Wind In The Slumbering Weald

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"Oooh do you hear that, Hatenna?" I said, peering out of the kitchen window. There's an awful storm outside..."Woah look!" I exclaimed as I saw a Skwovet fly past my window! I watched as poor little Wooloos rolled chaoticly down the lane, completely out of control. The wind had caught onto them and they couldn't get free!
   After seeing all this, I called on Copperajah. "Hey Copperajah, could you stand in front and help us walk through the wind to it's source? The local Pokémon are suffering" I said, looking up at him sadly. Copperajah, (being steel and weighing about 650kg) thought this whole situation was pretty amusing, but agreed to help me for the sake of the other Pokémon who were struggling!

   So I grabbed the lagging tail out of my bag, it usually makes my pokemon go last in battle it's so I figured it would keep me from blowing away! "Let's go Copperajah! Let's save the Pokémon!" I shouted through the blasting icy storm as we trudged forward, pushing ourselves against the wind and into the Slumbering Weald.

   We pushed forward further into the Weald...the wind howling between the trees, in some cases ripping the branches straight off! As we went deeper into the Weald, we were catching little Pokémon as we went. Keeping them safe in pokéballs to release later when we got to the source of this storm and calmed it, the poor little ones terrified of this sudden disturbance in their otherwise peaceful home!
   As we turned a corner, I realised immediately what the cause was. "Stand back, Hatenna" I whispered as I crept behind Copperajah. However, the source of the wind turned and noticed me. In unison they shot a blast of icy air towards me with their fans, and blew me over!!

   Thankfully Copperajah noticed what was happening before I did, and stomped in front of me to stop them from blowing me away after the initial knockdown! "Thanks buddy!" I said, as I picked myself up and dusted off my hands and knees. "Rrrrrrajah!" He shouted through the storm, a fire in his eyes as he locked onto the culprits. They scowled at me, lifting their fans as if in warning that an approach would lead to another blast of wind. I cleared my throat and got their attention. "Why are you scaring all the little Pokémon who call the Slumbering Weald their home?" I asked.

   They cackled and howled in laughter, slapping their fans and causing a breeze...from what I could understand, they just wanted to cause trouble!! "Okay...if that's how you want to play this...Corviknight, Hatenna...let's go!" I screamed as we ran towards them, shooting beams of light and Corviknight speeding towards them with a Brave Bird!
   Copperajah ran forward and finished them off with a stomp! The Shiftry recognised they were bested, and they shuffled to a halt, looks of shame on their faces, fans hanging limp at their sides. They realised how wrong they had been, and during the fighting they realised just how much they wished they had a trainer like Hatenna and Corviknight had me..."Shiiiift, try try try" the leader tried to explain to me.

   From what I could understand, they wanted me to find them all trainers. Done with a life of tricking Pokémon and scaring them, they were ready to learn the discipline that my Pokémon showed in battle! "Okay Shiftry, if you promise to stay true to your new trainers, I will help you each find one!", I agreed "However, only once I've gotten the little Pokémon of the Weald safely out of their temporary pokeball homes and into the wild again" I planned to ask my friends back at Haven if any of them were willing to take them on as part of their teams.
   They nodded, and offered to help me to get the Weald Pokémon back to their homes...we did this and agreed in a while we would meet up with the Haven team to find them trainers.

   To support Shiftry I put on my grass gym uniform, and got all 30 of the Shiftry team training. Juggling, practicing hitting targets with the wind from their fans, you name it they did it! So determined they were, to have trainers of their own.
   Eventually my teammates from Haven Headquarters arrived, and one by one the Shiftry each found a trainer to call their own. I turned to my buddies and breathed a sigh of relief. "All's well that ends well! I'm relieved the Pokémon can live in peace again" I smiled at my buddies, "Good job team! Let's head home and have a feast with our other friends!" And off we went, out of the Slumbering Weald and back home.

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

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