Unidentified flying...what?

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I searched my office at headquarters, but I still couldn't find him. "Hey, Sobble. Have you seen Pikachu anywhere? I can't find him" I asked a sleepy Sobble, who was doing off in his water tank by the window. Sobble shook himself and looked up "Soooobble...sobsob?" He replied, looking a bit dazed still from his afternoon nap. Seemed I wasn't going to get much of an answer from him right now. I sighed, where could Pikachu be? He always tells me when he's going anywhere, this isn't like him...I felt a pang of concern hit my gut. "Nono Mischa, snap out of it! I'm sure Pikachu is fine... I'll head out and ask the members, maybe Pikachu just went out to enjoy the sun" I tried to convince myself but it was no good. This wasn't like Pikachu at all...however worrying wasn't going to find him, so I woke Sobble, and off we went to ask the members for information.

   We headed down into the main foyer, and the entire space was in chaos. Upended benches, plant pots with half the soil turned out...the carnage was a stark contrast to the usually clean and inviting foyer! "Hey Hey Hey!" I shouted as I ran down the stairs, "what are you guys doing?! This is a mess!" I scolded them. One member ran over, "sorry ma'am, but it's an emergency you see. All of our Pokémon...they have disappeared!" he said, eyes wide. "What do you mean, disappeared?" I asked him. "Well this morning when we woke up in the accommodation wing, we couldn't find a single Pokémon anywhere! Except Eric, he still has Pelipper, but everyone else..." the guys face fell. "What if they're hurt?! Or worse..." he started to panic, "right! Team, panicking will not bring our Pokémon back! Let's work on a plan. Has the neighbour hood watch received any reportings of missing Pokémon?" I asked the team. One member ran forward with an envelope. "They did indeed contact us...in our panic over our own Pokémon it kind of slipped my mind... I'm sorry!" she said, and handed me the envelope. Inside, were pages upon pages of reports from people, not just locally...but all over Galar! I also noticed another reporting...none of the farmers can find Wooloo anywhere, and one farmer even caught a photo! I flipped it over and gasped at what I saw.

   "A beam of light is whats kidnapping the Pokémon?!" I said out loud and all the members turned around in shock. They started to discuss between themselves, and that same member pulled me aside, and took me through to the main office of the neighbourhood watch.
   "I didn't want to give you the full image, the mass hysteria it would have caused..." she looked away and started to open files on her computer. "You see, I cropped the top of the image off. The true image, is this." She moved out of the way, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a Pokémon! A large one at that..."so, how much of a threat is this Pokémon to the general population?" I asked her. "Well, information is incomplete on this Pokémon, but from the intel I gathered when this was reported, it can control on a wide scale...and not just Pokémon either, it can also control people!" She said, her face dark. My heart dropped, and I looked at her, a grim expression on my face. "We need to alert Hakie, and send out a regionwide alert! Meanwhile we have to find this Pokémon!" I said and we nodded at each other. "Let's go! You print out flyers and ask the rangers to hand them to every town. Meanwhile, I will go alert Hakie" I told her as I ran out of the room and towards the stairs.

   Eric came running towards me. "Its not good...Hakie is also missing!" He told me he'd been up to Hakies office to try and alert him of the situation, but the door was already open...so Eric had looked inside, and found Hakie was also gone! "It's not just Pokémon, Mischa! It could take any of us." He looked at me with concern in his eyes, looked over at the members and back to me, this time with a conviction. "I am going to find the culprit!" he exclaimed. "Okay, but not alone you aren't" I smiled at him and grabbed his shoulder, "Let's grab a travel pack and head out, maybe the Pokémon will have left a trail we can follow" and with that with both headed to the equipment room, loaded up for the trip, and headed off out the door, into the wild area.
   "Okay Eric, now stay close. We can't get separated right now" I said, looking all around us. The air was still, not a sound to be heard, and it was putting me on edge. Usually we had the family of Pidove that sang just outside our building, and the group of Growlithe that live in the field to the side. Today, nothing, not a sound, not a Pokémon to be seen!
   We continued onwards, passing through a small forest, following a light trail of paw prints and hoping it would lead us to where we needed to go. As we exited the trees, we both gasped in shock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of me, it just couldn't be true!

Adventures In Galar: Pokémon HavenWhere stories live. Discover now