naiteu wokeo

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Hey y'all, I hope y'all are loving the story as much as I am, don't forget to vote and comment please, they're appreciated 🤗


"your lordship we were able to secure the northern city from the attack on its borders 2 weeks ago"

"haiku?" I asked looking down at the map infront of me on the round table, he nodded

"yes your lordship". "the southern cities are becoming frantic, talks of impending attacks on their land"

yung chen said from his place opposite the table, I looked up at him

"that will not happen " I said making eye contact with him and he nodded and bowed. I had assured the safety of the southern lands and I intended to keep it.

"tonight we raid general kwans home, the maid we placed beside him reported of a contract between the general and mecu for slave trade across the safe zone, the contract is somewhere in his home and I need it found and brought to me as soon as possible " I said rounding up the meeting, they all nodded and bowed.

Like shadows dressed in black and with their faces covered, they blended in with the night and exited the abandoned hanok.

I walked back to the palace, the city was peaceful by this time of day, the people were asleep and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement would have been heard if not for years of my training in stealth.

I sighed to myself, slave trade was illegal, it was a punishable offense and general Kwan had managed to run a successful slave trade ring with war prisoners for years, but his name could never be traced back to anything

It disgusted me that the man sat on my council, he was loyal to my father when he was Emperor and father had requested he not be replaced.

Hopefully the naiteu wokeo would be able to find enough evidence to link him to the ring, abolish the damn thing and bring him down.

I snuck into the palace, past the guards and quietly headed for my quarters, I had been sneaking out of the palace for years, the need to be outside the walls, to see what was beyond pushing me the very first time I did.

By the time I got back the palace had been turned upside down and mother nearly gave me a beating but just clutched my face and made me promise to never do it again

I smiled at the memory, of course I did continuously, but mother accepted it and waited up for me on nights when I got carried away. It still isn't any easier to think about my mother, but sometimes I fear I would forget what she was like if I stop.

The palace is usually quiet by this time so it makes it easier to sneak in "yah "

I paused and looked towards the training grounds, her steps were quiet, almost non existent, I wouldn't have heard if I wasn't looking out for the guards

She moved around the ground like she was in her element, striking out at air with her sword, it felt like watching water move, I stared at her for a long time unmoving, her face was scrunched in concentration, but there was an agitated look to it too

It took me a minute to realize it was kiara, her moves were fluid, easily slipping from one pose to another, almost like water, her long black hair blanketing her face as she twirled,

distantly I wondered why she was here in the middle of the night. just as she turned towards my direction and I hid behind the pillar,

her moves were beautiful, almost looked like a dance with the sword, I smiled to myself and creeped back to my quarters.

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