Mimic..chu! (Mimikyu x Pikachu)

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"Hey Mimikyu, wanna play?" Asked Pikachu, as the other Pikachu in the box recoiled in fear. Mimikyu looked away from the group, and huddled in the corner. He went back to drawing on the wall, little doodles of Pikachus. Pikachu smiled at her friend, then turned and scowled at the other Pikachu. "Stop treating him so badly!" She shouted. "We were all abandoned together, don't be so cruel." The group of Pikachu smirked. "We will all get homes, that creepy rag will stay here" they laughed, and Mimikyu sat silent in the corner, a single tear falling from under his costume.

   "Oh this Pikachu is so cute!" Exclaimed a lady who was passing. "Free to a good home?" She read the sign, "oh no that's awful! They've been abandoned here! I'll call my friends and sort this out immediately! Cute Pikachus can't be left in the cold!" She pulled out her phone and began dialling.
   Over the following hours, people came and went, and slowly but surely each Pikachu received a home. Eventually, only Pikachu and her Mimikyu friend remained, the rest of the group rehomed. "Pikachu, if someone comes, please go with them" said Mimikyu sadly. "You know they won't take me, so please find a home!" Pikachu listened, and started to cry. Mimikyu understood why, but he couldn't let his friend miss out!
   A couple came round in the evening. They didn't seem very happy. "Hey, what do you think? Should we take this Pikachu home for Stella?" The lady said to her partner. "I'm sure she would love it. Now what about Allister?" The man asked. "There's another Pokémon here but it's so creepy...we will find him a Pokémon another time" the man decided and he scooped up Pikachu! "Pika piiii" Pikachu looked over the man's shoulder at Mimikyu. "Bye, my friend..." Mimikyu said as he slowly waved to her, trying not to show how heartbroken he really was.

   Dusk came, the sun beginning to set in the sky. Mimikyu had dozed off in his box, no longer woken by people who wanted to adopt Pikachus. He sat there daydreaming of the day he might have a warm happy home of his own, and he sighed, eventually drifting off to that thought of laughing with his very own trainer.
   "Hey, are you okay?" Came a little voice. Mimikyu slowly opened his eyes. Blurry at first from sleep, he rubbed his eyes and saw a small boy standing in front of him! "You seem lonely" said the little boy. Mimikyu stared at him, barely able to believe his eyes! This little boy was choosing to speak to him! "Mimi, mimi mimikyu" Mimikyu pointed to the drawing of Pikachu, to the free to a good home sign, and sighed. "You mean no one took you?" Asked the boy, and Mimikyu nodded. "Its okay", said the boy, "families aren't that great anyway. I ran away from mine."  The boy told Mimikyu, looking more upset than he showed. "Can I stay with you tonight? I'm a bit scared of the dark..." the boy looked at his feet. "Mimikyu!! Mimimi!" Mimikyu immediately jumped up and started pushing the box over to make a shelter for them both. The boy laughed "let me help!" And together they managed to push the box over. Nestled together under that box, looking up at the stars in the sky, the boy started to softly cry.

   "Mimikyu?" Mimikyu looked at the boy quizzically. "Well you see, my parents keep arguing." The boy told Mimikyu. "They argue and I'm scared...so I ran away from home! I had to, what if they argued because of me?" He said with large eyes. "My big sister said they never used to argue at all" and the boy started to cry again, louder this time. "You see, Mimikyu, I was adopted. My real parents were in an accident, I miss them so much.." he sniffed, and Mimikyu snuggled into his side "You know, you're pretty warm Mimikyu" and he had the tiniest smile on his face. "Stay close so I can sleep?" And Mimikyu nodded. He snuggled up close beside the boy and eventually Mimikyu could hear a light snoring coming from the boy. Relieved, Mimikyu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

   Mimikyu was woken in the middle of the night, to loud sobbing. He quickly rubbed his eyes and looked around, and found the boy curled up in a ball and crying. Mimikyu reached out a hand to the boy, and gently rubbed his back. "Mimi...kyu?" Mimikyu was concerned for his new friend. The boy stopped and started sniffling "Oh Mimikyu! Did I wake you? Sorry..." the boy looked at Mimikyu with tears streaming down his face. "I had another nightmare Mimikyu. The same one I have almost every night. The night my parents died." The boy told Mimikyu, a solumn look on his face. "Mimi, mi?" Mimikyu wanted him to talk about it, maybe it would help him. "Okay Mimikyu, I'll tell you what happened. I trust you" the boy turned to his new friend "you see, they were marine biologists."

