Praise The Sun! (Gloom x Feebas)

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    Gloom had always dreamed of being a Sunflora, or a Roserade...not a sad looking Gloom. She sighed to herself in her deep forest home, the stars barely visible above, and dreamed of the sun! Oh how she loved the warmth when the Sun was strong enough to beam through the spaces between the trees! However, her family had lived in the deep forest for generations, people tended to steer clear of them for fear the stench would knock them out! Sadly for Gloom, living in the dark was what they knew. She sighed, snuggled into her mother and brother, and fell asleep, a little tear rolling down her cheek.
The next morning, she awoke with a start! There, right in front of her, was a beautiful beam of sunlight! She looked at it in amazement as the elders of her village ran around in a panic. Apparently last night there had been a sky battle between two Pokémon, and one had been a fire type. The trees were burnt away in places, the deep forest suddenly feeling exposed. However, Gloom wasn't thinking about the loss. All she could do was fantasize about following those light beams and going on an adventure! She told the elders her plan, she wanted to take this opportunity to find who she truly was. The elders reluctantly agreed...they knew she had always been different from the rest, too happy for the gloomy members of the deep forest. However they warned her, "we came into the deep forest to escape the judgements of others. They could not handle our powerful aroma, so be careful out there little Gloom". She bowed respectfully to the elders, then ran home to pack her things and say goodbye to her family.
"Oh Gloom, it's so hard to see you go." Said her mother Vileplume through big fat tears, her brother Oddish clinging to their mother. "Promise us you'll come back to visit someday? Bring me a big juicy berry!" said Oddish, his large eyes betraying his heart as they welled up with tears. They shared a group hug, then waved Gloom off as she ran in the direction of the sunlight, not pausing to look back in case she would lose the courage to leave. Off she ran, through thickets and over gnarled roots, until she reached the edge of the forest.

   She stared out into the field, blinking hard as her eyes adjusted to the sudden sunshine. "It is...BEAUTIFUL!" She shouted, then started laughing as she ran down the hill and skipped through the fields of flowers. She didn't care who saw her, she was finally in the sun!
She stopped at a little lake for a drink. Not used to the heat, little Gloom was really thirsty! She peered into the crystalline water, knelt down at the edge and scooped up water with her hands, taking huge gulps. "Ah! That's so much better!" She sighed and flopped onto her back on the grass. Arms spread out, basking in the sunlight, she felt sad. She hadn't seen any Pokémon since coming out of the forest..."What if the elders were right?", she sighed, "What if we really DO stink! Maybe I scared all the Pokémon away!" And she started to softly cry as she sat up on the grass, hands over her face.
Then she heard a little voice "excuse me, but I think you smell wonderful!"

   She rubbed her eyes and looked up "huh?" She sniffed and looked around, no one was there! Then who was it who just spoke? "Hey, I'm down here!" And she heard a splash. She shuffled over to the waters edge, and saw a face smiling back at her from under the surface! "Was it you who spoke to me?" She asked cautiously. The face grinned, "it was indeed! And you do, you smell wonderful to me!" Gloom was taken aback. She had been told that everyone avoided them because they smelled bad! "You must be lying! The elders said the other Pokémon don't like us because we smell!" cried Gloom, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Well I like you" said the smiling face. "I'm Feebas" she introduced herself. "What's your name?"

   "Gloom" she replied, looking gloomier than ever. "What a funny name for such a happy Pokémon!" said Feebas. "I was watching earlier, usually I hide in the reeds at the bottom of my lake, but I heard you laughing and I had to see who was so happy!" Feebas grinned up at Gloom. A small smile formed on Glooms face, it seemed she hadn't scared away ALL of the Pokémon, this "Feebas" had come over to say hi! So Gloom told Feebas all about her adventure so far as she sat at the side of the lake, Feebas looking up with wide eyes. "That's amazing! I wish I could see the world, it sounds beautiful." said Feebas, a sad smile on her face. "Then why don't you pop your head out of the water and take a look?" Asked Gloom curiously. She couldn't understand how someone could live surrounded by beauty and never have seen it! "Pokémon...don't like me either." Feebas said, and looked away from Gloom. "They think I'm too ugly to be friends with. Even the trainers keep their distance when they come to my lake...the Magikarp always get a home, but never me." She said sadly. "Sometimes the trainers come, hoping I have a beautiful Prism Scale...but I don't! My mama died, I have no one to get one from!" and Feebas swam away to hide in some reeds.
"Hey, come back!" shouted Gloom, "Those Pokémon are wrong! You're not ugly! I want to be your friend, please come back Feebas!" The lake remained still, as if made of glass. Gloom sighed, and laid back down on the grass to watch the clouds pass. "I'll just lie here and watch these beautiful clouds pass then" Gloom said, smiling to herself and hoping she could tempt her new friend into coming back up to talk.

