Finding An Eggcelent Home

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The sun finally rose and we shook ourselves from sleep. With the Thievul successfully dealt with, it was time to head over to the day care team to discuss plans for the rescued eggs! "Pikachu come on, we gotta go!" I shouted to Pikachu who was dozing under a blanket. "Some of these eggs are on the verge of hatching! We have to act fast!" I shouted. That shook him awake. With a "PIKA!", Pikachu launched himself out from under the blanket, across the floor and up onto my shoulder!
"Eevee, keep a close eye on those Pokémon eggs for me. Keep Chandelier away, we don't want them hatching before we have trainers for them!" I said to Eevee who nodded furiously. "Right, it's time to head out to the day care centre!" I said, grabbing my bag and scooping up an apple for a quick on-the-go breakfast. We didn't have time to sit down and cook today! Off we ran in the direction of the Day Care.

I made it to the Day Care team, and I showed them photos of all the trash cans full of Pokémon eggs!
"Oh my goodness!" The Day Care lady exclaimed. "I had no idea they had taken so many, and we have no idea which eggs came from where!"
We went into the building to discuss what we should do with these little eggies. "We can't find their owners anymore, there are so many and they all have the same markings..." I said, concerned about what to do before these babies hatch!
"We can't take them all here" the Day Care team said. "We already have so many other Pokémon, and we aren't equipped to hatch eggs, usually the trainers take over that part!" They explained. I sat there, puzzled and unsure of what to do...these poor babies all separated from their parents because of the hungry Thievuls!
Then I had an idea...

I spoke to the Day Care team about my idea, a big smile breaking out on both of their faces...they looked at each other and nodded enthusiastically, "let's do that!" They said in unison!
So we got together a cart to carry the Pokémon eggs in, and they waved at me as I set off down the road to collect Eevee...and the 30 eggs!

I arrived at Haven, and Eevee ran to greet me! She took me to the others, and we gently loaded the eggs into the cart, taking care not to crack any! As I gently placed the last egg into the cart, I remembered the little boy from yesterday. I wondered if he had a Pokémon of his own yet...
"Hang on team, before we contact the adoption centre, I have someone I need to call." I said with a smile as I pulled out my phone. I read the previous message, "mama said I could use her phone to see the eggs were safe!" And I tapped the call icon. We sat quietly as it rang and rang. I thought for certain she wouldn't pick up, but on the last ring I heard a clicking noise, "Hello?" Came the voice from the other end. "Hello! I'm the lady your son helped the other day with the egg thefts! My name is Mischa" I introduced myself. "Ah! Thank you so much for contacting! Jacob has been worried sick, bless him", she said, "have you managed to find the eggs?" I looked over at my team, a big grin on my face. "We have indeed! More importantly...I wondered if Jacob would like to come and adopt one? I know it's a big responsibility so if you need to think about it, that's okay!" I told her and I heard excited wooping and screaming in the background. The mother laughed, "I had my phone on speaker, and he just heard us! You hear his reaction, if we can adopt an egg then we will be there! Where are you based?" She asked me. "Haven Headquarters ma'am! Look forward to seeing you!" I replied. "Thanks again for everything! See you soon!" The mother replied as she ended the call.

"Mischaaaa!!! We are here!!!" I heard Jacob scream as he ran into the building, his mother running behind him desperately trying to catch her son. Jacob saw me, his eyes lit up and he ran himself into me! "Hey Jacob!," I laughed and hugged him, "you're stampeding about like a small Rhyhorn!" I said and we all laughed. "Come with me, I'll take you both through to our adoption centre" I waved over his mother and we headed further into the building, eventually stopping at a room near the end of our east wing. I took out the key and unlocked the door, and pushed Jacob gently into the room.

In front of us, each neatly in its own cot, were the stolen Pokémon eggs. "Unfortunately Jacob, we can't find their original trainers. That's why we are asking people if they will help us by adopting one into their family" I explained to Jacob who's eyes were giant and shiny with excitement. He walked between the eggs, looking at each one and rubbing the eggs to pick out his new friend. As he passed the second row, an egg shook! "Hey Jacob, did you see that! The one you just touched started shaking as you walked away!" I said to him, grabbing his attention. Jacob whirled around just in time to see the egg crack right down the side! He stood their in awe as crack by crack appeared, and then the top of the egg shook. A little head popped out! "Grooookey ey ey ey!" It said to Jacob, who had tears in his eyes. "This one, I choose this one" Jacob said as he gently lifted Grookey out from among the shards of egg. "I think actually, that Grookey chose you, Jacob! He made sure to hatch just so he could meet you!" I said, tears in my own eyes. Such a beautiful moment from such a sad situation..."it's like destiny, that these eggs were stolen...just so Jacob could meet Grookey" I said, sniffing. Jacobs mother was also trying her hardest not to cry, as we stood by and watched as Jacob and Grookey grinned back at us. "Why don't you give him a name?" I asked Jacob. "Ooh yeah good idea! Hmmm..." Jacob focused hard on Grookey. "Grookey is a grass type right?" Jacob said to me, and I nodded, surprised he even knew! "Okay then, I think I'll call you...Chief!" Jacob announced and Grookey hugged Jacob tightly. "Seems he approves of the name you've given him!" I said, laughing. "Okay, now that you've found your buddy...lets go introduce Chief to the gang!" I said, and opened the door to let them both out of the adoption room.

"Guys look! I met a Grookey! I'm a Pokémon trainer now!!" Shouted Jacob as he ran out of the room and along the corridor with Grookey in his arms, both of them laughing. Everyone clapped and cheered for them! "A new Pokémon master in the making I'm sure! He even knew what typing Grookey was!" I told the crowd and they were all in awe of this little kid. "Okay everyone, now it's your turns to go in one by one and adopt an egg! Make an orderly line and we will meet back in the main area for food and drinks to celebrate!"

Some time passed. Chief was playing with Pikachu, who tried to encourage Sobble to come and join them but he was too afraid, and instead stayed in my arms as I said and chatted with Jacobs mother. Then we heard voices, and everyone came back! Some holding eggs, some holding Pokémon. "It seems Jacob wasn't the only one who had an exciting meeting!" I said and the few holding Pokémon laughed and nodded. "Okay then everyone, it's time to celebrate! Thank you all for coming to adopt these innocent baby Pokémon, you've done a great thing protecting them! Now, let's eat, drink and have a good time!" I said, pumping my fist in the air and grinning at everyone.

We partied until we could party no more. People falling asleep on the floor, Pikachus fur covered in fruit punch. I smiled to myself as I looked around and found Jacob, cuddled up with Grookey and fast asleep in his mother's arms. "Thank you" she whispered to me, being careful not to wake Jacob. "No, thank you" I whispered back and we both grinned.

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

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