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"NO! Listen here ! You won't be able to protect yourself, if you don't tell me things like this. You need to tell me everything , no more hiding. " He gritted out.

I gulped before completing what I was about to say." T-then I saw a letter t-that says that my parents are in danger and , that I-I need to be careful".

I looked at him to see him clenching his fists, turning white in the process. In one word , he looked murderous.

I guess I just angered the devil.




"You don't tell me everything either, so don't put the blame on me ! You don't even tell me where you go at night! I know that you sneak out every night and you come back in the morning! I know that it's been a long while since we haven't gone to the company, because of everything that happened , b-but you don't even tell me anything" . I whispered at the end of my sentence. "HECK YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME WHY THEY HURTED YOU WHEN WE WERE KIDNAPPED AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN HURT ME !" At the end I was screaming loudly. I probably woke up my parents but I didn't care right now.

"FUCK KIMBERLY ". He shouted at me , throwing a vase in the process. "Why can't you see that I love you so much and I will never let anyone hurt you ? Do you think that I didn't want to tell you what they did to me when I was kidnapped? But I didn't,  and you know WHY?! Because I love you and I don't want to see the pain in your eyes ! It RUINS me ! It DESTROYS me ! I can't tell you everything to PROTECT you , so don't turn this on me ! " He shouted, punching the wall .

"Pack your bags right now . We are leaving right this instant!" He sighed before turning his back to me .

Tears started to brim my eyes, as I tried to wipe them .

After packing our bags , I went to my parents room to tell them about my sudden leave . Lucifer said that he's going to order some guards to guard my parents house as they are in danger as well . He assured me that everything is going to be alright. But I didn't believe him .

What have I done ? I just ruined my life and my parents as well . I can handle it but they can't. I can protect myself,but they can't.

At this instant, I was blaming myself for meeting Lucifer in the first place . I was blaming myself for falling for him because now , it's too late to step back . I have fallen deep. Madly and deeply in love with him .

"Hey mom, dad". I said putting a fake smile on my face . I opened the room to find both of my parents sitting on the bed , without any movements . It's like they were thinking about something, worried about something.

"Kimberly honey , please talk to us . What was that noise?" My dad asked as he ran to me .

I cried, when I saw my parent's worried faces and hugged them both , shaking. I can't take it anymore. I need to tell them but I won't. I won't put them in danger. They already are, and I sure as hell don't want to cause more trouble.

"It's nothing , I'm just gonna miss you guys ". I said pulling away from their embrace.

"Where are you going? Is he mistreating you?" My dad growled as he was about to leave his room and head to Lucifer's .

"Honey it can't be . Lucifer is a good guy , I know him ." My mom said as she placed her hand on my father's shoulder.

I looked at her a little bit surprised at what she just said .I've never saw them talk more than three words , but I decided to let it pass . It's not the right time .

So I had to make up a lie, or else, they won't let me go anywhere. "Mom , Dad , Lucifer decided to surprise me by going somewhere special. He said that we are flying to Paris , can you believe that?" I faked smile , jumping a little bit to make my impatience and excitement believable.

"Really?" . My mom asked unsure of this.

"Yes I am so happy , you should be happy for me too". I exclaimed as I took my father's hand in mine .

"Okay , if you are happy, we are happy for you too". My dad said, finally placing a smile on his face .

"Now you go back to sleep and I will call you when I land okay ? Don't worry about me this is going to be awesome. " I faked smiled as well .

"Young lady , you have to tell me everything when you get back". My mother's voice whispered in my ear . I looked at her shocked at how fast she knew that something was wrong with me , before nodding and leaving their room .


"Baby are you okay?" Lucifer asked me after he finished his seventh call for today .We are currently in his  private jet going to Switzerland. I don't know why this place in particular, but he said that he has everything we need there.

"No , I am not okay ". I said looking back at the amazing view through the window's private jet .

"I am sorry for this ". He says placing his hand on mine , I flinched and  immediately pulled it away.

"Don't touch me" . I snapped. He looked at me as if he was in pain, before pulling me to his lap, an angry scowl on his face .

"Don't tell me what to do. Especially if it was about you! ". He growled in my ear. I shivered at his harsh tone before looking everywhere but him .

"Look at me". He ordered as he grabbed my chin. Based on his harsh facial expression, I was surprised at his gentle actions with me. He looked like he could kill anyone at the moment.

"I.Hate.You" . I said through gritted teeth.

"No you don't " . He said , his expression became soft . I almost hugged him when I heard his pained voice. I looked at his face to see his eyes almost tearing up.

"I-I just want to be alone right now ." I mumbled, trying to get up from his lap .

"No!" He growled , before crashing his lips harshly on mine. I tried to pull him away but it was of no use , as he tried to slip his tongue inside of my mouth harshly.

"Don't fight it , just kiss me ! " He growled again , before biting my lower lip making me gasp . He entered his tongue as he started to caress my tongue softly with his . I almost lost it when he started to kiss down my neck , making me feel like I'm on cloud nine .

I finally got my senses back and pushed him of off me . "This needs to stop, please respect my decision. I need to be alone right now. " He pecked my lips once more , before losing his tight grip on my waist. I sat back on my seat, before drifting into a deep slumber.

"Sleep tight princess " .


Yeah well this is a lot right now . I'm like so gonna cry with Kimberly's reaction . But anyways Lucifer is going to find many ways to get them both out of this situation.

Thanks you for reading and thank you for almost 2K !!!!!!!

Thank you lovelies 💙💙💙


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