   A few hours passed, and Gloom fell asleep. The sky got darker, night came. Still, Feebas hid in her reeds. Morning came, and Gloom sat up. It was another beautiful sunny day! She stretched and as she did so she noticed a beautiful water lily sitting on the bank beside her. "Perhaps Feebas had come up after all", She thought to herself and smiled. "Thanks for the beautiful flower, Feebas! Although it's not as beautiful as you are! You're such a wonderful Pokémon, your beauty shines right through from your heart!! You don't need a Prism Scale to be beautiful, you already are!!" Gloom shouted at the top of her lungs, hoping her friend would hear her in the depths of the lake. She picked up the water lily gently, and as she leaned forward she noticed a light coming from the lake. The light got stronger and brighter, until eventually a huge eruption of water flew up into the sky!

   A huge Pokémon appeared in front of Gloom! She took a few steps back in shock, the Pokémon glistened in the sunshine, looking more beautiful than any beam of light Gloom had ever seen! "I'm so sorry Gloom! I should have come back, but I was too scared you would see me properly and think I was ugly too so I ran away and hid!" Milotic looked down at Gloom and started crying. "I hope you can forgive me, of course I would love to be your friend!"
Gloom started to cry too, she finally had a friend! "Of course I forgive you!" Gloom exclaimed. "I took this trip out of the deep woods, hoping to find myself, to see more of the sunshine." explained Gloom to her new friend. "You see, my family belong in the darker places, they prefer that. However I have always longed for the sun" Gloom sat on the grass again and looked up at the sky, admiring the sun with a big grin on her face. "Then please, let me give you my most treasured possession! It was a gift from my mama when I was little" and with that Milotic dove to the bottom of the lake to collect the gift.

   "Here, Gloom. Now you can always have the sun with you!" Milotic grinned at her friend. Gloom was shocked, it was a beautiful orange stone with a sun printed on it!! "This is so beautiful! Are you sure I can have this?" asked Gloom. "Of course I am sure, I owe you so much for everything you have done for me Gloom! Thank you for helping me realise the truth" Milotic smiled at her friend. "Besides, what better gift for someone who loves the sun, than a sun stone?" They both laughed, and Gloom picked up the stone. As she did, she started to glow.

   Beams of light shot out of Gloom. She looked at Milotic in shock, "what's happening to me?!" as her face disappeared into the light. "You're becoming your true self, Gloom!" Milotic shouted as the wind whipped around them both, and the light got stronger. Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the light disappeared. Gloom looked down at herself, she had petals around her waist...she felt her head and had two large flowers there instead of one. She realised what had happened, she had become a Bellossom! Milotic looked at Bellossom in awe, and they both laughed, amazed at what had just happened! "Gloom, did you know this would happen if you picked up the stone?" Asked Milotic, still in shock at what she had just witnessed.
"Milotic, let me tell you a story." said Bellossom, who told a tale of her village.

   Once upon a time, when the tribe lived in the fields, there were a few Glooms who would long for the sunlight so much that they would worship it all day long. After generations passed, they started to grow petals that would sing like bells as they danced, so they could summon the sunlight. "We called them Bellossom" Bellossom explained. "However I thought it was just an old folk tale!" She exclaimed and Milotic chuckled. "My mother used to tell me that story too when I was very small, that's why she gave me a sun stone, as part of the story" Milotic said. "So imagine my surprise when I meet a Gloom who loves the sun! I guess it was just destiny that we were supposed to be friends and help each other!!" And they both grinned at each other as they played. Milotic splashing water up into the air to sparkle in the sunlight as Bellossom danced, and Bellossom spinning round, bringing the sunlight with the bell like sound from her petals.

They lived happily like this forevermore, never forgetting the day that they met and forged a friendship like no other!

Bellossom DID keep her promise to her family! She went back to visit her village in the deep forest! The whole village came running out to celebrate when they heard her shouting through the trees. "Mamaaaaa, Oddisshhhh, I came back to visit!" She yelled as she ran over roots and through piles of leaves, rushing to get back to her family.
   She passed to the top of the hill and her whole village were there to celebrate! Then they saw her...they were in shock! They also had thought until that day that it was just a myth, that Bellossom was just a cute story to tell little kids before bed. They paused a moment...and then they cheered and shouted, so excited that she had finally found herself. Now the love of the sun finally made sense!

   And she kept the promise to her brother...she brought him home the biggest, most juiciest berry she had EVER seen!

Until next time adventurers, keep adventuring!

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