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"Oh you are one of his friends?" I asked feeling curious about this Vincenzo guy .

"His brother"

"His b-brother?"

Isn't he the one who wanted to kidnap me?Isn't he the one who sent the black box ? The one who stalked me and made me feel like everyday was a nightmare?

"I will be seeing you soon "

《Lucifer 》

"Who are you talking to?" I asked. I just finished showering only to see my cara mia shaking violently . I rushed to her side taking her tightly in my arms.

"Shhh it's going to be okay,don't worry"

"L-lucifer" She cried violently . Her cries were like a stab to my heart . I can't see her crying,this kills me too.

"It kills me when I see you cry, tell me what is wrong baby ." I caressed her cheeks gently. She leaned a little bit before pecking my lips gently.

"H-he escaped, he wants to s-see me " She managed to say between her cries.

I looked at her in confusion for a minute,before realizing who it was. I felt my body burning up with fire. I was furious now.

I took my phone and immediately called Thomas.

"Thomas dove cazzo é ?"(where the fuck is he?).

"Capo, ti avrei chiamato ora . Non si vede da nessuna parte. L'ultima volta che l'ho visito è stato quando stavo dando del cibo da escursionista . Ma sorrideva diabolicamente ,come se sapesse qualcosa."(Boss, I was going to call you just now. He is nowhere to be seen. The last time I saw him was when I gave him some food, but he was smirking devilishly as if he knew something).

"Fammi parlare con Louis .(Let me talk to Louis)" I said feeling angry. How can a dangerous man slip away from almost 500 guards??

After a minute, I heard a gulp recognizing it as Louis . "Louis , se non lo trovi tra 24 ore , considera te stesso morto.(Louis , if you don't find him in 24 hours consider yourself dead)" I said and hung up not waiting for an answer .

"Did you really have to talk in Italian now? What happened ?" She asked ,little tears slipping out of her mesmerizing face.

"It's nothing cara mia . They will find him don't worry " I said laying her on the bed gently.

"Tell me what happened to you" She said.

"What do you mean cupcake "

"I need to know your story " She said pleading me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

"It's nothing, I just hate my brother " I said annoyed getting up to leave the room.

"NO ! It's not hate ! It's even more than that ! I need to know, if we are ever going to be staying with each other for ever, like you said" She sighs at the end.

I sighed feeling annoyed yet embarrassed about what am I going to tell her right now.

"When I was little " I started, she urged me to continue. " m-my parents used to beat the shit out of my brother and I" feeling tears in my eyes, I stopped for a brief second. I looked up at her expecting to see pity in her eyes , but I only saw pure sadness, she was shaking more than before but she managed to stay still, holding my arms in her both tiny hands. " They beat us to the point where we couldn't see anymore,because they would hit us everywhere and especially punch us in the eyes, saying we didn't deserve to see the light. One day , one of our neighbors apparently called the police after seeing our bruised bodies and just like that, police came and imprisoned them . I don't know how or why but they were free again . They came back , but my mom died on the road, I still don't know how . All I remember was when my dad came back alone, he kicked my brother pretty hard and said that she died on the road because of us . My brother always got beaten more than I . They always said that he could take more punches than I do, as I am 3 years younger than him . " She hugged me tightly humming, as if telling me to continue.

"And then , my dad decided to put us in an orphanage, saying that he doesn't want to see us again, not after Maya died. Maya is my mother by the way , she used to hate me the most saying that I looked a lot like her in the past. T-then the people who worked there helped us. Especially Margaret. The woman you met on our first date" . She nodded smiling lightly when she heard of her name .

"But then , my brother started to hate me , deeply. It was like I was the one who put us in this situation. He used to talk trash about me in front of his friends that he made in the orphanage, he used to rip my clothes at night, mock me , throw everything I do , and he made sure that I was left all alone . But he never touched me physically. It was a nightmare to me , but I still loved him . I was still grateful , that he helped me through the hard times. I couldn't help him because I was a kid back then . Then a nice family, more like everage; they were all some stuck up snobs except for my new dad , he loved me the most like I was just his real son. When I left the Orphanage, my brother left too after a year of me staying with my new adopted family " I gulped not knowing how to continue the end of this .

"H-he ran away from his new family after two years. B-but not after he killed them all , harshly " She froze for a second. I pecked her lips before continuing. " He ran straight after our d-ad and k-killed him too . And that was the last thing I've heard of him" . At the end I realized that I was crying.

"Don't cry baby " She whispered . She was crying too . She was so innocent for this world, I am so lucky to have her by my side.

"Everything is going to be alright. I am by your side." She said caressing my hair.

"You know I love you a lot " I said , looking deep in her eyes. I love every inch of her, every inch of her body . I am willing to be her slave, to do everything she needs, only to let me stay with her.


"You what cara mia".

"I-I love you t-too" A whisper came from beside me. I frozed , not able to move one bit .

"I love you" She repeats.

I looked at her, feeling the luckiest guy in the world. No one and I mean no one , can stop me from being happy right now.

"You love me?" I asked again, not being able to contain my smile.

"With all my heart " She smiled before I crashed my lips on her . She tasted like strawberries, she was so sweet. I felt her moan slightly under me as I realized I was kissing her neck right now. I claimed her lips again, biting and nibbling on her bottom lip .

"I love you" I whispered, pulling her tightly.

"I love you"

"I love you"

"This could be our thing just like Augustus Waters and Hazel grace" I laughed before pulling her to me,  kissing her deeply for the second time.

But as they say , happy moments only comes in the most unexpected way , just for a brief second.


So guys just let me clear things out. For the people who don't know who are Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace , they are actors that act in one of the most beautiful tragic romance movies ever and it's called "The fault in our stars " . They used to repeat the word "okay" several times and I just felt like mentioning them in this story. I advise you to all watch it btw!

So don't forget to vote&comment. And please do COMMENT ! Okay Enjoy for now lmao.


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