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"Wake up sleepy head". Someone whispered softly in my ear . I opened my eyes to be blinded by the sunlight. I closed my eyes once again tightly and felt like I was lifted up on someone's lap . His warm lap.

"What are you doing?" I laughed. He sat me firmly and peppered my face with his kisses . I giggled as he was tickling me and finally opened my eyes.

"I am kissing you cara mia can't I kiss my baby?" He asked amusingly. I looked at him and faked thinking if he could kiss me or not .

"No I don't think you can kiss me . I don't want to ,I already have a man ". I said sounding serious.

"What the fuck ! Stop messing with me like that angel!" He faked shouted at me . I giggled again and placed my lips lightly on his . As I was pulling back ,he placed his hands around my waist and pulled me closer ,making me fall on top of him .

"One little peck is not enough for me princess ". He mumbled before attacking me with wet kisses. He finally stopped and looked at me , seriousness yet lust evident in his eyes ."Do you remember when I taught you how to give a hickey?" He asked and I blushed at his sudden question but nodded nonetheless.

"More like you obliged me?" I mumbled but I think he heard me as he rolled his eyes at me .

"What about you do it again now?" He asked .


"Now!" He ordered. I looked at his bipolar self and asked in disbelief. "Are you bipolar or something? Sometimes you're so sweet and sometimes you're hot-headed".

"Only for you princess , and now what about that bite we were talking about?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed before kissing his neck . A moan suddenly erupted from his lips making me smirk at his weakness towards me and continued my little teasing kisses.

"Do it already!" He whined like a baby.  I laughed before sucking hard on his skin making him squeeze my butt hard enough for me to shiver in pleasure.

"See what you do to me everytime? You kill me cara mia ". He whispered lustfully .

He then suddenly got up and took his shirt off , revealing his toned tattooed abs. "W-what are you doing all of a sudden?" I whispered.

"You make me feel hot princess, I had to take my shirt off or it would be soaked in less than a minute ". He stated and I blushed. My phone rang on the night stand ,catching my attention . I took it and replied without looking at the ID.

"Kimberly!" Someone shrieked excitedly. I winced and placed the phone away from my ear .

"Natalie you scared me !" I shouted.

"So guess what !" She ignored my yelling and continued. "Adym proposed yesterday night, isn't that awesome?!" She shrieked again. I immediately smiled, knowing that this was going to happen one day .

"Congratulations. I am so happy for you and Adym , I knew he loved you so much and would do anything for you". I shrieked too .

She laughed before asking the question that I've been dreading for the past week . "What about Luna? Isn't she coming? I called her more than ten times but she didn't respond. Is she okay?"

"Y-yes she's fine . She's just out of the country for now". I stated awkwardly. Soon we were back at laughing and joking. She told me every detail about her proposal night and I kind of felt jealous but shooked my head to clear my weird thoughts. I hung up a while after, and didn't notice that Lucifer was sleeping soundly while wrapping his arms around me.

"Who was it ?" He mumbled.

"It was Natalie. She is getting married this weekend and we are invited ". I replied while playing with his hair . As a light, he suddenly stood up like the house was on fire .

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