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It's been almost two weeks . Two weeks without hearing any news about Lucifer , two weeks without seeing his striking grey eyes , two weeks of crying my eyes out , hoping that one day I would see him again with his deep voice that makes me shiver in pleasure. But he's not here.

He's dead.

I decided to go to the cemetery, to visit him . I still didn't have the courage to go there in fear of breaking down . It's hard to see the only man that you truly ever loved leave you all alone . So I passed by the flower shop and bought him white flowers , just like the color he likes .


"I have a weird question to ask you ". I said as I sat beside him on the couch . He was working on his laptop, since he couldn't go to the company.

"Well angel , you can ask me but on one condition ". He smirked. I gulped, knowing that he would order me to do something I most likely would never do .

"A-and what is that?" I stuttered.

"You have to come sit on my lap and kiss me until I order you to stop ". His smirk grew even wider at my widened eyes .

"N-no it's just a stupid question anyway. Forget I even asked!" I scoffed . Not a second later , I was on his lap .

"I-I said I don't want to sit on your lap ! Why are you making me!" I asked frustrated with his actions, but deep down I loved it . He knew I loved it too.

"Because I love you cara mia". He said and I blushed. He always says those words only to make my whole face to turn like a red tomato.

"Aren't you going to kiss me , or should I make you?" He asked smirking.

"Fine!" I shouted before crashing my lips on his . He quickly responded as he pulled me closer , if it was even possible and forced his tongue inside of my mouth. I blushed at his gentle actions with me and broke the kiss slowly.

"So baby , ask away". He ordered, caressing my thigh with his large hand. I gulped before asking ." What's your favorite color?"

He laughed hard at my stupid question before answering. "I don't have a favorite color. Men like me don't ".

I rolled my eyes at his answer ." But if you would ever have a favorite color , what would it be ?"

"White ".

"Oh that's one of my favorite colors too . But why white in particular? Big guys like you only like black ". I mocked . He smiled before saying ." I like this color because it's just as pure as you".

Flashback over.

I felt myself suddenly crying at this memory that I never wished to end , and left the mansion, hoping that everything will be okay .

As soon as I arrived , I felt my heart beat ten times faster , but my legs managed to walk me to his grave . I looked at his name, engraved on the stone right above his head.
"Lucifer Delo Martini ".

I cried at the sight of it . This was just so fucking hard for me to accept.          " You said that you're going for a while and then come back ! Why did you lie to me huh? Why did you make me wait for you the whole night, hoping that you would show up and tell me that you love me ! I didn't say goodbye !Why did you have to leave me so soon in this dark world! WHY?!" I shouted as tears cascaded down my cheeks . This was too mich pain to handle . I was shouting like an idiot, trying to talk to him , but I knew that I was talking to no one. I have a great belief in god but now I feel helpless.

"Stai bene mia signora?" . A voice asked behind me , making gasp in shock . I placed my hand on my beating heart before wiping my tears in hope the stranger doesn't see my teary eyes . Turning back to the mysterious man , a gasp escapes my lips at the sight of him .

"You startled me for god's sake !"

"Chiedo scusa mia signora ". The voice said . The italian man was wearing a nice tailored suit with his head hidden by his nice matching black hat .

(I apologize my lady)

The stranger looked up and I gasped at who I saw . It was Vincenzo Martini, Lucifer's brother.

"Vini?" I asked , even though I already knew the answer.

"Si signora". He smiled . A genuine smile might I add .

"What are you doing here?" As far as I know , Vincenzo hated his brother.

"It's true that Lucifero is not my favorite type of persons , but I am still his brother. I am not that cold hearted after all". He said . I nodded in understanding because I know what it feels like to lose someone . It's true , he's still his brother.

I smiled at him before placing the white roses on his grave .

"Rest in peace il mio mondo". I said before doing the cross sign and leaving the cemetery, Vincenzo right beside me .

(My world)

"You're still hurt?" He asked. I looked at him in utter disbelief. How can he ask me this question ,when he knew that I can never love anyone as much as I love Lucifer ?

"Sorry, I think it's too soon to ask you this question ". He said as be scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"It's okay I guess . Are you staying in town?" I asked curiously.

"You're carina when you're curious ". He laughed.


"What does it mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh nothing at all . Yes I am staying in town for a couple of months. I want to have some peace after everything's that happened lately ". I nodded at his answer before turning to look at him one more time .

"I guess I have to leave now . I am glad that you're back to your loving self Vini". I smiled as he smiled back.

"Do you want a ride home?" He offered and I hesitated before nodding.


"Grazie". I said before getting out of his black USV .

"I like your Italian accent. Who helped you with it?" He asked .

"It's Lucifer ". I smiled at him . I noticed his jaw clenched as his hands formed into fists. I gulped at his sudden actions before saying my goodbyes . He placed a fake smile on his face before driving.

"I hope he's fine". I muttered .

But little did Kimberly know that this was just the beginning.

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