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I figured that some of you might be curious about what Vincenzo Martini looks like , so as I was reading one of my favorite stories yesterday, I found a guy that has almost the same appearance as Stephen James or Lucifer and I said why not ? So here is a picture of him . But I still don't know this tough guy's name, so if you know it please do tell me in the comment section that would be awesome.

Happy reading 😊


"That's it gentlemen, Grazie". Lucifer said while leading them to the front door.

"It was nice to meet you , Kimberly". The man who kissed the back of my hand earlier,said .

"Bye kim". Thomas smiled. I shook the lady's hand, a bit forcefully might I add before they all left.

"Fire her right now !"




"What ?" He asked confused, yet, still remained his cold tone .

"I said fire Bella!" I said, my voice full of authority. I don't know where all that courage came from but I was not backing down .

"I dare you to repeat that ". He said as he was now one step away from me .

Yeah so I backed down .

I gulped before looking back at him in disbelief. "Didn't you see the way she was looking at you ? She was gawking at you ! How can you not see that !" I shouted. I hated the fact that he was standing in front of me so relaxed, while I was fuming .

"So?". I laughed at that .

He cannot be freaking serious.

"You should immediately fire her ! This is n-not appropriate, I won't accept that!" I exclaimed.

"Oh really? And why would you care now ? You didn't care last night when I made love to you . For fuck's sake you regretted that right after it !" He was now shouting at me , accusing me for what I've done this morning.

I was guilty! I shouldn't have said that this morning. I should've told him the truth ,but I was scared. I didn't think this would affect him that much.


"OKAY ! I LOVED EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT! I loved the way you touched me , it made me feel safe ! I loved it how you whispered nice words to my ear to comfort me when you first entered me ! I loved how you DEVOURED ME last night ! ARE YOU HAPPY RIGHT NOW ? Here I said it ". I was now breathing heavily from all the shouting. Never have I ever shouted so loud .

He looked at me shocked ,to say at least by my outburst, before crashing his lips on mine .I felt him devouring my lips in such a way , that words cannot describe; he kissed me roughly, yet softly; strongly yet adoringly. I felt safe in his arms , I don't want him to be mad at me anymore. I hated it !

"Don't be mad at me anymore ". I whispered, feeling little tears escaping my eyes.

"Fuck . Sorry baby, I won't do that again. I love you ". He hugged me softly, kissing the end of my neck tenderly. "You should know that I can't live without you . I can never stay away from you . Do you love me cara mia ?"

I nodded softly before replying." With all my heart ".

"Fuck". He curses as he leaves soft kisses on my neck , making me sigh in pleasure.

"Let's do that somewhere else yeah ?" I blushed at his question, turning a deep shade of red. He smirked as soon as he saw my face and led us upstairs.

To our room.

Smut Allert ! (You've been warned)

As soon as we arrived to the room , he held me bridal style, and carried me towards the bed in the middle of the room. He placed me carefully before he started to get undressed.

My elbows helped me to raise myself a little bit to look at him . Even though I've seen him naked before , I couldn't help but admire his muscles. I moistened even more as I waited for him . He already undressed me on the way upstairs, leaving my clothes scattered somewhere in the living room.

"You want me to be rough baby " . He said with his beautiful accent, before dipping himself above me and kissing me .

I groaned as he dipped his fingers inside of me , rapidly moving them in and out .

"Kimberly" He moaned. I felt like a bolt hit me as if drug ran through my blood ,as he tongue fucked me now . He didn't even leave a part of me untouched by him .He ran his tongue flatly, before kissing me and sucking the life out of me .

I felt his tongue climb up until he reached my face , his erotic breathing drove me to the edge of the cliff . He started kissing down my breasts, feeling them hard against his chest . He smirked as if he knew the effect he had on me, before taking one of my nipples in his mouth .

He moved his hand and brought it towards my face , cupping it carefully as he still looked at me . I felt his dick on my entrance ready to dive in .

"Are you ready?"

But before I could scream or say anything, Lucifer captured my mouth in his , shutting it completely. He thrusted into me like a drill , my hands clamped behind his shoulder blades , nails sinking deep , surely leaving scratches on his tattooed back.

(Smut over )

A sudden ring brought me to my sane state . I looked at him as he was still ravishing my body, but didn't dare to break this intense moment . After several minutes, the phone kept on ringing non stop , it was starting to annoy me . I felt Lucifer grunts in annoyance before pulling himself out .

"Y-you should take this call . It might be important " . I whispered.

"No baby, I can do it later -"

"It's okay , take it ". He huffed before pecking my lips and leaving the room.


"Boss there's word out about the Russians " . Jonas , one of my men states and I smirk . The fucking russians can't seem to mind their own business. I'm so ready to kill each and every one of them . We've been at war for at least 10 years now .

"What the fuck do they think they're doing in Switzerland ?"

"They're in town for business, but we don't exactly know the real reason behind it".

"We will find out tonight . I want one of those fucking bastards brought here , I don't care who it is as long as they lead me to their boss ." I state as I pace the corridor. " Get me a location and prepare the cars . We're going after them tonight ".

Let me just put my hands on them .


《Unknown》(Russia , Novosibirsk)

"Сэр ,они не выходили из дома с тех пор ,как пришли ,и ровно в восемь вечера некоторы инвесторы приходили и уходили в десять,но ничего подозрительного"

(Sir , they didn't leave the house ever since they came , he only left for work . And at exactly eight at night , some investors came and left at ten , but nothing suspicious)

"Damn it Alexander, я не заставлял тебя преследовать их без причины! Ты должен был попытаться выслуешать их разговор ".

(I didn't make you stalk them for no reason! You should've tried to listen to their conversation)

"Простите , сэр".

(Sorry sir)

"Бедный винченцо , я втянуть его в его беспорядок , хотя он не имел к этому никакого отношения. Но он сильно отвлекал люцифера .этот сукин сын идет вниз!"

(Poor Vincenzo, I dragged him into this mess even though he had nothing to do with it. But he was a great distraction to Lucifer. That son of a bitch is going down!)

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