wedding bells

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Few more minutes and my brother would be late to his own wedding.

I'm supposed to head to teras before heading to the hall, azumi is basically a nervous mess and I'd been trying to calm him down instead.

The girls were with tera and I trusted them to make sure she's ready on time

Azumi is dressed and ready, hair styled and ceremonial robes on. He looks handsome and happy but obviously nervous.

I'm in a cream knee length gown which is tight by my waist and spreads out towards my knees. my hair is packed like a basket with tendrils here and there.

"Azumi breathe " I say and Bran snickers, I glare at him.

He shrugs at me before slamming his hand down on azumis back who jerks, bran grins at him.

"It's never too late to back out " he whispers and I face palm, azumi shrugs him off before rolling his eyes

"Like hell, I've been waiting for this day forever " he says pulling himself together and my gaze softens

"I'm just nervous " he says meeting my eyes and I smile at him.

"you're going to be an amazing husband " I say sincerely and he grins, breathing in,

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and bran moves to get it.

"Huh azumi, kiara " he calls, voice laced with confusion and I furrow my eyebrows before my brother and I step towards the door.

The first thing my eyes take in is the docks boy I recognize by now, before it lands on the mountain of wrapped items at his back,

My eyes widen and azumi is in a similar state.

"what the -" that comes from Bran who looks just as confused

The boy shuffles from foot to foot before talking

"A shipment came in for master azumi and tera, it wasn't signed, but it came in from Peria with this " he says before handing a letter to azumi.

He takes it, still looking confused before he opens it and his eyebrows furrow for a second, then a grin spreads out across his face.

"Give that man of yours a kiss for me next time you see him would you? "

He says looking at me and my eyes widen before I collect the letter from him, taking in the familiar handwriting.

A smile threatens to break out across my face as I read the letter.

"from : the guy whose ass you're always threatening to kick

Congratulations azumi, I wish you and tera all the happiness in the world, accept my apologies for not being there in person, I'll make up for it by wiping the floor with you when next we train together "

My smile grows wider at how familiar the letter is, and it hits me again how close they had gotten.

I don't realize the boy is still there until I look up and find him looking back at me, a box in his hand.

"This also came in for you master " he says handing it over to me before bowing and walking off.

It's quiet and my heart beats loudly as I open it, I'm met with another letter and I smile.

"I know the bride is supposed to be the prettiest woman on her wedding day, but I'm sure you're just as beautiful right now. I wish I was there with you and I miss you, but my heart is wherever you are. I got you a gift, I hope you think of me when you wear it today, hopefully this will reach you on Time. I love you, orlan"

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