That's What I Call A Headshot!

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   "That's right Mischa. I need you to give the future Haven football team a work out!" Alex said. "They're going to be known as The Global Cinderaces, and we need your help to get them from good to great!" Alex informed me. "Gotcha! I'll do my best with them. I'll be over mid morning to collect them and take them over to camp in the wild area! See you then!" I said, then closed the call. Okay, looks like that's my day planned for today! Time to wake the team. "Hey Pikachu, Cubchoo, Snom and Corviknight! Everyone else too! Let's go!" I shouted and they all murmured and groaned in their sleep, some even turning over just to scowl at me then close their eyes again. I sighed, "pleaase guys! I know it's early, but Alex and the rest of Haven are relying on us!" More silence. Then Pikachu sighed and sat up, followed by Snom and Cubchoo, eventually everyone was awake! "Look I'll owe you an extra yummy curry tonight! Let's have some fruit and get ready to trek over to the headquarters!" I handed out shiny apples and berries to everyone, took a portion for myself and we ate. Once we had finished our quick meal, we headed out to the Haven headquarters.

    "Hey Alex! I'm here to collect the Cinderace for their training session!" I shouted into the hall. "Hey Mischa, you're here!" Alexs head appeared round the side of a door upstairs. "Give me just a moment, I'll be down. Then I'll take you through to where the Cinderace are hanging out!" Alex shouted back to me, and disappeared back into the room again.
    I sat down on a bench in the foyer. It wasn't long before Alex ran down the stairs, and took me through to the the room where the Cinderace were. They had a beautiful room, complete with sliding doors that led out into a wonderful football field! "So how come they can't practice here?" I asked Alex. She looked around herself, then said in hushed tones "that would be because I don't want our competitors to know all of our strategies. This is why I want you to take them out to a remote part of the wild area to practice!" She grinned at me. "Okay everyone!" I said, and the Cinderace turned to look at me. "You heard the lady! Time to go!" And I rounded up the whole Cinderace team. Off we went, back out to the wild zone with Alex waving us off.

   We worked all day. Kicking balls about, practicing running techniques, working on their stamina. I'd pressed my stopwatch so many times I had an indent in my finger! However one thing was becoming painfully clear. We had a rogue Cinderace in the team.
   "Cinderaaaace! Will you stop chasing Pikachu, he isn't a ball!" I shouted after them as Pikachu screamed and ran away. "Corviknight, go scoop up Pikachu, please!" And off he flew to pick up Pikachu before he got caught and launched again! This Cinderace, is just too excited about kicking! He's running around at full speed still, when the others are starting to wear out. He clearly has skill and stamina...but his focus, what focus? I sat down on the grass and tried to work out a solution. Then I heard heavy footfalls, and they were coming straight for me!

   I looked up just as a foot came flying, and connected with my head, knocking me flying through the air and backwards into the tent! Luckily I hit a pile of pillows, but man that hurt! I tilted my head from side to side, rubbed my jaw and slowly opened and shut my mouth. Nothing broken at least...but that is going to leave a mark! I hauled myself off the ground and marched outside.
   "CINDERACE." I roared. For the first time since arriving, the hyperactive Cinderace completely stopped in his tracks, and turned slowly to look at me, face pale with horror. He knew what he had done. I stomped over to him. "Look at my face! You silly Cinderace, not everything is for kicking!" I scolded him. He sat down on the ground, head in his paws. "Hey, it's alright..." I said, and put a hand on his shoulder. "You just have to be careful, you hurt me and Pikachu, and that's not okay" I told him. "Cinder..." he said sadly. "Its okay buddy, but I think I've finally come up with a plan" I announced. "Right everyone, pile up for some yummy curry! Then we grab some sleep and set out early tomorrow morning for the headquarters. I have something I need to tell Alex" I said, as I gathered my cooking gear.

   Yummy curry devoured, happy sleepy Pokémon ready to go to bed, we piled into the tent and went to sleep!
   Morning came and we packed up camp and headed for the Haven headquarters. I phoned Alex as we walked "Hey, just a heads up we are on our way back in! I need to talk to you about something, but I'll see you when we arrive" I told her. "Gotcha, I'll see you at headquarters!" Alex replied, and we ended the call. We continued our journey, eventually arriving at our destination.

   Everyone was excited to see the Cinderace. They crowded round, each wanting to offer to buddy up with one of the football team, to support and care for them. I pulled ALex aside, "Hey, there's an issue with one of the Cinderace." I told her. "Okay follow me, we will talk in my office" Alex replied, and we walked away from the main foyer and into her office.
   "Okay, tell me the issue" she said. "Right! Well, there is one Cinderace that can't control it's kicking urges." Alexs face darkened, "Yes, I did notice this too...I was hoping with some more training it might stop, but you find this is not the case?" She asked me. "No, I don't know if he will ever learn" I said sadly. "However, I'd like to offer that Cinderace a place in my team for now. I will train him up, and perhaps someday he can rejoin the football team" I suggested. Alex looked thoughtful, she walked over to the window and gazed out. " make a good point. I think it's worth a try!" Alex said, and we made a plan for me to train up the Cinderace, and for now the Haven Cinderaces would play with one less reserve player.

   We headed back out into the foyer. "Cinderace, come over here" I called the hyperactive one over to us. "We have discussed, and you will be joining me for extra training. The rest of the team will stay here with the members of Haven, and when you're ready I'll bring you myself to join the football team again" I told Cinderace. He looked over at his Cinderace buddies with a sad look in his eyes. Then he turned to me, his eyes burning with determination. "Cinderrrrrr....aaacee!!!!" He yelled, and pumped his fists into the air. "Woah okay buddy, easy!" I laughed. "Let's do this! Let's make you a champ!" I said, and I joined him in pumping my fists into the air and yelling. Everyone in the room laughed.
    "Okay, well my job here is done!" I said. "Good luck in the matches everyone! I'm off out to the wild area!" I said, and we headed back out into the sunshine, off to start an adventure with a new buddy beside us!

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

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