Mysterious Lights

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   As we camped, Corviknight went on his nightly flight run to check the area was safe before Noctowl took over the night watch.
   He noticed some lights off in the distance...some of them burning very very tall and brightly, others a bit dimmer...shimmering and dancing in the gloom.
   Curious, Corviknight swooped back down to scout, but it was still unclear what the lights were. He informed me of the lights as he was taking up his nesting position for sleep, shoving himself into my side. "Corviknight! How many times do I need to remind you, metal is not soft!" I laughed and patted his head, he caw'd a lighthearted caw back at me and went to sleep.
   "I wonder what the mysterious lights were that Corviknight saw?" I thought to myself, as I tossed and turned in my sleep...hoping it was nothing sinister.

   In the morning, we awoke...and the wild area was unusually quiet. Not a single Rookidee calling out its morning song, not even one Butterfree flying through the skies.
   We slowly cleared up our camp, feeling uneasy by the could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. Knowing the wild area is usually teeming with life and that I'm usually awoken by a group of Pokémon running through our camp, this concerned me...
   Then I noticed while we had been cleaning, that Pikachu was sitting there looking pretty dazed and confused. I offered him a Pecha berry, no response. "Hey Pikachu, buddy? Are you okay??" I looked at his face...and he looked EXHAUSTED. Like the very life force had been drained from him even...
   Now I know mornings can make you feel like that, but this is worrying. "Okay team, I'm concerned about Pikachu...we need to investigate the lights Corviknight saw last night!" So we set off, Corviknight up front leading us there, to investigate the Watchtower Ruins!

   We crept cautiously through the trees, and up to the Watchtower Ruins. As we approached, we could see the little lights dancing around the ruins. I looked to Corviknight and he nodded - this is what he'd seen last night!
   We continued up the hill, and as we cleared the trees, whatever was making those lights spotted us! They started to move about manically, and one by one they swirled downwards to the middle of the ruins, and disappeared!
   I ran up to the ruin, and entered it through the side, seems something long ago had broken the ruin, causing gaps in the wall. I peered in, taking care not to go too far forward. There was a cavernous hole in the middle...and deep in that hole there seemed to be a den! Now I started to make sense of the situation.

   "So I think I know what happened to Pikachu...I might be wrong, but I have a sneaky suspicion this den belongs to a group of Litwick!" I said quietly, still peering into the depths for any sign of life. "You see team, Litwicks dex entry mentions that it drains life force. This is too dangerous to be left alone...a whole den full of Litwick, the Pokémon nearby must be terrified!" I continued, thinking of Pikachu and feeling concerned. I really hope he's going to be okay...

   So I cupped my hands to my face and shouted into the den. "Litwicks! I know you're in there!", I moved forward just an inch and steadied myself on the side of the tower. "Come with me!" My voice echoed down into the depths...with no response.
   "Please! I can give you a home! I know a whole bunch of people - myself included - who would love to be your trainers!" I cried down into the den. I heard some little shuffling noises, and the lights began to reappear one by one...

   Not long later, I had a whole crowd of Litwicks flying around my head! One of them hopped over to me, looking up at Pikachu who is riding in my backpack, a sad expression on his face. I wonder if this was the one who attacked Pika in the night. I crouched down and asked the Litwick, "Are you the one who did this to Pikachu?" I said, concerned. It slowly nodded. I could feel a flicker of anger rising up in my heart, but I squashed it. Anger won't help anyone right now, I told myself. "Okay, will Pikachu recover?" I asked the Litwick who nodded, faster this time. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness for that! Okay Litwicks, this one will stay with me, so he can learn the error of his ways! But I can't rehome all of you! Let's go to my friends at Haven and find you all a home!" I said with a big grin and they all chirped and spun round as they followed me out of the ruins and towards Haven Headquarters!

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

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