream, heart wrenching, raw fear and shock gripping my chest.

It feels like I'm going mad, what just happened replaying in my head.

I look around for God knows what, before scrambling to my feet and running opposite the cliff to a bend, jumping into the water without thinking.

The water pulls me under immediately i do and i struggle to break surface, eyes searching for any sign of her.

A sob escapes my throat and I fight through the current, the kind of fear I haven't felt since mother died gripping my heart

The current tries to take control of my body each time but I push forward, heart hammering in my chest, brain thinking of things that threaten to drive me mad.

She couldn't have possibly survived that fall

No, no, no

I break through the surface again, breathing heavily, eyes stinging

"kiara! Kiara please oh God no " I mutter but it comes out as a sob, mind exploding in panic.

I see something blue ahead and dive for it, swimming closer, I lock eyes with wide ones and I flinch back, but he's unmoving, staring into nothing, lifeless,

The fall killed wane.

Utter and complete fear grips my heart


No you can't be

I swim past wane, and it's then that I see something floating next to him.

It's her hair I see first and I immediately swim towards her, heart beating erratically in my chest, grabbing her and pulling us back up, fighting through the current I can barely keep up with.

It's when we break surface that I swim towards the flat edge and place her there before pulling myself up and rushing to her side, Breathing heavily.

Her eyes are shut closed and her body freezing cold,

Raw fear grips my body and for a minute time stops, cuz she's not moving, she's not moving and my hands are shaking.

My eyes widen and I scream, hands coming to her face

"kiara, kiara please" I beg, voice strained

I press down on her chest in panic, trying to get the water out of her system, holding her mouth open and linking ours, trying to do anything I can even though it feels like I don't know what to do at all and my entire body shakes.

It's until she coughs up water and her chest moves up slowly with her breaths that I realize I'm crying

But she doesn't wake up, she's still unconscious and barely breathing,

My eyes fall on her bound hands and bile rises in my throat

I look around frantically till my eyes land on a rock, I crawl towards it before picking it up with shaking fingers and running back to her side.

I cut through the binds with it, hands still shaking before tossing it aside

I pick her up with all the strength I didn't know I still had and rush for my horse.

"I can't loose you, kiara please, hold on, I'm so sorry"

I slam the door to my room open from the secret passage way, a pliant and unconscious kiara in my arms, legs weak and threatening to let go of my weight

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