Hearts Rising (slur x aroma)

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   "Come on Slurpuff, let's head out to work! Another busy day ahead of us!", Oliver said to his partner, as they readied themselves to leave the house. Oliver unlocked the front door, and off they went into the crisp morning air.
   They arrived at Oliver's bakery, and set about opening the shop. As Oliver was unlocking the door, the lady who ran the florist next door, Maria, appeared round the corner. "Good morning Oliver! Good morning Slurpuff!" She shouted to them both as she approached and set about unlocking her own door. Oliver's face lit up, "Good morning to you too, Maria! And you Aromatisse!" He said, grinning as Slurpuff jumped up and down and waved at Aromatisse. Oliver couldn't help but stare as she disappeared into her store. Slurpuff chuckled, and with a loud "sluuurrrpuff!" he shoved his trainer into the bakery to start their day, Aromatisse giggling outside as she watched, Slurpuff smiling to himself that he made her laugh.

   Oliver picked up his things and turned the open sign to "on a break". "Come on Slurpuff! Something is missing from this shop and I'm sure you know what it is" Oliver smiled at Slurpuff, who knew exactly what he meant. He happily skipped behind Oliver, excited to see his love again.
   "Hey Maria! We'd like a bunch of pretty wildflowers please! The bakery needs brightened up!" Oliver explained to her, and she smiled at him. "Sure thing, let me just wrap those for you!" She told him as she set about the shop, collecting sprigs of different flowers and branches to create a decorative piece for Oliver. Slurpuff spotted Aromatisse and waved over to her. "Aroommmaa!" she called over to him and she jumped up and down. Their trainers smiled, "they sure get along well, don't they?" said Oliver, watching the Pokémon playing together. "They sure do! It's nice to see. Not often that Aromatisse takes a liking to another Pokémon" Maria told him, and Slurpuff looked up at Maria in surprise. She smiled at Slurpuff, then turned back to her work. "Okay almost done...there! It's finished" she said, as she turned them round in the vase to face Oliver. Slurpuff looked up in awe, this lady sure was good at making flowers pretty...but also smell nice together! Or maybe that was Aromatisse...her smell is the best one of all! Slurpuff thought to himself, as Oliver paid the lady. "Come on Slurpuff, it's time to go" said Oliver and Slurpuffs heart sank. "See you again soon" Slurpuff told Aromatisse as he waved over to her. Then he turned, and headed back to the bakery with Oliver.

   The days continue on quietly and happily like this for many months. Until one day, as Oliver is opening up shop, he notices that Slurpuff is acting weird. "Hey buddy, what's up?" Oliver asks Slurpuff, who looks up with a pained expression. Slurpuff are known for being able to smell out the physical and mental state of someone, and this was no exception. "Slurrrr..." he replied, a weary look on his face as he pointed over at Maria. Slurpuff was worried, Maria was giving off so much sadness that Slurpuff thought he would collapse with the weight of it! Oliver tried to get her attention, but she just turned and gave them both a weak smile, then headed into her store. Oliver went to follow but Slurpuff grabbed his leg. "Slurpufffffff slur puff puff puff!!" Slurpuff pointed at the bakery then at Maria's florists then back at the bakery again, then ran inside and pointed at the oven. "Oh, you wanna make her something, Slurpuff?" Oliver asked him and he jumped up and down. "Great idea Slurpuff, let's cheer her up!" Oliver said and they set about making a wonderful cake to cheer up their friend.
   They created a masterpiece! Slurpuff chose all the best ingredients, really working hard to sniff out only the best combinations to make her smile. When they were done, the smell rivalled even the best aromas that his beloved Aromatisse can produce. Proud of their creation, Slurpuff helped to put it in the oven, when it was ready they would take it through and Slurpuff could see Aromatisse for a while!

   The timer dinged and Slurpuff jumped up! "Slur puff puff puff!" Shouted Slurpuff but Oliver wasn't paying attention...seemed his mind was elsewhere. Slurpuff hoped he wasn't too worried about the lady, and rammed into Oliver's side to wake him out of his daydream. "Oh! Sorry Slurpuff...oh the cake!" Shouted Oliver. Seems someone had finally realised, thought Slurpuff to himself.
   They went next door to Maria's store with the present, but what they were greeted with was not the usual scene. Maria was clearing things into boxes, Aromatisse sitting on the floor, looking defeated in the corner. Slurpuff ran over and sat by his beloved Aromatisse while Oliver asked what was happening. "I've gotta head out of town." Maria told him, a pained look on her face. "Business isn't doing well anymore, so I'm going to live with my parents for a while" Maria explained, while Oliver looked at her in shock. Well this explains the sad feeling Slurpuff could smell on Maria...no wonder it was so strong! Thought Slurpuff. "Is there anything we can do to help you? Slurpuff works so passionately knowing Aromatisse is just next door" Oliver said, almost begging her to stay somehow. "I'm sorry Oliver, but there's nothing anyone can do...the lease is already up" she explained and went back to packing the last of the boxes.

   Months passed, and Oliver seemed to fade away in front of Slurpuff. No longer excited to bake, the cakes they made were not bringing in customers like they used to. Slurpuff worried that Oliver had lost his passion, because of a broken heart.
   One day, they got a call for a special order of a cake out of town. They baked and packaged the cake to the specifications required, closed the shop and headed out in the van to the next city over. As they got closer, Slurpuff picked up a scent on the air...he was sure he knew this smell but it was too weak yet to be sure in the mix of smells from the city. Oliver drove, silently, and giving off an aura that made Slurpuff feel heavy as concrete. "Slur slur!" Slurpuff tried to get his attention but it was no use, his trainer was losing his heart for everything.
   They arrived at the door with the parcel, and rang the bell, Slurpuff jumping around excitedly. The door opens, and Oliver cannot believe his eyes!

   It's Maria! She'd ordered a cake for her parents anniversary. Slurpuff smirks, watching as the rush of feelings flood into Oliver, a flush to his face. I guess now I know where his spark went, thought Slurpuff to himself, still smirking. "Maria, I realise now why my cakes haven't been as good since you left. My spark, my inspiration, it's been you all along" he confessed to her. She started to blush, and they heard a yell from behind Maria. "ARRRRROMAAAA" squealed Aromatisse as she came flying out of the house and into Slurpuffs arms. Both trainers looked at each other and laughed, smiling at their Pokémon and blushing at what had been said. "Please, Maria. Come back with me. We can run the store side by side, I'll sell cakes and you can sell your beautiful flowers!" Oliver asked her and Slurpuff and Aromatisse stopped to listen for her answer. Maria went bright red, paused for just a second to collect her thoughts, then yelled "yes!!" At the top of her lungs as she threw herself into Oliver's arms. Slurpuff grinned,  relieved to see his trainers smile return to his face once more.

   The store now does better than ever! Aromatisse out front, encouraging people with the most amazing smells, Slurpuff assisting in choosing only the best tastes and smells for the cakes, the flowers more beautiful than any anyone has seen thanks to Aromatisse helping them. Oliver and Maria working side by side, occasionally stopping to blow a kiss to each other. Slurpuff and Aromatisse relieved to be together again, watching their trainers, they couldn't be happier.

Happy Valentine's day trainers! (This is a story that I released in a gaming group last year and is one half of a story, Maria's point of view is in the next instalment so check it out!)

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