The Ribbon of Fate

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"Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Felix" I said, gathering my team close around the campfire. "Felix was a sickly child, and had a lot of trouble with his health." I continued, and Pikachu looked up at me sadly. "However, one day, he met an Eevee. That's where our story for tonight begins" I said, looking around the group who were dozing away under blankets and smiling sleepily.

Felix spent a lot of time indoors due to his health issues. After a few months in hospital as a child, the doctors had confirmed he had an immune dysfunction, and would catch viruses and the like much easier. "...but Ma, I want to go outside!" Felix protested, staring longingly out the window at the kids playing in the street. "I want to play catch with my friends!" he said, sulking and pouting at his mother. "Now Felix, you know what the doctor said! Maybe when you're older you'll be able to" she replied, sighing. It wasn't easy for her to say no to her only child, and she understood how painfully lonely it must be. With his father away fighting a distant war, and her a nurse at the local hospital...poor Felix...she sighed again. "I've got a suggestion, kiddo! How would you like to meet a special friend?" She said, and Felix's ears perked up. "A special friend?? Who??" He asked, jumping up and down and looking at her excitedly. "Well you see, a friend of mine recently told me her Pokémon had eggs! She asked me if you would like a friend of your own to look after" His mother explained, smiling gently at him. "A Pokémon all of my own...are you serious??" he replied. "Absolutely serious! How's about I phone her now and find out if we can arrange a visit from her?" She asked him. "Yes yes yes!!" He cheered and whooped, jumping around...and crashing into the wall in his hurry to find his shoes. "Wait up a second Felix! I was going to ask her to come round" She said, worried about her son. He looked up at her, eyes giant and shining. "Please Ma, please let me go to see all the Pokémon...". He started fiddling again with his shoes as she thought about it. Well you can't keep him inside forever, Marissa. She sighed, "alright then, I'll ask her if we can come over as soon as possible" and she walked off to call. "Hey Joyce, would it be okay for us to come over about that offer to adopt a Pokémon? Mhm, Mhm...Yes that's right, we would like to come to you." There was silence for a moment and Felix listened on with baited breath. "Fantastic! We will be round within the hour." His mother walked back through into the living room, and the giant grin on Felix's face told her everything she needed to know. "I see someone was eavesdropping!" She chuckled, and he grinned at her. "Alright kiddo, lets go meet your new friend!"


They arrived at the house. "Hello there Felix, nice to see you!" Joyce greeted him warmly. "Hey Marissa! Nice to see you outside of work for once" She smirked and they both laughed. "No rest for the wicked, eh?" Marissa replied. "So, where are the Pokémon??" Felix said, looking up at Joyce with a look of wonder in his eyes. "Follow me kiddo, they're in the sunroom with their parents."

"You can choose whichever one you like the most!" Joyce announced, and Felix looked at the two Pokémon standing proudly beside their eggs. "Uh...Hello Pokémon! Would it be okay if I raised one of your eggs? I would really like a friend" Felix said, blushing. The Pokémon both greeted him with a giant pounce hug! "Ouuuch! Careful! Haha!" Felix cried out as he toppled over, nearly squashed by two adult Pokémon who had decided to hug him very forcefully! Marissa started forward to help her son, but he stopped her. "No need Ma, I'm okay under here!" He laughed, and the Pokémon climbed off. They pushed under his hand and lead him over to one of the eggs. "This one, huh?" Felix touched the egg. It felt warm under his palm, with the hint of movement inside. He grinned up at his mother, "seems like this is the one! This one will be my friend!" he announced to the room. The two women clapped for him, and as he picked up the egg, it started to crack! "Wait...oh no, I broke it!" he cried out, and tried to place it back down on the pile of blankets, tears forming in his eyes. "Nono, this is actually part of the process" Joyce explained. They watched on in awe as the egg shook, then shook again...then light burst forth from the cracks, and blew the top of the egg away! Sitting in the remains of the egg, was a newly born Eevee! "Oh wow..." Felix looked at his new friend in awe, amazed something so cute was hiding in the egg. "You're even cooler than I expected! I'm gonna call you Penny!" he said to the Eevee, and she replied with a "vee vee!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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