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This is it . This is the day I've been waiting since day one , even though I hated Lucifer at the beginning. They say there is a slight difference between hate and love and I guess they are right. They are always right but people are too stubborn to believe it right away .

'You were one of them you idiot! I kept telling you that but you were too stubborn to listen ' my conscience screamed at me .

"Okay Kimberly take a deep breath. Everything is going to be alright". I kept taking deep breaths as I started to feel a little bit dizzy.

"Can I come in?" A deep voice asked making me more nervous than before. Lucifer.

"No you can't! You know they say a groom can't see his bride before his wedding or we would be cursed. We don't want them we've been already cursed a couple of times before". I laughed sheepishly. I heard him sight behind the white wooden door .

"No mister you can't be here ! You have to go right now". I heard Natalie whisper to Lucifer . I can imagine Lucifer rolling his eyes at her antics .

"Let me just tell her something. I won't come in". He told Natalie and then came closer to the door .

"C-cara mia? ". He stuttered.

"Y-yes". God help me through this .

"I love you so much. You can't imagine how much because even I couldn't. I will protect you and cherish the ground you walk on just to see that cute smile on your face". I smiled as I heard those sweet words . Lucifer was never the one who talked those sweet and cliché things but everytime he did , I would feel like I'm on cloud nine . And that's where I want to be .

"L-Lucifer I have to tell you something. It was meant to be a surprise for after the wedding but I can't hold it anymore ". I stuttered. Jesus I never thought I would be saying such thing to him and especially not on my wedding day .

Here goes nothing. "I am one month pregnant ".

"WHAT?" Natalie shouted . "Why am I the last one to know about this ? You idiot you should've told me !" She kept her rambling and I still didn't hear Lucifer's voice .

"Lucifer are you mad about this ? If you want we can do something about that if you don't want to marry me anymore-". But I was cut off by cries. Wait what? Cries?

"Lucifer?" I repeatedly said his name .

"Cara mia". He cries.

"A-are you crying?" I asked concerned. God he sure want me to get rid of the baby right now . He surely hates my guts right n-

"This is the best thing I've ever heard in my life . Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth baby". He stated, his voice cracking at the end .
"Damn this fucking curse can't I just go in this fucking hell of a room and fuck her right this instant!" Lucifer shouted frustratingly at Natalie as I felt redness growing on my face.

"J-just go you're damaging my ears Lucifer ". Natalie said as I literally felt her pushing him with all her force to his room . After a minute she enters my room and came crushing me with her bone crushing hug .

"We are both pregnant now that's so cool!" She exclaimed. I laughed at her reaction before admiring myself in the mirror.

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would directly go and tell Lucifer and I didn't want to risk that . My parents only know about that and they are happy as hell . My mom wants me to name my babygirl Mia , but I doubt it's a girl and my dad wants Zack if it was a boy . I am not sure if Lucifer will like these names . I just hope so". I said placing my hand on my growing belly.

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