The Fur-midable Felines

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    We packed our bags. Plenty of food, water, the camping kit...all ready to head out on our next adventure. "Hey Mischa!" shouted Vic, "we just received another noise complaint from a Motostoke citizen!" Seems like the adventure had come sooner than expected, I thought to myself. "Thanks Vic, I'll go check it out!" I shouted back as we finished packing the camping gear. I collected the complaint files from Vic, then headed out the door to check out the source!
   After a while of walking about, I realised we hadn't heard anything. "Huh, so much for noise complaints..." I grumbled to Pikachu, who nodded, looking as grumpy as I felt. We had trudged about all day looking for clues, and found nothing! "Well, evening is coming, let's set up camp and resume our search in the morning!" I called out to my team, and we stopped to set up camp. Once we had unpacked I started heating up the pot for a delicious curry, we needed some food after the day we'd had!

   "Pika pika!" Pikachu said as he nudged my leg, a big juicy Pecha Berry in his paws. "Oh, you want this in the curry, Pikachu?" I asked him, and he nodded, handing me the berry. I dropped it in and continued stirring, Pikachu sniffing the air and sighing with happiness. "Food won't be long now, Pikachu", I said as I smiled at him.
    "Okay gang, gather round! Dinner is served!" I shouted and they all ran over, excited to have some curry.
While we sat on the grass, munching on curry, watching Pokémon in the distance playing tag and weaving in and out of the grass to get away from each other, I noticed a huge beam of light in the distance! Corviknights eyes went huge...shiny things always catch his attention! Then I panicked...I knew what was coming next.

Corviknight flew off! "Hey Corviknight, come back buddy!" I yelled, but it was no good. Once he locks his sights in on a shiny thing, you can't get his attention! "Caw caw! Coooorviiiii!" He cried to the skies as swooped down on the beam...I wonder how I'll break the news to him that he can't keep the beam, I thought to myself and sighed.
   We caught up to corviknight, and looked into the beam...down, deep in the heart of the den, was a very tall and looming Pokémon. It looked over at me, and as it did 29 other pairs of eyes glinted back at me from the darkness behind the mystery Pokemon.
   I approached, and realised all the scary howling the reporters in Motostoke had been raving on about did indeed have a source...and this was it. A group of lonely looking Pokémon!
   And so I approached the group, and I said to their leader, "Can I help you? The people of Motostoke are struggling to sleep with all the noise you are making here". The Gigantimax Meowth looked down at me, "Nyahaha Meoooowth!" It laughed. Not deterred, I asked "can I help you all find a home maybe? Food, water, a trainer to snuggle into at night?" The leader stopped laughing and looked at me, deep in thought.

   "Meowww!" The leader shouted, and the huge crowd of Meowth behind him all threw up their paws into the air. "I guess I'll take that as a yes?" I asked, and they all loudly started yowling. Turns out the demonic howling we were receiving reports on, was actually the meowth trying to sing! "Okay okay, I understand! Quieten down please!" I said, laughing as Pikachu covered his ears. Let's head up to the Haven Headquarters, and find you all a home!
   I turned to leave and lead all the Meowth back to Headquarters, when one of them ran forward and wrapped itself around my neck! "Hey! Let go!" I laughed, but it refused, looking down at Pikachu and smirking. Seems I had a new teammate...whether I liked it or not! "Okay, you can stay with me, however the rest of you need to follow me back, and we will find each of you a trainer!" I grinned at them, and turned to start the trek back up to Headquarters.

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

Adventures In Galar: Pokémon HavenWhere stories live. Discover now