EPISODE 11{Edited}

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"Listen to me princess everything is okay we just have to-"

"NO! You listen to me here . I want to know everything ! I don't want you telling me lies anymore. " She shouted while poking my chest with her index finger.

"I will tell you everything later but now please go pack your bags." I said softly wrapping my arm around her waist but she pulled back and left the room crying.

I grabbed my hair in anger and screamed in frustration.

"Are you okay?" I asked her once I entered the room.

"I . Hate. You." She said through gritted teeth.

"I understand. "


Was I harsh on him?

No I wasn't! He deserved it .

"Kimberly I will tell you everything. I just didn't want to see your beautiful face sad and scared." He said and that made me stop my movements.

"I need to know now . I don't care if you're concerned about me or not."

He was about to reply, but got cut off by my phone ring. "Mother?" I said through the phone. Why was she calling me, it was definitely not the best time for a 'chitchat'.

"Honey you said you were going to come are you okay? Do you need me to come and pick you up ?" My mother asked worriedly.

"Mom I- Hey !!"

"Hello Mrs.O'Connor." Lucifer greeted once he took , more like snatched the phone from my hand .

"Who is it?" I heard the faint voice of my mom ask .

"I am your daughter's boyfriend " He said.

My jaw dropped at his statement.

My boyfriend huh?

"Give me my phone back!" I tried to snatch it away from him but I failed miserably.

"We will be on our way " He said and hung up before throwing the phone back to me.

"Why did you tell her that?" I shouted angrily.

"You want me to tell her ' Oh hi ma'am I am actually a murderer and your daughter's boss but now we both are in danger and we need to stay at your place for a while' does that sound good?" He asked smirking down at me.

"We are moving to your parents house for a week."


"My dear, you didn't tell me that you have a boyfriend, and here I was trying to set you up with Charles."  My mother said after greeting me and the bastard beside me .

"Who is Charles?" Lucifer looked hurt by my mother's statement.

"He is my bestfriend's son. He is a really charming guy, and he had loved my little Kimberly since he was a child." My mom said lovingly and then added "But now I am glad that a handsome young man like you, came to protect my baby. " My mom looked at us adoringly.

"Ma'am trust me, I will never leave your daughter's side."

"Where is dad?" I asked changing the subject.

"He is in the grocery store he should be back in a minute ." My mom said and as if on cue, the door opened to reveal my dad smiling at me .

"Darling ." My dad wrapped his arms around me, totally oblivious to the fact that Lucifer was standing beside me .

"Daddy I miss you."

"The only one who you're going to be calling daddy is me, on top of you " Lucifer whispered to my ear. I looked at him with wide eyes earning an evil smirk .

"Who is this young man?" My dad asked before I could even process what Lucifer just said .

"Lucifer Smith sir, pleasure to meet you ." Lucifer said a little bit nervous, as he shook my father's hand.

"And you are?"

" Y-your daughter's boyfriend sir. " He stuttered.


A guy full of tattoos,much intimidating than my father and definitely a guy that can kill with a snap of  fingers, is now looking like a little kid scared to death. 

"Well then ,we have a really long talk young man. " My dad said.

"No!  I mean no, he is really tired he should rest it's not necessary to talk to him dad." I started panicking.  He doesn't want to talk to my dad ! The last two guys he met didn't really make it alive, as they left me without  any explanation.

"Shall we?"

Half an hour later .

"Oh my god I hope Lucifer is fine there." I panicked looking at the office that hasn't been open for more than half an hour .

"You worry too much dear, everything's going to be okay." My mother reassuringly said while rubbing my back with her soft warm hand.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a laughing Dad, with Lucifer talking about something funny i suppose.

"Thank you Stephen Sir for the talk, I enjoyed it."

That sentence made me gasp. I was left speechless as my dad asked me "Are you okay my dear?" I nodded not able to speak .

"Show him your room darling." My mom said .

"Wait what do you mean? He is going to sleep in my room?"

"Yes he's your boyfriend . Don't tell me you were thinking about letting him sleep in the guests room?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"No, come on uhm baby" I said and litteraly ran the stairs without waiting for him .

"So this is my room."  I said opening my bedroom's door.

"Pink" He said looking around.


"Everything is pink in your room . How cliché. " He said with a faint smile.

"What do you mean? I love this color ." I said defensively.

"I love it . It looks cute just like you. " He confessed and a blush tainted my cheeks.

"I love it when you call me baby.  Say it more often. " He said and came closer to me .

"It was just an act " .

"We will see about that later baby yeah?"



HEYYY LOVELIES what do you think about this chapter???? I hope you like it as much as I do.

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