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"Baby". I ran to Lucifer as he engulfed me in his arms."I missed you".

"I missed you too". I cried.

"Let's get you out of here yeah?"

I nodded before turning back to Vincenzo. "Grazie".

(Thank you)

"Grazie uomo".Lucifer said in Italian. I supposed it was a thank you as Vincenzo at him and got in the private jet.

I hope it's over.


"We need to get out of your parents house". Lucifer said,his voice stiff as we got in his car , ready to go home.

"Why? It's over, your brother isn't going to cause problems anymore. We are safe." I smiled at him as I took his hand in mine , to reassure him that everything is going to be alright.

"NO! Are you stupid not to see that this isn't over?" He asked, his eyes getting darker as his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"S-tupid?" It's like he's a totally different person. Not once , even when he forced me to stay with him has he ever called me names. A tear slipped and landed on my lap as many others followed.

I heard him sighs before stopping the car at a corner ,and turning to look at me. " I am sorry kitten, I didn't mean to, I was just so stressed . I thought I might loose you . "

"I-It's okay". I stuttered as I felt few tears slipping.

"No no, don't cry baby ". He cooed before placing me on his lap .
"Don't cry, don't be mad at me".

"You are treating me like a baby ". I mumbled snuggling closer to him.

"Yes you are my baby. Only mine". He said, showing his possesive side as he tightened his arms around me.

I place my hand on his chest as I felt him shiver."Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. I placed my hand back on his chest as he winced in pain.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" I said covering my mouth with both hands, as I quickly removed my hand off is chest.

"It's okay baby" He placed my hand on his chest again ,before I almost immediately pulled it away.

"No ! I don't want to hurt you. What did they do to you?"

"Uhh nothing, I just fell". I looked at his face to see he is clearly lying .

"I know they hurted you. Let's go home so I can help you with your wounds". He nodded before starting the car.

"Under any circumstances, your parents should know about this . Right baby?" He asked looking at me for a second before giving all his attention to the road.

At the mention of my parents, I immediately sit up straight,as my hands started to shake.

My parents weren't at home when I was searching for them . They disappeared without leaving any messages!

"What's wrong baby?" Lucifer asked , worry evident in his voice.

"M-my parents w-erent there when I was at home." I said.

He suddenly sped up , and in a matter of two minutes, we were in front of my house.

"MOM!DAD!" I shouted as soon as I unlocked the door.

"Mrs and Mr.O'connor ?!!" Lucifer shouted.

"I'm going to check their room". I said as he nodded.

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