Pika...kyu! (Pikachu x Mimikyu)

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   "Hey Mimikyu, wanna play?" Asked Pikachu, as the other Pikachu in the box recoiled in fear. Mimikyu looked away from the group, and huddled in the corner. He went back to drawing on the wall, little doodles of Pikachus. Pikachu smiled at her friend, then turned and scowled at the other Pikachu. "Stop treating him so badly!" She shouted. "We were all abandoned together, don't be so cruel." The group of Pikachu smirked. "We will all get homes, that creepy rag will stay here" they laughed, and Pikachu scowled at them.

"Oh this Pikachu is so cute!" Exclaimed a lady who was passing. "Free to a good home?" She read the sign, "oh no that's awful! They've been abandoned here! I'll call my friends and sort this out immediately! Cute Pikachus can't be left in the cold!" She pulled out her phone and began dialling.
Over the following hours, people came and went, and slowly but surely each Pikachu received a home. Eventually, only Pikachu and her Mimikyu friend remained, the rest of the group rehomed. "Pikachu, if someone comes, please go with them" said Mimikyu sadly. "You know they won't take me, so please find a home!" Pikachu listened, and started to cry. She didn't want to leave her friend!
A couple came round in the evening. They didn't seem very happy. "Hey, what do you think? Should we take this Pikachu home for Stella?" The lady said to her partner. "I'm sure she would love it. Now what about Allister?" The man asked. "There's another Pokémon here but it's so creepy...we will find him a Pokémon another time" the man decided and he scooped up Pikachu! "Pika piiii" Pikachu looked over the man's shoulder Mimikyu, reaching out towards him. She watched over the mans shoulder as Mimikyu faded into the distance, and she felt her heart drop.

"Stella honey, we are home!" Shouted the lady. "We've got a surprise for you!" Shouted the man. Pikachu wondered who this "Stella" was. She looked around cautiously, hoping "Stella" was safe. Then she heard some thudding noises, getting faster and closer, until a small girl appeared at the top of the staircase. "Honey, this is Pikachu" said the woman. "You know how you were asking your Dad and I if you could become a Pokémon trainer?" The mother asked her child, and the child began to grin. "Well how would you like Pikachu as your partner?" The father asked, and Stella began to jump up and down with joy. Pikachu kept watching her, still too sad about Mimikyu to really be happy, although this little girl seemed kind. The man lowered Pikachu to the ground, and she padded over to the little girl to sniff her. "Hi, I'm Stella! Let's be friends!" The little girl grinned at Pikachu and held out her arms for a hug. "Pika pika!" Shouted Pikachu, who gave in and threw herself into Stellas arms. "Okay, well you two play nice now! I'm off to look for your brother, I bet he's hiding upstairs again" sighed the mother, who trudged up the stairs and out of sight. "Let's go and play, Pikachu!" Said Stella, who ran off in the direction of the garden.

"Stella, have you seen your little brother?" Asked her mother as she came out into the garden. Her mother then started looking around, up the treehouse, inside the chest they keep all their garden supplies in..."I can't find him anywhere!" Her mother said, a tone of panic in her voice. Stella looked up at her mother, then away as if ashamed. Pikachu eyed her curiously. "I wonder what this kid has been up to?" Thought Pikachu to herself. The mother continued to panic, shouting around the house for the little boy who was supposed to be here, the father also getting involved, calling up friends and asking if anyone had their son over for dinner. It was getting late, Pikachu noticed. "Hey Pikachu...lets go inside" said Stella, still looking at the ground. "I need to go talk to my mom", and they walked in silence back inside the house.

