No Swiping!

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   "Excuse me trainer, have you heard anything about the recent egg thefts?" The Day Care owner asked me as I passed by with Pikachu on my shoulder.
   "No? This is the first I've heard of it" I said, concerned for the poor baby Pokémon. "I'll look into it, my team and I...we can't rest knowing defenseless little eggs are being stolen!" I turned and looked at Pikachu, who nodded furiously with  fire in his eyes. Looks like we had our mission for today!

  We climbed up on Corviknights back and flew over to Hammerlocke to see if we could find some more information. "There's gotta be something!" I shouted over the wind that was streaming around us, Corviknight was fast! "We have to help these Pokémon!" I shouted as we swooped down to land in Hammerlocke.
   I walked around, looking for any information all morning. "Pikachu...I don't think we are ever going to find the culprit" I sighed and plopped myself down on a bench, my head in my hands. "Piiikaaaa...pi" Pikachu jumped up onto the bench and patted my shoulder. "Thanks Pikachu. I just can't bear the thought of all these innocent baby Pokémon being out there...alone and afraid" I sighed again.
   "Excuse me, are you the lady that's looking for an egg thief?" Came a small voice from in front of me. I looked up, there was a kid standing there with a photo in his hands. "I am indeed! Do you know something that might help me?" I asked him, and he pushed the photo into my hands. I flipped it over and saw a blurry image of a red tail! "Did you take this photo??" I asked the boy. He nodded, "I saw it outside of my house. I'd never seen a Pokémon like that before so I tried to get a photo, but this was all I could catch! The Pokémon had an egg with it, so I thought it was a mama...but maybe I was wrong" the boy looked at me sadly, as a big tear fell down his cheek. I gave him a hug. "Its okay! You did great bringing this to me! Hopefully now we can catch the culprit and save the babies" I grinned at him, and handed him a Poké doll that looked like Pikachu! "Pika pi!" Pikachu shouted, and he jumped off the bench and pulled his cheeks to make silly faces for the boy. He laughed, and rubbed the tears off his face. "I was just worried-" he hiccupped and sniffed "-w-worried that the, the babies...might not see their mamas..." he said as his eyes started to fill with tears again. "Hey hey! It's alright I'm going to solve this just you wait!" I grinned at him and handed him my Rotom Phone number. "Look, I'll send you a photo of the babies when we find them! Give this number to your parents and I can send it through their phones. Don't worry it's going to be fine now I have this photo from you! It's a fantastic lead" I said, and the boy started to smile. "Okay, thanks!" The boy grinned. Relieved I had managed to ease his mind, we said goodbye to him and ran off in search of this mysterious Pokémon!

   We continued to hear reports of a red tailed Pokémon as we passed through town. One witness spotted the Pokémon leaving town, so off we went to try and catch it!
   We headed down the road towards Spikemuth, and I heard a soft crying sound coming from a bush at the side of the road. Curious, I slowly approached. I gently pushed the branches of the bush aside, and found a small blue Pokémon sitting there, crying and crying. Still sat in his eggshell, it was clear he'd just hatched...and he was very frightened!
   He cried and cried...eventually I was able to calm him by scooping him up for a cuddle, and giving him a pecha berry. "Sobble?" He said, as he looked at me with wide eyes. I sat on the grass with "Sobble" in my arms, and through sniffs and hiccups, he explained to Pikachu that he'd been separated from his mother! He was from one of the eggs that had been stolen...except when he'd hatched, the thief abandoned him at the side of the road! He gave us some details on the thief...and which direction he saw it go in. That information, linked with the photo from the boy...I had a pretty good idea who it might be!

   "So Sobble, would you like to join my team?" I asked. He nodded...then started crying again! I'm pretty sure sobbles cry a lot, according to the pokédex, but this one seemed to have a little smile through his tears, now he wasn't alone.
   Onwards we trekked, towards Spikemuth! In search of the truth, and of those precious Pokémon eggs! "Let's go Pikachu and Sobble!" I shouted as I scooped them both up and ran down the road.

   Off we went to Spikemuth, searching high and low for this mysterious sneaky thief...or at least the eggs. We arrived, and entered the town.
   Sobble was afraid..."s..s..sob..." he sniffed, looking about himself. Seems he doesn't like the dark so I held out my finger to him and he held on tight as we walked further in.
   All afternoon we searched...through alleyways and in bins, hoping for even a scrap of evidence - just something - that would help us solve this!
   Then, just as we were about to give up, Sobble started to cry, and point! I turned and heard a rustle behind me. Sneaking past us, was a Thievul!

  Thievul spotted us and ran. We could hear trash cans and bags being smashed into, and as we turned the corner and looked into the alleyway...the Thievul was tangled up in a pile of trash!
   It had failed in its getaway...we ran towards the crash site. "We need to stop him escaping! Trapinch, come out we need you!" I shouted as I threw his ball in the air. Trapinch emerged from the ball, and I asked him to activate his arena trap ability - the thief was finally caught!

   We questioned it as Trapinch eyed it up, as if daring Thievul to try and escape. Thievul realised what it had done was just can't resist a big fat egg it explained! At that, Sobble shuddered on my shoulder so I pulled him close and patted his head.
    We asked Thievul to lead us to the eggs, and with a sad sigh, it agreed...a wistful look in its eyes knowing it had missed out on the biggest catch of its lifetime...

   It took us to a small collection of trash cans in the alleyway, and I opened them. 30 eggs all piled neatly on top of each other!! I promised myself I would get to those as soon as I'd dealt with the Thievul...
   I turned to face the Thievul. "Right!  I would like you to come with me. To join my team, and learn the rights and wrongs of the world!" I said to him.

    Thievul jumped up and down excitedly, and agreed! Okay, seems easier than I'd expected, I thought to myself. That's because it was...just as Trapinch went back in his ball, Thievul ran off! I went to chase after him, shouting "come back here you sneaky fox!! You won't trick me again!!" Then he ran back with a large crowd of Thievul brothers...a whole band of thieves!!

"That explains how you were able to get so many eggs..." I sighed. What was I going to do with even more Thievuls?? Then I realised with a smile I had a whole team behind me...and I called up Haven. "Yep that's right Alex, we have a whole band of Thievuls here. How many? Hmmm let me count" and I stopped talking a moment to count out the crowd. "Alex, you still there? Yes, I counted. There's about 30 of them! Okay, copy that I'll bring them in. See you back at headquarters" I said as I signed off and closed the call.  "Alright you lot, follow me. We are heading back to headquarters where you'll each get a trainer. They will feed you properly so you won't steal any more eggs...and teach you some morals!" I said, explaining what was about to happen. "As for the eggs...I can't leave them here!" I said, and took a moment to come up with a plan. "Right, I'm going to take out the tent, flip it upside down like a net. Then I'll put the eggs carefully in and Corviknight can fly them back to base!" I said and Pikachu nodded in approval.

   "Okay Corviknight. Are you sure you will manage with this?" I asked him and he nodded, determined to do this himself. "Alright, but slowly, okay? Remember there are baby Pokémon inside!" I cautioned him as he gently took off into the air, and flew in the direction of headquarters.
   "As for you lot," I said, turning back to the Thievul, "this is a good deal I'm offering you. A life with a good trainer and decent food. Will you agree to behave and follow me?" I asked and they all nodded. "Right then, now that's all resolved, let's go!" And we headed off.
   The townsfolk watched on in awe as a whole crowd of 30 Thievuls followed me down the road and into the wild area. Destination? Haven Headquarters of course!

Until next time trainers, keep adventuring!

Adventures In Galar: Pokémon HavenWhere stories live. Discover now