loud and silent confessions

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"to what do I owe this visit, lord feng lou?" I asked voice strained

I had managed to stay clear of the man for as long as he has been in the palace, perfectly fine with letting uncle have quality time with his best friend.

But feng lou had requested a meeting with me today and I couldn't refuse, not if I wanted another earful from uncle, and a part of me was mildly curious.

The man smiled, smile warm and I relaxed a bit, uncle had called me holding on to a grudge for 15 years childish, but his attitude to kiara reminded me exactly why I think he's an old shit, but still a noble man, and still uncles best friend.

The man hummed eyes on my face, but not meeting my gaze

"I've spent years away from Peria, and I see what happens outside of these borders, you've been doing a remarkable job your highness, our country is flourishing, but our warships are getting destroyed and there haven't been any new commissions lately " he stated and I raised an eyebrow, face going rigid.

"are you asking me to increase the commission of warships? " I ask, trying to keep my voice even,

Of course the man would be the bane of my existence, the ministers didn't even dare bring it up, but of course feng lou had no such reservations.

"your highness, I'm simply asking for the sake of our men on the frontlines, and for the sake of our nation " he continues carefully.

"I presume you're not telling me how to run my county " I say evenly, levelling him with a hard stare.

"I wouldn't dare to your highness, but I'm sure you will be concerned as I am of the safety of our soldiers in the front lines, more warships would be an added advantage "

To cause more destruction? 

"even with the current state of warships Peria has in the war, we are still well ahead of other nations in numbers, I'm sure you will agree that we could put our funds to better use " I say with a tone that leaves no room for argument.

He stutters before relenting and bowing "as your highness pleases"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

I blink awake and confusion settles in,  my eyes crinkle, taking in my surroundings and realizing that I was on my bed, In my room and I'm further confused.

Last thing I remember is being in the garden, how did I get back to my bed?

"you're awake " lia says walking into the room, I narrow my eyes at her in confusion and look out the window,

the sun has already taken its place in the sky. I must have overslept, that never happens, it still doesn't explain how I'm in my room.

Had I walked back? Why can't I remember.

The bed suddenly dips and I look up to find lia staring at me, eyes curious. I blink at her

"huh.. Are you okay? " I ask, still slightly dazed from sleep.

"I waited up for you last night, like always " she starts and I nod, albeit still confused as to where this was going, was she upset that I had come back late?

It never bothered her before. She doesn't look upset at all, but her eyes dance with barely held in curiosity.

"then a knock on the door and I think it's you but then" she continues, breathing in sharply and I raise an eyebrow

"therulerofthefreakinguniverseisout thereinfrontofourdoorwithyouasleep inhisarms " she rushes out and I blink at her, mind slowly trying to process her rushed words

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