who sent you

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we're all sat around the fire, the emperor included, he's sitted beside general song, head on his knees, amber eyes reflecting the fire they've been staring at

clen was humming a song under his breath and the twins were whispering, probably not speaking more audibly for fear of disturbing the emperor, he didn't seem to care though.

I tried not too but my eyes kept finding him, we were sat opposite each other, the fire clen had managed to start in the middle, my mind kept replaying the incident,

a bigger part of me wishes he had been ruthless yesterday, that the fire I saw in his eyes was from anger and not from pain, it would fit in with what I already thought of him, but his reaction to my outburst yesterday wasn't what I was expecting, and his confession about his mother keeps hunting me.


"so what if zeo hae is really keeping the delegates captive ?" song suddenly asked, I moved my gaze away from the fire to look at him.

"he wouldn't "I replied immediately,

"but what if he is " song asked again, I sighed

"I don't know song, what's at stake here is bigger than possible invasion "

Song looked at me, sympathy In his eyes "you're doing your best orlan, your mom would be proud "

I scoffed looking up at the stars

"barely " I replied

"hey and you can always get the naiteu wokeo to kick his ass " he said jokingly, I smiled

"I'd kick it myself " I replied not looking at him, I could feel him rolling his eyes at me.

"how are they though? The naiteu wokeo " he asked,

"working on infiltrating a slave ring " I replied and he made a choking sound

"what? " he replied, something like anger in his eyes, the elites had began to stare and I discreetly looked at song and towards them so he would get the hint and quiet down, he did but his eyes were still angry, I sighed and looked back into the fire

" I told you song, there's so much "

The clearing went quiet and I glanced up, my gaze settled on kiara, the elite sat beside her was talking but she didn't seem to be listening.
Something in her eyes made me want to talk to her, get to know why there's so much sadness where there's normally so much fire.

Soon enough everyone settled in and I was left out, even after songs insistence for me to turn in first I knew I wouldn't get any sleep,

my mind constantly worrying about the southern cities and what I would have to do if what the ministers had said is true.

Zeo hea was an ally, attacking him would set us back so many paces, but holding the delegates in the first place is a call for war, I sighed deeply, I heard shuffling and quickly turned around.


I stood staring at him, I didn't expect anyone to still be out by now, especially not him, his eyes were still just as intense as they looked at me, and my flight and flee function begged to kick in, I bowed at him

"your highness, I didn't mean to disturb, I'd just leave " I started

"no stay, it's okay " he replied.

We ended up sitting beside each other again, I was more than confused on how to act, he hadn't lashed out like I expected and I was still so confused. I tried not to look at him and kept my eyes on the ground.

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