Author note (Help!)

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Good morning guys , so the purpose of this "author note" is to let you all know that this story is soon coming to an end , and I've been thinking a lot about how many chapters I should write more and I am just so confused! So yesterday, one of my supporters messaged me and told me that I should talk to ALL of my readers and ask about their opinions which I appreciate so much ,but apparently almost no one gives their opinion or comment.  So PLEASE this time you should all comment to let me know abour your OPINION.

I wanna know if I should write more or less than five to ten chapters . It's actually your decision guys so I know if I should add a lot more drama to the story or not .

And lastly I want to thank you all for 5K this is truly amazing you guys make me so happy and I never thought I would make it but here I am with 5k in hands lmao .

Have a good day guys and DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT on this author note !!!

Thank you again 💜


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