Its Snow Trouble, Ma'am!

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***Art by John Apostol (aka Morningstar)***

As I sat cosy around a fire at camp, flames licking the wood and smoke rising into the air, I shivered. Why had I thought it would be a good idea to explore the coldest parts of Galar? "It's cold!" I sneezed and Pikachu jumped. I'd accidentally woken my little buddy, who had been sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Right come on team, let's head out! Its too cold to stay put for too long!" I shouted and my buddies all gathered round, and helped me clear up camp so we could move on. Chandelure watching on the sidelines, the only Pokémon refusing to help. He was using his flame body ability to keep my baby eggs warm even in the depths of winter! Chandelure has an unusually strong maternal streak, given that many of his species are prone to sucking the life force out of people and Pokémon alike! However my buddy is a little different...but that, is a story for another time!
As we put the last pots and pans away in the camping kit, I noticed a little fluffy tail sticking out from behind some snowy rocks...but it quickly disappeared! I thought nothing of it, just some Pokémon foraging I'm sure.

As we got back onto the road, and started up the snowy path into the hills...a small Cubchoo jumped out from behind a tree! She ran over to me "cub cub, cubchoo! Chooooo!" She said as she pulled and pulled on my leg. I was shocked...I had never seen a wild Pokémon so comfortable with strangers...or so thin! The poor baby looked starving! She continued to fuss and pull on my leg, so I looked at my buddies. "Let's follow her, I think she needs our help!" I said, and we moved off the path and between the trees.
The Cubchoo ran ahead of us, looking back at us occasionally and shouting "Cub cub!", urging us to move faster! "Hey hey little one, we aren't used to this snow! We can't move as fast as you!" I shouted back, still trying to hasten my pace.
Eventually we reached our destination. She had brought us to a cave...and out of it stepped a large and looming Beartic!

She had taken us to her mama! With this cold winter she's got trouble gathering food for her baby cubchoos, and all she's been feeding them is purple berries. Their fur had changed colour to a deep purple!
She approached and hung her head in shame. I slowly reached out my hand and stroked her fur "it's okay," I said with a smile "you've done your best for them. The winter has been harsh this year so the food was scarce, that's not on you" I soothed her. She sighed and sat down, looking at me with big sad eyes. I could see she desperately wanted to help her cubs. So I asked her, "would you like me to find them safe homes?". She looked at me quizzically, unsure if she could trust a stranger with her babies. "I come from a group who take care of Pokémon that need help" I said as I explained to her what Haven does. Hesitantly, she agreed, and we gathered up her cubs. I walked away a little to allow them all to have one last goodbye before we headed off up the road. Mama Beartic assured me she had enough food for herself to last the winter, so she wanted to stay in her home. With a sad cry, she waved off her cubs as we set off through the trees to find the path, and start our journey back to the Haven Headquarters!

We arrived, and the trainers all welcomed us with open arms! They came running forward offering to help with the Cubchoos, bringing food and warm blankets. I knew we had a good team here, and left the Cubchoos in their capable hands. As I walked off, the Cubchoo who had taken me to her mother ran over and grabbed my leg again. She looked up at me with large shiny eyes, looks like someone wanted to join my team! I scooped her up "you want to come with me, little one?" I grinned at the Cubchoo as she enthusiastically nodded her head. "Come on then, let's go!" I shouted as we ran off to our next adventure!

From time to time I check in on Mama Beartic, and the trainers of Haven do the same. Sometimes we even have picnics with her and all her children!

Until next time folks, keep adventuring!

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