EPISODE 3{Edited}

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Did she just say okay or I misheard her??

"Okay?" I asked her again to make sure I didn't mistook it for another word ,and she nodded.

"You need to get up princess ". I said, and held her hands so she could get up . She slapped my hand away and got up by herself. Bravo Lucifer you once again screwed everything up .

"Don't kiss me again". She snapped, hiding her face with her long brown wavy hair.

"I'm sorry." I will control myself. I will try to not do anything that might upset her.

"Let's get out of here" .

When we did, she ran to her friends and pretended like nothing happened. I was hurt actually ,I don't want her to pretend! Didn't she feel something when I kissed her? Didn't she feel the electricity that I felt ,when my lips met hers? I guess not, and that's what pained me the most.

"Where were you son?" My step father Mason ,asked me.

"Uhh I was in the bathroom, don't worry " I lied.

"I thought you were making out with some girl, but who am I kidding! You haven't done it in almost two years". He said, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him.

When the party was over, I headed back home disappointed in myself. Since when do I kiss girls without their consent?


"Wakey wakey eggs and backey." My bestfriend chanted, but I didn't want to get up . I didn't want to move, I was too sleepy ,and too scared to meet my new boss. I couldn't sleep last night, I was thinking about striking grey eyes . How could I not? He kissed me like his life depended on it.

"We have work, if you don't hurry up we might miss the bus." She said .I was confused.

Why the bus?

"Where is your car Luna? Tell me what happened and don't you dare lie" I warned her .

She smiled sheepishly, before speaking. "Well I sorta ,kinda, lost a bet with Marcus and Nick, and I had to give them the car for a whole week" .

"Are you freaking serious?!They always trick you and you always fall for it." I sighed loudly.

"But you love me". She said and I rolled my eyes at her.


"Good morning miss O'Connor ." One of the employees greeted me, and I nodded in return . Actually my co-workers are all great friends ,and not your typical rude co-workers.

'Sometimes it looks like I am the CEO' I thought smiling .

Was it because I am the CEO's personal assistant?

Wait , If I am the CEO's personal assistant ,it means that I am Lucifer's assistant!

I had to lose my memory on this day of course. Well Dori can we be friends?

I entered the elevator and pressed the 11th button . I arrived to my desk after greeting Jessica and began with the important work for today.

"Miss O'Connor." Lucifer greeted me with a nod and walked pass me .

Well, it seems that Mr.Smith is taking me seriously now. Let's just hope he keep it that way.

I wonder what happened to him last night when he started kis- Ugh just forget about it Kimberly!

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