Beautiful But Deadly!

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    It was just another average day at the Haven headquarters. The ball retrieval team heading out with their Yampers. Collecting any used Pokeballs the trainers have left in the fields, recycling is important if we're going to keep Galar looking beautiful!
   As for me? I was hanging out in my office with Pikachu. The air warm, little dust motes drifting lazily through the air..."Pikachu, wanna head out for a walk?" I looked at him and he was already asleep, a big bubble blowing from his nose! "Come on now Pikachu, you're not a Cubchoo!". He didnt budge. I sighed, he was lost to dreamland for a while.
   As I was about to join Pikachu, there was a harsh bang on my door.

"Hey Mischa, you aren't going to believe this!" Shouted Abazaba through the door. I sat up, and let him in the room so he could explain further. "You know our ball retrieval team?," he looked at me with concern, "their Yampers have all come back poisoned!" He cried. Now that woke me up! "Are they okay?!" I asked Abazaba, but his face told me everything. "Quick Pikachu, let's go to the nurses station and get more information! We need to catch this villainous creature!" I grabbed my bag and shoved a very sleepy Pikachu into the top so he could wake up, and ran past Abazaba and down the stairs to the nurses station.
"So the good news is, the Yamper are alive" Nurse Joy explained to me. "However, we only have a few minimal samples of the toxin to create an antidote with" her face darkened and she turned to her desk. Lying there, was a small pile of black petals. "We seem to be fortunate, whatever did this, has used a slow acting poison and we should be able to find a cure in time!" I saw a hint of a smile on Nurse Joys face when she told me this. "Right!", I said as I adjusted my backpack, "Pikachu, let's go find the culprit and bring them back to help us cure the Yamper!" And off we ran out of the building and down into the fields nearby, where the Yamper were hunting.

"Careful, Pikachu! I don't want you getting hurt" I said, looking all around us. We were entering a thicket of trees at the end of the field, the last search zone for the Yamper. The trees loomed over us formidably, any one of them concealing the culprit! As I was staring into the darkness between the trees, I heard a yelp! "PIKAAAAAaa..." and then silence. I panicked, there caution to the wind and ran into the darkness, trying to pinpoint the location of that cry. As the trees cleared, I saw it. Pikachu lying on the ground, surrounded by petals, this time a deep pink in colour. "Oh Pikachu, what did I tell you?" I said, gently scooping him up in my arms. "You silly little Pika" I said sadly, as he smiled at me weakly. I collected the magenta petals, and as I was doing so I heard a swoosh behind me! I turned, and came face to face with a gang of Roserade! I took a few steps back, they did not look friendly...Quickly I jump into action! "Trapinch, let's get em!" I shouted and for a second they stood there, looking at me with eyes like darts, big smirks on their faces. Then Trapinch laid down it's arena trap ability! They were stuck...or so I thought.

One of the Roserade turned and threw a poison thorn at me! Just as it was about to hit me, Pikachu used the last of his strength to climb up my arm and jump in front of the thorn! "NO PIKACHU" I screamed as I tried to stop him, but it was too late. I called Corviknight, and asked him to carry Pikachu to the nurses station immediately before more damage could be done. He obliged and we put Pikachu in my backpack which Corviknight then carried off to headquarters.
I turned to face the Roserade. "I was going to give you all a chance, but then you hurt us again" I said, taking a step closer on each word. "I will never forgive you for hurting my Pikachu." I stared at them, eyes burning with the intensity of the sun. "I challenge all of you to a battle, and when I win - because I WILL win - you all come with me and the trainers at Haven will train you hard until you learn your lesson!" They just laughed. I called on Cinderace. They stopped laughing so much when they saw the flames licking his feet. "Cinderace, use Pyro Ball! Kick their attitude out of the park!" I yelled and Cinderace ran at them with lightning speed, and smashed through them with his Pyro Ball, each of them scattering like skittles in a bowling alley.
Scorched and defeated, the Roserade gave up. Their smirks gone, they got up and followed me back to the Haven headquarters.
We arrived back and Nurse Joy ran to meet me. She asked me to follow her, and took me to a little recovery room at the side of the main wing. I followed her in, and there was Pikachu lying on his back. "Oh no, not Pikachu! Please not Pikachu...we've been together for so long!" I ran forward and started crying on his chest, big fat tears running down my face and soaking into his fur. The room was silent.

Then I felt a little lick on my hand. I opened my eyes, and Pikachu was looking back at me weakly, trying to lick my hand. I cried even harder, relieved that my buddy was safe. Everyone in the hall cheered! The day was not lost after all.
Once we were sure Pikachu was stable, we headed out to the main hall to deal with the Roserade. The team were already starting to corral them towards the rehoming centre, and so I stayed back. Still furious over what they did to my precious buddy, what they'd tried to do to me. As I stood there, rage building up inside me, one Roserade pulled away from the group to walk towards me. She looked at me with solemn eyes, realising the damage she had done. They had just been protecting their woodland home, and it had gotten a bit out of hand. She asked to join me, I asked her to ask Pikachu not me. We walked together to the recovery room, and she asked Pikachu. He scowled at her, then harshly shouted at her with all his strength, then his face softened and he nodded. We had a new teammate!

As for the rest of her crew, they were off to join the teams of the trainers of Haven!

Well that was certainly a rollercoaster of events! I hope you all teach these Roserade that poison isn't (always ;p) the answer!

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

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