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2 months later

"No Luna ! Stop whining I said I don't want to go out with him! What part of this sentence don't you understand? " I shouted at my bestfriend who has been trying to convince me to go out with Vincenzo for the past two weeks .

This 2 months were actually good so far . My friends have been helping me to get over this horrible chapter of my life , but I don't think I'm getting any better . My nightmares had stopped thanks God but his face has been hunting me from the second he died . It's been painful but surprisingly, Vincenzo was always by my side. He never left me and for that I am so thankful. He always tried to make me feel better every time I remember him or talk about him . This ruthless person became a kind hearted man and it's still hard to believe. He tried to ask me out a few times but I always denied his request . I mean how can I not ? I am literally still in love with Lucifer even though he's now dead . But Luna doesn't get that it is so hard to move on from someone who you really loved with all of your heart .

"I mean look at him he's funny , sexy , hot and sweet . What do you want more?" She asked frustratingly.

"I want him ! That's who I want . Let's just forget about this whole thing okay ? You've been nagging me about it for almost two weeks aren't you tired?" I didn't know that my bestfriend could ask me something like that ! I mean sure Vincenzo is very attractive and girls throw themselves at him but I just can't. I promised myself to stay loyal to Lucifer even after his death and I am not breaking my promise.

"Черт!" She screamed.

(Damn it )


I didn't understand what she just said but I knew it was russian . I've heard Vincenzo speak a word or two before.

She kept pacing back and force , pulling her hair making me even more scared than before .

Is she okay?

"What did you say ? How do you even speak russian?" I knew that Luna was russian but she wasn't even born there . She was born in Puerto Rico and came to the States at the age of two . She didn't even speak russian once before and she even told me that she doesn't know the language.

And if she just realised that she made a mistake, she looked at me with her  eyes wide open . " What? It was not russian it's just when I'm mad I speak whatever. It might be chinese I don't know". She laughed nervously. "Let's just forget about this Vincenzo thing for now and maybe go out to eat something. What do you say?"

I looked at her like she's hiding something from me, but I just shrugged the weird feeling that formed in the pit of my stomach and nodded.  Not a minute later ,Vincenzo called and asked if he could join us and Luna literally took my phone and told him that he can . I snatched my phone back from her hands and headed to my room .




"So girls what do you wanna order ?" Vincenzo asked as he flipped the menu's pages . He looked like he couldn't decide between two choices , making me giggle at his frowned eyebrows.

"Are you mocking me cara mia ?" He asked . I felt like someone just stabbed my back when I heard this family's nickname. I looked at him as tears started brimming my eyes before wiping them almost immediately.

Why am I so weak ? Why do I cry at everything . It's just a stupid nickname anyway!

So painful.

"Oh Kimberly I am so sorry . I didn't mean to call you that , lo siento !" He tried to comfort me by holding my hands . I shook my head and faked a smile which he noticed how fake it is , but smiled back nonetheless.

"Guys you would look so cute if you were a couple. I totally ship you !" The waitress said as soon as she approached our table. Luna immediately agreed with the girl as she looked back at us .

"Even my baby says that you should be together!" Luna laughed while placing her hand over her belly. Luna was now 4 months pregnant and she's happy as ever. Andrew was actually so happy that Luna was pregnant that they decided to live together after the baby is born . Her belly is not showing that much but you could tell that she was pregnant.

"I think that we would be really cute too". Vincenzo said as he looked at my eyes lovingly. But I didn't feel the warmth in his words , it looked like it was .....creepy?

I laughed nervously and quickly ordered the first plate that came to my view . I felt him clenching his jaw but I didn't say anything. I just shrugged the feeling like I usually do every time I reject him .

After we finished , we decided to go back home and watch a movie together when Luna started getting tired. Her baby started kicking earlier than usual but we were all so happy for her .

I wished I had one with him .....

"So what do you wanna watch?" Luna asked us as soon as we sat . I smiled as I remembered one of the movies that Lucifer used to love watching .

Flashback .

"Are you seriously watching this movie?" I asked Lucifer when I saw him focusing on some random movie in the living room .

"Are you kidding me princess? This is one of the greatest movies I've ever seen ! I should really thank your dad for it , he was the one who recommended this to me ". He laughed. I giggled at his scrunched up face and came to sit next to him .

He suddenly placed his hand on my eyes , blocking the view in front of me ."Hey ! What are you doing? I want to watch the kissing scene between Bruce Willis and his girlfriend!" .

"You won't be watching kissing scenes! You're just gonna watch me kissing your plump lips and devouring them . You're only gonna watch me do that and no one else will ! " He said , making my body turn on fire . His possessiveness was making him hotter than before . If it was even possible.

"Holy. Why do you have to say that everytime? I am sure that Bruce Willis is a better kisser . I mean look how his lips move on hers ! He is just so amazing ". I said dreamingly. I lied at him only to see his reaction and like I expected, his face turned all red making imaginary smoke come out from his ears .

"What the fuck ! You just ruined my favorite movie ! I won't be able to watch it anymore until I kiss you till you pass out from pleasure ". He said annoyed by my words , yet a smirk grew wide on his face .

"And now princess, come and let me show you what I can do with those lips".

Flashback over .

"Kim are you there?" Vincenzo waved his hand in front of my face , snapping be from my daydream.

"Let's watch 'RED'. That was Lucifer's favorite movie ". I smiled.

"For fuck's sake Kimberly stop talking about him ! This is too much! You know what? This will be the last time you ever talk about him." Vincenzo said wickedly .

"What?" I asked him in confusion.

"Luna I think it's time ."

And before I could ask what does he mean everything turned black.


Hey hey I am back with another chapter. If you guys noticed that is one of the five to ten chapters I'm writing right now . I wanna thank  everyone that voted and supported me . Love you all 🧡🧡

And don't forget to vote&comment.


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