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"Wait , are you putting yourself in danger ? You're not going anywhere! I won't let you hurt yourself for me !" I shouted.

"Baby you should know that you are the only one , and I mean it the only one that can make me feel pain". He whispered before disappearing behind the doors.

"Is everything okay kim?" Luna asked me . When Lucifer left , I felt like something dangerous is going to happen. I knew right away that he was lying to me. He just didn't want me to get worried. But I knew better. I know him.

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine".I faked smiled.

"I probably should go, it's getting late". She said as she took her things ready to leave. "Do you wanna stay the night at my house?".

Stay with Luna and if anything happens, pack your bags and go with her.

Stay with Luna and if-

His voice kept repeating over and over for the millionth time. I don't know if I should go with her . I don't know if I can leave him . Because I don't want to. I know that we can make it together . I won't let him get through this all by himself!

"N-no thank you Luna , you can go . Please be careful on the road a-and if anything happens just call me okay?" I tell her hugging her lightly.

"A-are you sure you're okay? I mean I can stay " .She asked looking at me , worry evident in her face. "You look pale".

"Luna I'm fine just be careful " .

"Okay then bye". She said before hugging me one last time.

I started pacing the room as soon as she left. I didn't know what to do right now , but I surely didn't want my bestfriend to get involved in this.

As I was thinking, an idea , suddenly popped in my mind. I rushed to my room and dialed Lucas , Lucifer's friend's number .

"Ciao" A confused voice said through the phone .


"Shit , you're boss's girl . He is going to kill me if he knew that I'm talking to you". He said nervously.

"Please, I won't tell him anything I promise. I just need to ask you something. You're the only one that can help me right now. I found your number beside Lucifer's bed table."

"How can I help you my Queen ?" He asked.


"You're King's girl so that means that you are our Queen".

"Uhm I guess something happened tonight. Lucifer was so worried and angry and he , he wouldn't tell me what's going on" I said ignoring his last statement.

"Oh no ,I am sorry but I can't tell you. I swear he will directly shoot me ." He started rambling on and on about how his Boss would kill him if he knew about this.

"But I want to help him" I half yelled through the phone.

"No ! Don't! You will put yourself in danger. He was right not to tell you anything. Please ma'am stay in the house. It's safe this way and please don't do anything dangerous ". He said before hanging up.

"NO" I screamed but the call had already ended.

I paced back and forth in the living room , waiting for any new ideas to pop in. But nothing.

"Okay calm down Kimberly O'Connor nothing is going to happen. You're not alone . Mom and Dad are probably sleeping and you certainly don't want to worry them" I muttered to myself.

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