A Mysterious Dungeon

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Man...i am tired! A full day of Pokémon battling, adventuring and saving the day...I stretched and sighed. "Time to sleep everyone! Come on, lights out" I said, as my team snuggled in and got their favourite cosy blankets and plushies.

I clicked the lamp off and snuggled into my sleeping bag between Pikachu and Sobble. I can't believe how many friends we've made...I thought to myself, looking around the tent and making out the shapes of my teammates in the gloom. With a slight smile on my face, I drifted off into sleep, listening to the light snores of my buddies.

Lights shimmered around me. "Welcome", came a voice. "Hello? Who's there?" I replied. The voice ignored me and continued. "This is the portal that leads to the world of Pokémon!" The world of Pokémon? I thought about this...isn't that where I already am? Confused I decided to listen to the voice.

"Before I can let you through, I have several questions for you." The voice said. "I want you to answer them sincerely." Hmm I thought to myself, I guess I must be dreaming! Might as well play along! "Okay, let the interview begin!" The voice boomed, as it began to ask me questions. It asked all kinds of things, whether I would cry being locked in a dark room (I would) and if I would fight in an alien invasion! Eventually, having seemingly exhausted it's questions, it asked me if I would like to "play" as a boy or a girl? Weird, I thought to myself, I guess my subconscious really misses Professor Oak, he's even appearing in my dreams! I laughed and told the voice that I was a girl.

   The Voice was quiet, then it said, "You appear to be...the calm type". It continued to explain what this meant, then it finished by saying "a calm person like you should be...the Pokémon, Charmander!" Huh, a Charmander? That's cool! This dream sure is wacky...I chuckled again and missed what the voice said next, but I caught the end of the sentence. "My partner Pokémon? Well of course, that's my buddy Sparky! He's a Pikachu!" I told the voice confidently, getting into this dream and enjoying it. "Okay!", said the voice, "Let's get you into the world of Pokémon!" I looked about myself, but all I could see was soft light orbs floating around me...the light intensified, and then everything went black.

   "Where am I?" I said, slowly opening my eyes. "What a crazy dream!" I shook myself, and noticed a wonderful breeze around me, it felt great! "I could lie here all day, enjoying this breeze..."
   "Excuse me. Please wake up." Came a voice beside me. Startled, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Where am I?" I asked, and saw the owner of the voice. "You were passed out here. I'm glad to see you awake! I'm Sparky. Glad to meet you!" said Sparky. I was confused, why didn't Sparky recognise me? "And you are?" He asked, and I explained I was Mischa the Pokémon trainer...his Pokémon trainer, but he just smirked. "You say you're a human? But you look like...a normal charmander in every way." Sparky said. I looked down at my hands...only they weren't my hands anymore. They had been replaced with orange paws! I felt around my face, then looked in the lake beside us...it was true! I was a Charmander! "I don't remember what happened..." I told Sparky and he looked at me like I was crazy. "What's your name?" Sparky asked me. "I told you, I'm Mischa!" I said, getting frustrated. "Oh? Mischa's your name? Well...its a funny name!" Sparky said, and he started rolling around laughing. "Hey! My name isn't funny!" I said. Then we heard shouting from behind us in the woods. "Somebody! Please! Help me!"

   "Huh? I hear shouts from over there..." said Sparky, as a Butterfree came flying through the trees. She stopped in front of us, and Sparky asked her what was wrong. "Its horrible! My Caterpie fell into a cavern! My poor baby!" She said. "What?!" Cried Sparky and me in unison. "A huge fissure opened in the ground, and my Caterpie fell in! He's too young to crawl out by himself! When I went to get my baby, Pokémon suddenly attacked me" the mother Butterfree explained. I looked at Sparky in shock. "Huh? You were attacked? By other Pokémon?" Sparky asked her. "They must be enraged by the fissure and are out of control! That's what I think. I'm not strong enough to fend off those wild Pokémon...what will become of my baby?" The mother said sadly, as she started to panic. "Oh! What am I to do?! Oh dear, oh dear..."
    "This sounds bad! We have to go help!" Sparky turned and said to me, and I nodded. We reassured the mother Butterfree and ran off in the direction of the fissure!

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