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"Stop thinking about it " A voice said caressing my hair.

"Promise me that you won't kill anymore, I know that you're a good guy"

"I promise, cara mia"


"Home sweet home baby" Lucifer said sarcastically. I laughed before helping him to our room.

"Do you want me to help you with anything else?" I asked feeling concerned again about his health .

"No princess it's okay . It's not even hurting,it was just a slight headache " He said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah just a light headache that lead you to pass out". I said sarcasm evident in my voice.

"Are you that much worried about me?" He said with his stupid smirk.

Bipolar much?!

"O-of course I am w-worried about you" I stuttered.

Why did I have to stutter? It was just a simple question....wih a different meaning surely.

"Come here" . He patted the space beside him on the bed.

I nodded and sat at the edge of the bed ,ready to lay down.

"I surely asked you to lay beside me, not a kilometer away from me" . He said annoyed of my behavior.

I looked at him shocked at the sudden change of his tone before moving a little further to his side. He growled not liking the little space between us ,before wrapping his arms around my waist tightly.

"You're so stubborn, can't you just do as I say immediately " He whispered biting the tip of my nose slightly.

"Hey ! Don't bite my nose!"

"I will bite you whenever and wherever I want, don't try to stop me because you know ,that will make me want you more" . He said ,this time biting my ear.

He moved to my neck, biting it lightly before moving to my jaw to do the same action.

"You don't know how bad I want to mark all your body" He said seductively. A shiver ran down my spine as I tried to push him away so I could breathe.

'Why is it so hot ! I am sure the air conditioner was turned on.' I thought , mentally fanning myself.

"I don't even know how to mark someone " I mumbled not expecting him to hear.....but he did .

'Fortunately ' my conscience said.

"Mark me" He ordered looking at me intensely as if daring me to disobey him.

"NO!" I shouted and got up from the bed.

"Do it or I will make you" He ordered through gritted teeth.

"Over my dead body . I clearly said I don't know how to mark someone and even if I do it won't be YOU" I pointed at him angrily .The words slipped out of my mouth and just like that I lost my life!


Where are my parents when you need them??

'Ughh why do you always have to upset him ! Sheesh it's not like you can disobey him!" My conscience said again.

"I uhh I ah-" I couldn't utter a word before I felt someone attacking my neck.

"Ah" I moaned. "S-stop" I slapped him on the chest but to no avail.

"I am going to be the last person on earth who will be marking you. " He growled before continuing his torture on my neck.

Tears escaped my eyes before I could stop them . He took a hold of my hair before crashing his lips on mine. Roughly might I add.

"O-okay i will mark you" I said. He looked at me; lust, pure lust evident in his eyes before craning his neck slightly giving me a full view of his tattoos.

"But I might ruin the tattoos "

"It will not ,just do it" He ordered.

I leaned myself closer to his neck before pecking him slowly on it. Not a second after a loud moan escaped his lips.

I still haven't started!

I bite him slowly sucking on his neck , still hearing him moan loudly.

"Fuck baby girl you're so good at it " . He cursed craning his neck more for a better access.

I moaned feeling him groping my arse roughly.

I am going to hell ! I cursed.

I moved back ,my eyes widened when I saw a big red purple mark on his tattooed neck. I looked back at him to see him looking intensely at me.

"Oh god ." He said looking at his pants for a second.

"Oh God I am so sorry " I said with my hand over my mouth .

"No one ,and I mean no one was able to make me hard with just a hickey " He said moaning lowly at the end.

"Oh so you mean you've done it before!" I suddenly felt frustrated. How can he say such thing in front of me !

"Jealous are we?" He smirked.

"You have no right to say that after just giving you a love bite !" I yelled.

"Baby, I said that so you know how much I am hard for you ". He whispered in my ear.

I blushed at his sudden confession before looking down at my feet feeling embarrassed. I look like a freaking love sick puppy!

"I am going to take a cold shower my naive baby ".

"I am not naive" I squeaked out.

"What do you think of taking a shower with me to see if you are naive or not" He smirked already knowing my answer.

"Go to hell!" I gritted before burying my face in his neck. He chuckled before kissing my forehead and left to take a shower .

A loud ring caught my attention. I looked around to see Lucifer's phone ringing on the bed.

Should I see who's calling him? Maybe it's urgent.

"Hello" I said after debating on whether I should answer the caller or not.

"Cara mia"

Huh? Only Lucifer calls me that . Is he playing a prank on me?

"Lucifer I swear if it's you calling from another phone I will skin you alive " I shouted annoyingly over the phone.

"It's Vincenzo cara mia"

"Vincenzo who?"

"Vincenzo Martinez"

"Do I know you?"

"No, but I do"

"Oh are you one of his friends?" I asked feeling curious about this Vincenzo guy.

"His brother "


Isn't he the one who wanted to kidnap me? Isn't he the one who send me the black box? The one who stalked me and made me feel like everyday was a nightmare!?

"See you soon "


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