   "They were marine biologists" the boy told Mimikyu. "They often worked with water Pokémon, investigating the ecosystem and making sure all the Pokémon were happy." The boy started to fidget, and Mimikyu snuggled up beside him. Comforted, he continued. "One day, they were contacted about a new Pokémon, or so everyone thought. You see, I'm not from Galar, we moved here when my Ma and Pa took on a big project" the boy sighed "Mimi kyuuuu" and Mimikyu hugged the boy. "Thanks Mimikyu. You see, the Pokémon they got called about, is called Cursola." The boy continued to tell Mimikyu the story. One visit to the site to investigate, they'd decided to take their son along so he could learn all about Pokémon. They thought they were dealing with sickly Corsola...but in fact they had mutated due to the poor living conditions. What they hadn't realised, was these mutations were capable of evolving, and both stages of its life cycle were dangerous. The boy was playing in the rock pools while his parents worked, and there he met a Pokémon. It was white, and looked very sad. He reached out to it, and started to feel weak and light headed. His parents shouted to him, they ran over and pulled him away. However, as they did they riled up the Corsola, and a few started to glow. They had evolved into a massive ghostly figure! They approached the family...closing in. "Run, son! Run while you can we will hold them off!" His mother shouted. "We love you always son, go and get help!" His father shouted.
   That was the last time the boy saw his parents alive. "You see Mimikyu, if Galarian Corsola evolves, it turns living beings to stone." The boy said quietly, fidgeting with his hands again. Mimikyu realised, this little boy had also lost his family, like Mimikyu lost Pikachu. "Mimikyuuuu" Mimikyu cried, and held the boy in his ghostly arms, protecting him from anything he could, swearing he always would forever. The boy, relieved to have the story off his chest, fell back to sleep.

   Morning came, Pidoves cooing on the rooftops. However it was the shouting of humans that woke Mimikyu. "He's over here! We've found him!" Mimikyu heard a man's voice yelling. Someone approached the alleyway, the heavy footfalls stirring the boy from his sleep. Then mimikyu heard more voices, another man and a woman, these two sounded familiar to Mimikyu...where had he heard those voices before?
   "Allister!" Shouted the woman, "what were you thinking, running off in the night like that! We were worried sick" she cried and ran forward to hold the boy. He started to properly wake up at this, and started crying too! "I thought you and Pa were arguing because of me! I had to leave" cried "Allister". I guess that's the boys name, Mimikyu thought to himself. "Never! Allister, adults just sometimes have disagreements! It's nothing you have done. Please come home with us" and the man approached and put his hand on his wifes shoulder. "Thank you Officer", the man said to the one who found us, "we can take it from here" and the man smiled. "Okay, I'll head back to the station and call off the search! Relieved to see the little lad is alright" the Policeman said as he headed back over to his car to leave for the station.
   "Okay Allister, now it's time to come home" the parents looked at the boy expectantly, and Allister hesitated. "I will come, if Mimikyu can come." He said, and he turned to me. The parents faces paled. "Come now, we will find you another Pokémon to be friends with" the woman tried to bargain with Allister. "No way! Mimikyu has no family, we need to give him one! He protected me all night, please don't make me leave him here!" Allister cried, and Mimikyu felt tears welling up in his own eyes. Never had a human expressed such care for him, it was a strange feeling. The parents looked at Allister, then at me, and finally at each other. Then they sighed, "Okay, it can come with us" they reluctantly agreed. "His name is Mimikyu, and he is my friend" corrected Allister, and he walked over to Mimikyu. "Come on now buddy, time to go home" Allister held his hand out and smiled. Mimikyu started to cry as he reached out and took Allisters hand, and headed home.

   When they arrived at Allisters house, his sister came running forward and pulled Allister into a massive hug. "Allister I was so worried!" She cried and cried. Then Mimikyu noticed a pair of ears sticking out from the side of the door. Allister noticed too, "what's that, Stella?" He asked his sister. Stella beamed back at him. " I'm a Pokémon trainer now, that's my partner Pikachu!" And Pikachu came out from hiding.
   "Mimikyuuu!!! Mimikyu!!!" Mimikyu cheered and jumped up and down. "Pika pikaaaa!!!!" Pikachu shouted and ran forward to hug Mimikyu. They danced together as the humans looked on curiously. "Do you two know each other?" The siblings asked. Both Pikachu and Mimikyu nodded furiously. "That's perfect then! All the siblings are reunited!" Stella grinned. she took Allisters hand, and ran into the house, Pikachu and Mimikyu following and laughing.

   "Well that worked out" said the woman. "It did indeed" said the man, as he put his arm around the woman's waist and watched the children playing with their new Pokémon partners.

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