"Mama, I'm sorry." said Stella, tears welling up in her eyes. "I didn't mean to do it! I was just scared!" She cried. Her mother looked at her, eyes wide. "Honey, what have you done?" She asked Stella, and Stella started to cry louder, big fat tears rolling down her face. Pikachu padded over to her and took her hand in her paw. Stella looked down at Pikachu, sniffing and rubbing away her tears. "I told Allister a bad thing." she told her mother between sniffles, "you and Papa are always arguing, I thought it was because of Allister because you didn't argue before, so I got angry at him and told him that...I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have!" Stella started to cry again. Pikachu squeezed her hand, she could see this little girl was very sorry for what she'd done. "After I told him, I couldn't find him in the house anymore. I thought he'd just gone out with friends so I didn't say anything, I didn't realise what I'd done!" Stella told her mother, who reached forward and pulled Stella into her arms. "Oh sweetheart, adults have disagreements all the time, it's not Allisters fault or yours. We need to find him, and you better apologise!" she half scolded her daughter. Pikachu looked on curiously, wondering what was going on in this family.

"Martha, I'm going to call the police, we need to put out a search for Allister" said the man. "Okay Gerald, I'll call around his friends houses, to check if anyone has seen him." The mother replied. Pikachu was excited to meet this "Allister", she hoped he was okay!
Night fell. The parents downstairs still, the policeman had told them they would continue the search in the morning. Stella was in bed, wide awake. "Pikachu...?" She asked into the darkness of her bedroom. "Pika pi?" Pikachu sat up and looked at her, barely visible in the dim light from the window. "Could...could you sleep beside me tonight? I'm worried about Allister, I can't sleep" Stella told Pikachu. "Pika Pika!" Pikachu replied happily, and she snuggled into Stella. "Thanks Pikachu. I really hope we can find him in the morning" said Stella, yawning. "Pikachuuu!" Replied Pikachu, patting Stella on her arm. Stella yawned, snuggled into Pikachu and eventually fell asleep. Pikachu closed her eyes, thinking about how eventful her first day in a family had been, as she too, drifted off to sleep.

Morning came, Stellas mother shouted up to them both "Pikachu! Please look out for Stella while we are gone! We are off to start searching the neighbourhood!" Pikachu could hear this woman hadn't really slept...her voice sounded like Mimikyus did whenever he stayed up all night drawing. "Mimikyu...I wonder how you're doing.." Pikachu thought to herself. Now was not the time for that though, Pikachu had a mission! Keep Stella busy!
Pikachu worked on keeping Stella entertained all day so she would stay home and safe! They played imaginary games, drew pictures of each other...Pikachu even did a show of little electric sparks in the air to make her laugh. Stella, however, didn't really smile the whole time. "Pikachu, how am I supposed to have fun when my brother could be in danger? I want to go find him." Stella told Pikachu. Remembering the mother's words, Pikachu tried to stop Stella. She pulled on her leg, begging her to stay at home. "Pikachu this is something I must do, I owe it to Allister!" with that, Stella went to get her bag and jacket. As she was pulling on her shoes, there was a scratching at the front door.

The door opened, and her father was standing in the doorway. Stella looked past her father...and she started running. She pulled Allister into a massive hug. "Allister I was so worried!" She cried and cried. Pikachu hid behind the door frame, she didn't know what an "Allister" was. "What's that, Stella?" Allister asked his sister, pointing in the direction of Pikachu! Her ears were sticking out! Stella beamed back at him. " I'm a Pokémon trainer now, that's my partner Pikachu!" And Pikachu came out from hiding.
"Mimikyuuu!!! Mimikyu!!!" Mimikyu cheered and jumped up and down. "Pika pikaaaa!!!!" Pikachu shouted and ran forward to hug Mimikyu. They danced together as the humans looked on curiously. "Do you two know each other?" The siblings asked. Both Pikachu and Mimikyu nodded furiously. "That's perfect then! All the siblings are reunited!" Stella grinned. she took Allisters hand, and ran into the house, Pikachu and Mimikyu following and laughing.

"Well that worked out" said the woman. "It did indeed" said the man, as he put his arm around the woman's waist and watched the children playing with their new Pokémon partners.

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