Goodbye Glaceon

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A tale of Two Eevees

   The two little eevees loved growing up in their leafy home. Surrounded by friendly Pokémon, plenty of food to eat and places to find water, they happily jumped and skipped and played together all summer and into the winter!

   "Come back! The younger Eevee was laughing as she chased after her older sister. The older Pokémon who watched over them smiled and dozed in the sun that had decided to grace them that winter day, it looked as though spring would be returning soon!

   As it was known with Eevees of this tribe, when they approached adulthood they would be placed through a trial, to help them decide what they wanted to be as they moved into adulthood! The older Eevee was overdue on this, but she had a reason and the elders had allowed it.
   Her sister Eevee was a rare colour, and they all worried she might get herself into danger with poachers if she took the trial alone. So the older Eevee had volunteered, of course she wait and do her trial with her sibling, after all they did everything together!

   Several days have passed...
They were summoned into the elder hut. The two eevees moved forward, standing side by side as the elders looked down on them, quietly judging the sisters.

   "It is time!" The elders voices boomed out in unison, the eevee sisters looked at each other and gulped. "You are both ready! Time for you to leave the village and take your first steps into adulthood!" The elders gaze lingered on the older sister. "You know what you promised" they said, quietly.

The elder sister nodded, and bounced around her younger sibling. "Let's go, Eevee! Let's see what we become!" They both grinned at the elders, at each other, and then dashed out of the hut and towards the road that leads to the Wild Area!

Off the two Eevees hopped, bouncing into fields of flowers and playing. "Thank you for waiting on me for this trial, big sis!" The younger Eevee grinned at her sister.

As they moved through the beautiful countryside, a skip in their step, the older sister realised how much she loved the spring! She LOVED the flowers, the combee buzzing through the skies, the wonderful bright colours! She knew what she would choose, when the time came.

Then they noticed a snowflake, and another, and soon a whole flurry of flakes surrounded them! The Wild Area was a crazy place! "Sis, sis look, a flake on my nose!" The younger sibling jumped up and down and squealed with happiness!

The big sister thought to herself, while looking at her younger sibling, that she was relieved to be there by her side, and she smiled to herself as they moved forwards to their destination, whatever or wherever that may be.

As the girls were settling in to sleep, snuggled close to keep themselves warm with their long fur, it started to get dark around them...

As the elder sister went to close her eyes, she noticed a rustling in the bushes...was someone there?? She slowly opened her eyes and noticed a figure in the shadows. "This can't be good" she thought to herself...and she nudged her little sister, hoping they could both run off before the figure got any closer.

Her sister wouldn't budge...she was fast asleep, lying comfortably in the snow, almost blending in! That's when the figure came into view, it was a man! And he threw a the older sister!

"Ah!" She thought to herself. "This is the one place my sister is safe, in the snow". She tried to fight back, tried to bite at the mans fingers so he would drop the sack and let her free!

At that moment, her sister awoke. She had a different look in her eye than before, her white fur humming with energy. She started down at the man, threatening him. "Don't worry sis, this time its my turn to save you" she said, as she closed her eyes and focused.

The younger Eevee closed its eyes and focused...its breathing calm, its fur starting to glow. The older sibling looked around at the ice and snow and realised what was happening, her sister was evolving!

With a flash the younger sibling jumped, and evolved into a Glaceon! A beautiful cascade of ice fell around her, shining prisms all over the ground!

The man was taken aback...he saw the look in Glaceons eyes, and worried what might happen to him should he stay much longer. The air was getting colder, his breath clearly visible in front of him...Glaceon created ice shards around herself and threw them at their assailant, forcing him to drop her sister and run away in a panic!

Glaceon ran to Eevee, nudging her and making sure she was alright. Eevee was saddened she had been unable to protect herself, but grateful and proud that Glaceon had stepped up, her baby sister a baby no longer!

They headed back, completing Eevees trial on their return through the meadows, becoming Leafeon!

Glaceon however, she missed the icy tundra. She longed for snowflakes on her nose, for crunchy snow under her feet. Leafeon would find her sighing as she made little puffs of snow appear around her...

I happened to be passing through the Eevee Tribes territory as this was taking place. They approached me, and asked me if I could find a way to make Glaceon happy again! I said I'm afraid the only way she might be happy, is if she leaves this place and heads back to somewhere colder.

Heartbroken, Leafeon looked at her sister. "This is what she needs" she told herself, with a sad smile.

Leafeon turned to me and asked, "may I accompany you on the journey to find my sister her true home?" I smiled at her, warmed by the knowledge that this Glaceon is really truly loved! "Of course you can, as far as we can follow we will go"

And off we set to the Winter Resort that Haven calls their Winter headquarters!

"I hope you'll come visit sometimes sis!" yelled Leafeon over the wind, "I'm gonna miss you!" Glaceon stopped, a tear in her eye, as she took one last glance at her sister "I'm gonna miss you too sis!" And she ran off into the distance...

Written for Ingrid Mira Borja

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