That's Not A Delivery!

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We decided to take a day off from solving Pokémon mysteries, to take a well deserved trip to the beach! How exciting! "Sobble, please be safe in the sun!" I shouted after him as he ran to the sea, Corviknight Caw'ing with laughter.
   We set up our camp for the day, Cinderace helping out by setting the tent pegs in so we could use the tent sheet as shade from the sun. Pikachu collected the bucket and shovel from my pack, and set about making a sand castle with Ditto. "Hey Ditto," I shouted over to them "you've got some sand stuck to your back! Maybe transform for today, or go wash it off later?" Ditto spun on the spot, covering himself in more sand and we all laughed. Sobble came over and gently used water gun to remove the sand for Ditto. "Diiiittoo!" Ditto said happily, bouncing around and following Sobble back to the water.
   "Okay team, who wants burgers?!" I yelled, trying to catch Cinderace...who was running so fast over the sand he was leaving little scotch marks everywhere he went! "Cinderrrr cin cin!" He yelled back and I set about frying up some burgers for everyone as they played.

   "Lunch is ready, come and get it!" I waved my arms around. Over they ran to get their burgers, the smell wafting through the air...we had a few Krabby come to look too! "Don't worry guys, plenty of food to go around!" and I handed out some burgers to the hungry looking Krabby. Such a beautiful day...warm sunshine, laughing friends, even for a trainer I am a lucky one to have so much happiness! I looked around at my buddies and smiled. We had all met in unusual circumstances, but one by one we had all found each other. I guess that's fate for you, I thought to myself, watching Pikachu help Sobble break up his burger so he could eat it better.
   "You're so kind, Pikachu!" I said to him and both Pikachu and Sobble looked up at me and grinned. Then suddenly a great shadow loomed over us. "Huh..." I said, looking up for the source as a large bird Pokemon swooped in...and scooped up Sobble with his burger!

   "No...not Sobble!" I yelled, chasing after them, splashing into the sea and trying even to swim after them...but the bird Pokemon was too fast. Off the Pokemon flew without a glance back, Sobbles crying audible over the waves...

   I came back to shore and cried, dropping myself on the sand. Corviknight, who had been hiding from the sun under the makeshift tent canopy, scowled at me as he trudged over to see if he could help. Then he notices my tear streaked face. "Please save Sobble!" I cried, and takes off into the skies after the kidnapper!
   Off he flew, until he was almost a dot on the horizon. Pikachu came over and patted my knee, "pika pika" he said, trying to reassure me. "You're right, Pikachu. Corviknight can save him!" I replied, sniffing and drying the tears from my face.
    He chased the kidnapper...a Pelipper who's rejoining it's flock in the sky. Corviknight narrowed his eyes against the sun and flew faster to catch them. They all spotted Corviknight, a great intimidating beast by comparison, and they panicked. "Pellipppee" they cried as they scattered in the skies. "SOBBLEEEEE" cried Sobble, as the one carrying Sobble dropped him in its panic!
   Corviknight swoops down as fast as he can. Zoning his vision in on Sobble, he shot forward and catches Sobble on his back. "You alright up there?" Corviknight asked Sobble. " for c-coming to save me, Corvi" Sobble replied, still shaking from the shock of the ordeal. He patted Corviknights shoulder in thanks and Corviknight swooped back up to scold the Pelippers.
   The pelippers realise what's happened, the mistake they made..."You could have killed an innocent Sobble!" Corviknight crowed at them. "He's part of my family, you better thank your lucky stars you didn't kill him...or you would have had me to answer to" Corviknight said, narrowing his eyes and staring at them. They gulped, a few almost fell out of the air in fright. "Follow me, you have to answer to Mischa, my human" Corviknight said as he turned to head back to shore. They followed Corviknight and Sobble back to shore to apologise, caw'ing "Sorry" every few minutes.

   The Pelipper land the whole flock down on the beach. I approached, "What the heck were you all thinking?? Kidnapping a defenceless little should be ashamed of yourselves!" I scolded them as I lifted Sobble up into my arms, his eyes even bigger than usual. The Pelipper explained the situation, "Pelipper pe pe lipper!" They cried. "You were just trying to feed your flock...?" I said. Seems when they smelled the burgers they couldn't resist, and in their hunger they had accidentally scooped up Sobble too. Usually they had enough food, but with less visitors to the beach and more Pelipper joining the flock, food was scarce and hard to come by. "I understand, but be more careful next time!" I said, and then an idea came to me! "How would you like if I found a home for half of your flock? Perhaps then food wouldn't be an issue" and the Pelipper excitedly agreed!
"Thanks for saving Sobble, Corviknight!" I said, and gave his wing a pat...and immediately regret it as a searing hot pain ran through my palm! "OUCH CORVIKNIGHT WHY ARE YOU SO HOT!!" I yelled, Corviknight cawing with laughter as I run full speed into the sea to cool my hand off!

We got back safe and sound, Sobble refusing to leave my side. "Hey guys we're back from the beach! You won't believe the adventure we was supposed to be our day off!" I said as we walked into the Haven Headquarters

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

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