Little Rant cause i'm kinda frustrated

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Alright, so not sure how many of my readers are Australian, but holly hell am I frustrated with our fucking government at the moment. Especially our PM. Honestly, he thinks he can go on holiday and come back and people are going to be happy to see him? He is fooling himself.

For anyone who doesn't know what is going on in our country at the moment NSW is on fire. I think - and please correct me if I'm wrong - that I heard that the fires were estimated to last like 3 more months? With our country only just entering summer, and the peak of our hot weather is still to come, it's not going to be good. 

Over a thousand home have been reported lost, people have died and our PM went on holiday with his family while the country burned.The wildlife is taking a hit as well. He has returned after a lot of backlash for the timing of the trip. There are videos of the PM going to see victims and volunteer firefighters and trying to shake their hands, only for them to refuse. 

You can't see the sky in half the videos that have been recorded. Even where I live, all the way up in Brisbane QLD, we've seen the smoke from the fires that are consuming our country. The firefighters that are giving their time, even the ones from places like the U.S, Canada and New Zealand, are the fucking heroes of this bullshit. 

All I've heard about is bits and pieces and honestly if anyone has better information or I got anything wrong. I have seen the videos, heard about the PM's religious discrimination legislation (which is another thing that's fucking annoying) as well as another mine planned. There were a few days in 2019 that the sun was red and the street were hazy up here in QLD. 

But, that's my little rant. Sorry 'bout this, I've been watching news coverage all morning and I'm just frustrated that our PM almost seems indifferent when he's walking through the damage these fires have caused. I'll probably take this rant down later, and I just hope that our country manages to come out of this before it all burns to the ground. 

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