when you love

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"roi" I say aliitle surprised as zeo hae steps into my quarters, wide smile on his face, roi tan yu coming in after him and I raise an eyebrow, smile on my face

"or should I say rois " I say voice light and they both bow low

Today is the declaration and the entire city has gathered in the city arena, right next to the palace, including representatives from the north, south and east.

Everything is finally, finally going to end today.

"your highness " zeo hae says with a smile on his face and roi Tan yu just grins at me.

We've all been working towards this day since I took the throne, it must be as fufiling for them as it is for me

"you're both supposed to be in the arena " I say trying and failing not to smile

"we had to come pay our respects "zeo hae says and I nod

"it's something wonderful you've done here, your highness " roi tan yu says, proud smile on his face, which I return

"it wouldn't be possible without the both of you " I say sincerely before sobering up

"I've put in place adequate war reparations for all the nations, I know it doesn't hold a candle to the lives lost but-"

"there you go again " roi tan yu starts, cutting me off

"peria lost people too " he adds, eyes soft and I nod, releasing a breath, both sides, regardless had lost people to the senseless fighting

"that compassion and humanity of yours, your highness, is why we'll always be loyal " zeo hae says with such conviction and finality that it knocks the air out of my lungs.

I smile at them both

"your highness, your city is geared and waiting for you " song says strutting into the room.

I had been going over the speech for the 10th time, the words ingrained in my head already.

Song plops down in front of me

"I made sure to place your ministers right there in the front, so they'll have the best view you know? " song says wicked smile on his face and I grin

"that's why you're my best friend " I say back.

"now boys, why does the prospect of tormenting your elders humor you? " uncle asks walking in, even though the glint in his eyes say otherwise

"uncle " I say smiling

"I'm heading to the arena, just checking in on you first " he says kindly,

being there for me like he has always been and I smile gratefully

"your mother would be so proud " 

he always says that but this time it hits different, and I nod through the lump in my throat,

uncle smiles kindly before grasping my shoulders and leaving

"well I better go keep the peace and all " song says getting up

"we do have supposed enemy nations in one room" he continues with a lopsided grin on his face and I roll my eyes at him.

He sobers up and his eyes go soft

"I've watched you push yourself for this for years and it's just crazy now that's it's right infront of us, I'm proud of you lany " he says smiling and it catches me off-guard.

He suddenly stands straight and gives a salute, eyes gleaming

"I couldn't have asked for a better leader and best friend "

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