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"I said strip for me baby , let me see that amazing body of yours". He smirked as he took one step forward.

"I can't believe that I actually thought you were someone that I can trust ! You're a monster Vincenzo ". I cried .

"Don't say that ! I am not a monster! I am just so in love with you that I had to kill that fucker Lucifero to have you". He shouted angrily as he's now an inch away from me . I shivered when I saw his eyes , his lustful dangerous eyes .

"Since you don't know how to strip, I will help you baby". He laughed before trying to take my shirt off .

"N-no please don't do this!". I cried as I tried to push him away from me even though I know that I'm going to get raped by this monster.

He managed to take my shirt off , and the next thing I know, his lips started to attack the valley of my breasts. I kept kicking him , pleading him to stop but that just made him do a lot worse. He stopped for a second to look at my face , my teary broken face and unclipped my bra . He started to suck on one of them and squeeze the other. I felt violated, I felt angry at how easy it was to fool me but what I felt the most was sadness , he's going to rape me and Lucifer can't help me . He's going to take every inch of my soul and Lucifer won't be able to stop it.

"Lay on the bed my love . Let me show you what a real man is ". He ordered. I complied his order because this was the end of me . This is where my story ends for good . If I wasn't broken before that will definitely ruin me and here I am , getting ruined.

"Don't you fucking dare touch her". A deep voice said . A deep voice that immediately sent shivers down my spine. The voice that I've been longing to feel . The shivers that I've been dying to feel again . His cold voice hit me like a rock and made me shook to the core . It was him . Lucifer Martini .

I looked up at him to see his hands already beating Vincenzo, shouting at me to run . But I couldn't move . I couldn't utter a word . How is that even possible? Am I dreaming? Is this a joke ?

I got back to my senses as my hands moved to where my shirt was , leaving my torn bra on the floor . I stood up and looked at him for the first time in three months. I felt sick , I wanted to puke .

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE KIMBERLY !" He repeated again as gun shots reached my ears .

"N-no ! Who are you??! You're n-not L-lucifer". I screamed.

"Cara mia". He whispered, holding his dying brother in his hands carelessly, but looked at me intensely.

"Lucifer is that really you?" I asked still not sure if I am dreaming or not .

"Baby it's me , now you have to get out of here . Le me finish with those fuckers". He ordered and I almost instantly ran . I ran for my life , I ran from my past and I ran from my future . I looked around finding a way to get out of this hell hole. Luna suddenly appeared in front of me and slapped me har on the face out of nowhere,making me fall hard on the concrete floor.

"How the hell did you got out?! Where the fuck is Vincenzo!" She shouted as she kept hitting me over and over . I cried as I saw my bestfriend, that was never mine,hitting me with no regret.

"P-please stop . I didn't d-do anything". I mumbled trying to control my unsteady breathing.

"You bitch you deserve to die!" She shouted as she grabbed a knife and tried to stab me . But before she could , a shot rang in the room making Luna's body lay flat on the floor .

"I'm gonna kill this bitch!" Lucifer growled, aming the gun at Luna again.

"NO! She's pregnant! You're not killing her !" I shouted as I stood up and took the gun away from him .

"Kimberly give me the gun back . This is not a toy you could hurt yourself ". He pleaded.

"I AM ALREADY HURT CAN'T YOU SEE! This gun could do NOTHING! I am already damaged and I am still figuring out how you're alive ! I probably shoud kill myself because this is all my fault. It's because of me we are in this mess and there is only one solution."

" I should kill myself.... ". I aimed the gun at my head ready to shoot. Ready to get away from this miserable life .

"Cara mia".

"STOP CALLING ME THAT ! You will only make it harder for me ! You should be happy that I am doing this ! You will be able to live a peaceful life and all this misery will finally end". I laughed.

"I faked my death because of you". He suddenly said . I looked at him , feeling my heart flutter at his statement.

"They threatened me to kill you if I don't disappear from your life . Faking my death was the easiest part . But watching you everyday from afar without being able to touch you was the hardest. I was dying a hundred time everyday. I was aching to kiss those lips , aching to hear your laugh, aching to hold you in my arms everytime you cried and to tell you that I'm here with you , that everything is going to be alright. Are you just gonna kill yourself after everything I've done for you ? Are you just going to run away from everything and leave me here? Because I swear if you die , I will die with you !" . I felt like I'm going to explode. I suddenly realized what I'm about to do and dropped the gun . Before I can even register what just happened I was attacked by a hug .

"Fuck Kimberly I missed you". He cried. I felt his tears socking my black shirt. He held me closer almost suffocating me.

"L-lucifer I am sorry". I cried. My cries turned into screams as my body began to shook violently. "I am so glad you're alive. I was dying every single day , every single time I would hear your name my heart would stop beating for a second, reminding me that you're not here with me . That you can't see my misery! I would've wished you didn't disappear and let me die but at least, I won't hear this terrible news . Do you know how many times I would think about death ? Maybe if I kill myself I would see you again". I cried hitting him on his chest as he kept crying like a baby.

"Fuck baby , I am so sorry I love you so much . I would kill myself for you and I would still repeat what I had done if I have to ! Don't cry angel you deserve the world ". He backed up a little bit , still holding me tightly and kissed me like his life depended on it. I quickly kissed him back , aching to feel his soft lips on mine again.

"I never forgot your honey lips . Always so sweet and only for me ! That bastardo could never have you because you're all mine ! FUCKING MINE !" I nodded at him as tears kept pouring down my cheeks.

"Shhh baby I'm here . Let's get ou-"

"H-help". A soft voice said behind us . We turned around and noticed Luna still laying on the floor , placing her hand on her tummy . "M-my baby".

"Don't worry Luna , your baby is safe". I said as I whipped my tears to be able to look at her clearly .

"I am so sorry Kimberly. I was never meant to hurt you. I had to". She mumbled but I managed to hear her .

"Say no more, I will take you to the hospital. But I don't want to see your face ever again ". I stated coldly and turned to look back at Lucifer , at my love , at my future.

"You're mine". He growled.

"And you are mine till death do us apart ".


WOAHHH !! What the fuck was that !!! I nailed this chapter, I was crying while writing it . Yes you guessed it right , your author is very emotional lmao .

Anyway don't forget to vote&comment, Love you all 💚💚💚.


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