the perian Emperor

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Hey y'all.. So this chapter is starting with someone else's pov and it will be between two people now,the pov switches will be indicated with "*******"I promise it won't be confusing 🤗.

"deploying warships to grail would be a good course of action to gain their submission, their coal would benefit our military in the war but their ruler refuses to let our tributes into their lands, forceful takeover of their economy is the next best option " minister chow stated,

" it should be the only option " another minister stated.

I looked down at them from my place on the throne, I hated council meetings with a passion, although i had dissolved my fathers council and chosen others when I took the throne,

there were some I couldn't let go of cuz of father and their loyalty to him. Minister chow was one of them.

"are you suggesting minister " I started, staring straight at the man who couldn't meet my eyes.

"that I deploy troupes to a city we made an alliance with decades ago for their gold in return for keeping them sovereign. You're asking me to command an attack on the southern states over coal for warships that they themselves supply to Peria for the war ?". I continued, fixing him with a hard look.

The man kept his gaze down and bowed " your highness, It was a mere suggestion, they are a weaker state and half of our army would be able to lay siege to the city ". The man continued. I gritted my jaw.

"and my lord it is better to assert our superiority over the southern states in this war, taking over the state would be in perias best interest " another minister said, he had also served with my father.

Going through meetings like this everyday infuriated me.

"invading a city which has stayed peaceful and have kept their end of the alliance that was never in their favour is not something I intend to do ". I said, my voice hard with an edge to it. Both ministers bowed.

"But your... " another minister started.

"did I stutter, minister? " I cut in, fixing him with a sharp glance.

"my word is Final, we will find another way to deal with this, but an attack on the southern states is not an option" I said my voice echoing through the small room, they all bowed low.

I got up from my place on the throne, as did the ministers and walked out of the meeting hall.

The emperor's train trailed behind me and I sighed to myself, why father felt the need to have over 20 people following him was something I never understood, but apparently it was required, I reduced the number drastically to 2 people when I took the throne, a move that left the ministers scandalised, and they weren't with me all the time. Only on official meetings.

I was exhausted, but uncle had requested I see him after the meeting so I was headed there.

The guards stationed at his door bowed and I nodded at them, walking into my uncles chambers. He was sitted alone on his tea table, with two cups infront of him, one I assumed was for me

"uncle " I said in greeting and sat down opposite him,

"his face broke into a wide grin and I rose an eyebrow, he couldn't be that happy to see me, we last saw this morning, he was definitely up to something.

"your highness " he said bowing. I scoffed.

"uncle you don't have to do that, I keep telling you "I said to him while pouring myself a cup.

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