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"So what do you wanna do ? We can all watch a movie while eating popcorn. Or we can play pillow fights ! Oh this is so amazing I've never done that before!". My bestfriend Luna exclaimed excitedly. I laughed at her energy at 1 in the morning before nodding .

"Wait does it mean we're pillow fighting?" She asked and I laughed once more .

"No! Jesus Luna,we're not schoolgirls". Natalie exclaimed.

After Lucifer left the mansion, I almlost immediately called Luna and Natalie. They all agreed right away and here we are , fighting over some game .

"Guys! Let's start with movie and popcorn and then we will see . What do you think?" They all nodded in agreement before making our way to the kitchen .

"So". Natalie started. "How in the world did you convince Lucifer to let you invite us ?"

"Actually, he was the one who suggested this idea . I didn't even think of it, so I immediately called you guys". I smiled at both of them .

"Weird , he's not that easy of a guy usually ". She stated , looking like she's thinking about something .

"He's in love with her ! Off course he would do anything ". Luna laughed. I blushed at her comment as I tried to hide my blushing face with my hair .

Before they could mock me about it, a knock was suddenly heard on my front door. We all looked at each other in confusion ,before I decided to open it .

Please be Lucifer , please be Lucifer,please be-

"Thomas!" I exclaimed , feeling a little bit disappointed, but I hid it with a smile. Even though Lucifer left the house for almost four hours ,I still missed him so much .

"Miss K-kimberly". He stuttered. I looked at Thomas to see him looking at his shoes, avoiding my stare . I felt like something bad happened to Lucifer, but I didn't want to assume anything before he tells me .

"Boss L-Lucifer died in a car accident". For a minute I felt like the world stopped. I froze in my place not believing any single word he just said .

"D-do you think it's f-funny to pull a p-prank on s-someone?" I mumbled , but I knew he heard me as he bowed his head once more . "YOU ARE FUCKING LYING!" I shouted, my body not able to move again.

"It was an accident ma'am . The funeral is tomorrow ". I felt my friends shouting and crying too , shaking my shoulders and screaming my name . But I couldn't hear any of them. My head started spinning as black dots appeared in front of me , pulling me to a dark world , I never imagined I would see .




"Kimberly, can you hear me cara mia?" A faded voice said .

I don't know where I am . I think it's somewhere beautiful but I couldn't see anything in front of me . It's all black .

Cara mia.

Lucifer calls me that all the time ! It must be him off course. I can't believe someone would prank me by saying that Lucifer died ,and here I hear his beautiful voice calling me . But why I can't move? It's like my body was attached to something .

"Honey open your eyes. You're fine , the doctors said everything's fine ".

No! This is not Lucifer's voice. This is my mother's voice calling me .

I felt my eyes open slowly by themselves, making everything in front of me blurry. After a good minute everything was clear, I could see myself in a hospital room attached to some things I didn't know what they're called . My mom kept on calling me but I still observed the room, waiting for Lucifer to come amd check on me like he usually does when I'm sick or feeling down.

"W-where is Lucifer?" I asked, my voice feeling groggy and tired. I looked at my mother as I felt her caressing my face .

"Don't you remember cara mia?" She asked me . I suddenly felt angry at her .

"How dare you call me that ! Only Lucifer can , you have no right!" I shouted. She looked taken aback by my outburst but didn't say anything except for a little nod .

Suddenly everything, every detail of earlier came crashing back . I remembered I was with my friends having fun , and then Thomas came and then- Lucifer dying ? I started crying so hard that no one could stop me .

"I can't believe it that Lucifer just died ! No he can't, he is a hero ! He said that he will always protect me ! Where is my hero??! I want to see him right now mom I want to ! " I started shouting and shaking badly like a little baby in front of my mom .

This can't be happening. It's impossible. No one in the world can convince me that Lucifer died . No one!

"Honey" . My mother's soft voice started ." You've been in a coma for two weeks already,".

"What do you mean ? So I didn't attend the funeral? I didn't even see him for the last time!" I cried.

My mom looked at me with teary eyes before saying."the funeral was already finished .Everyone came and supported us in this hard day . See ? Everyone like Lucifer , they even mentioned his endless love to you . Isn't that amazing?" She smiled. As much as I love my mother's smile and love towards me , this time I hated it . I hated the fact that she was smiling at something as awful as that .

"How could you even smile ? It's awful! Just get out , I don't want to see anyone at the moment. " I said through gritted teeth.

"Honey I already packed your bags . You're coming back home with us . You have nothing to do here anymore ." She said .

"What the fuck Davina ? Off course I am staying in our house . He will come back one day and tell me about his exhausting day . O-or shout at me for being so clumsy, or even get jealous of Harry Style's magazine ". I cried. "He threw the magazine the last time I showed him Harry's front cover". I laughed , tears still pouring down my face.

"H-honey, You should start over . It's not healthy for you to stay in his mansion-"


"O-okay , your mansion . You should think about it. I will tell everyone that you're awake ." She said before leaving the room with teary eyes .

I know I'm being rude towards mom and I hate myself for it, but I couldn't help it . I couldn't imagine the fact that Lucifer is gone and I'm never going to see his handsome face again, or his sweet kisses, sweet words, tender touch, everything!

"Sugar". I heard my dad's voice . I immediately hugged him hard and  cried on his shoulder. "Don't cry baby, everything's going to be alright ".

"How did you even come to Switzerland?" I asked feeling confused.

Wait how did my friends come to Switzerland?

"A-as soon as your friends called , we immediately flew over". He stuttered. "Now now sugar , you're going to be alright ".

"No ! Nothing will ever be the same . I need to get out of this hospital now dad ! Call the doctors ,tell them that I have to go ".

"You can leave the hospital tomorrow honey I promise. Are you sure you want to stay at the mansion?"



Omg this was the saddest chapter I've ever written 😭😭 . I am so emotional right now even though the characters aren't even real ! Anyway don't forget to vote&comment if you want more of this awesome , breathtaking chapters.


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