On Silver Wings We Flew

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   "Come on Sobble! We've got to go!" I shouted. He popped his head up from his water pool, a shy smile on his face. "There you are! We're going to be late for Corviknights party! We still need to buy his presents!" Sobble ran across the grass and up my arm. Safely in position, off we went to town to buy what we needed.
   "We bought so many things!" I said, surprised, as Sobble looked in the bag with eyes wider than usual. "He deserves it though, Corviknight saved your life once! And Pikachus!" I grinned at Sobble, "one last item on the list! A member at Haven mentioned this to me and Corviknight will love it!" I said and Sobble looked at me curiously. "Let's find the vendor in the wild area, we need Centiskorch ramen! The spiciest sauce around!" Sobble hid his face behind his hands. I laughed. "Don't worry buddy, you can have a nice sweet curry with me and the other Pokémon instead". We smiled at each other, Sobble relieved, as we set off into the wild area to find the vendor.

   "Thank you ma'am, that will be 300 pokedollars!" I handed the vendor the cash, thanked him, and walked away, Sobble and I looking at our purchase with curiosity (and a little fear!). "Corviknight is going to love this Sobble! Look at the description! "Gigantimax your taste experience with Centiscorch ramen!"" I read this out and Sobble shuddered. I laughed, and reminded him that he wouldn't need to try any. "Let's head over to camp and set up the party!" I grinned at Sobble and off we went!
   We gathered everyone around. I handed out party hats and paper cups and plates, my team eagerly looking at the pot of food. "Hey now guys! Presents first!" And I pulled out a bag full of gifts! A beautiful scarf, spicy berries for cooking, vitamins "that's to keep you strong Corviknight!" And he caw'd at me in approval. A shell bell, and even a rocky helmet! I giggled at the last one, remembering the early days together.
   "Gather round everyone, today is an important day! It's been two months since I met Corviknight, back when I was still exploring Galar for the first time!" They all cheered "Pika pika!" cried Pikachu, as he jumped up and down. "Let me tell you the story of how we met", I said with a smile, and we all huddled close by the fire as I started the story.

   It hadn't been all that long since I'd travelled over from my second visit to Kanto, in search of new adventure! Pikachu by my side, we stood at the top of the hill in the wild area and looked out at the view! "Oh Pikachu! Galar never fails to take my breath away! It's just beautiful!" I said with a grin on my face. "Pika pika! Pika pi!!" Said Pikachu excitedly. Seems I wasn't the only one enamoured with the new lands ahead of us. "I can't wait to see what new friends we will make, Pikachu! Let's have an adventure!" and I held out my arm to him. He ran up and held onto my shoulder as I ran full speed down the hill, laughing as I ran between trees and through patches of tall grass.
   We headed through town after town, visiting every place we could! Through Motostoke, where I was invited to take part in the gym challenge! (I agreed that I would once I finished my tour!). Through Hammerlocke, massive and dominating buildings standing above us, surrounded by history! Eventually we reached Windon, where our story really begins!

   "Pikachu! I heard there were these amazing Pokémon who live in Windon, they help run the taxi service! Isn't that so cool!" I said, grinning at him. Pikachu started tugging on my leg, looking in the direction of a cafe. "Oh, you want a drink first?" I asked. He nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, drink first, but then we definitely need to try the taxi service!" We grinned at each other and took off in the direction of the cafe.
   "Welcome to Richards Cafe! How can I help you?" The owner looked at us with a kind smile. "Um...can we have two Moomoo Milkshakes, please?" I asked, pulling out my purse from my backpack. "You can indeed, little lady! That'll be 600 pokedollars, take a seat and I'll bring it right over!" He turned to start making the milkshakes, I thanked him and we sat down.

   As we sat, enjoying our milkshakes and watching the world pass by, there was a sudden crash outside! "You stupid bird!! That's the 6th time this month!" A man bellowed, so loudly we could hear it clearly even inside the cafe. "Go off and think about what you've done! Useless bird!" He shouted some more, and I heard a weak "Caw" and a whoosh of silver wings passed the window of the cafe.
   Pikachu and I looked at each other and nodded. We drank the last of our milkshakes and headed outside to see who the owner of the voice was quickly before he left. "Thanks for coming, hope to see you again!" Shouted the cafe owner. "Thank you for the milkshakes sir! They were wonderful!" I shouted back as we pushed the door open, a little bell tinkling as we exited the building.
   We looked around, and noticed a man sitting by the water fountain, a carriage beside him and his head in his hands. We walked over cautiously. "Excuse me sir, is everything alright?" I enquired.

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